
Melvin Village Swingers in New_hampshire

Melvin Village Swingers

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Melvin Village, New_hampshire Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Melvin Village, New_hampshire so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Melvin Village Swingers right away!

Can bieng Mormon (LDS) and a Swinger co-exist? - - Every time I see this topic somewhere I wait until there are a number of replys and then put my $ 1.28.7 ( dollar three eighty seven ) into the pot. Religion is a means to control populations. Moral and ethics are dictated by religion and or organized religion first and then government... But lest we forget that organized religion was the government in the early days of the church.. Monogamy is the product of religion and government to make sure of heritage and property rights. BTW this is not simply a Christian practice but many religions do exactly the same thing.. Now, as for the Bible. The Bible is a collection of books and stories that were handed down by word of mouth and then laid down in writing in Sanskrit, and ancient Hebrew and then to a more modern form of Hebrew as well a Ancient Greek.. then a more modern version of Greek. These text were translated by the "Holy" Roman Church and transcribed for humanity and the masses control by monks under papal control. many of the Cannons of the Roman Catholic Church have been more or less adopted by the secular or temporal law, the law of the government. Some things need to be understood about the Bible. IT was written by men translated from dead languages or languages that had changed and it is entirely possible that it was manipulated for the purposes of the Church... So where does that put us.... We believe what we want to, what we have been programmed to or we modify that programming to allow for us to do what we feel we have a right to do. What we believe will allow us to still live a good life even if it is against the mores and ethics of the church and or the temporal laws. It kind of like going 70 in a 65 MPH zone... We feel we have a right, besides we'll probably not get caught and maybe we just want to see if we will get caught.. Doing things against ones religion is like that to some extent... Maybe God is watching Mary down the street. Maybe I don't believe that my church is right. Maybe heaven and hell are a fabrication of religion to keep us in line... Maybe God was invented by man to explain why things are what they are and why things happen the way they do... Do we have to reconcile our lives to religious "BELIEFS" or do we live our lives the best way we know. Harm no one if possible. Live life to the fullest, it's too short to play it too safe. Oh and before I forget, someone stated that they love their creator....Isn't that kind of like swinging.... He/She is not our mate. Oh and how about the old testament... All the wives of Solomon and David. How about Isaac... His wife gave him her hand maden and besides if you look at the text... he already had several concubines as did many other biblical figures.... I think maybe we could call them all swingers.....So beat this subject to the ground and in the end it's all up to what you WANT to BELIEVE.

Wishbones - - seems like every swingers club has had the same disscussion with different symbols. getting to the point where you can't wear any kind of jewelry with out being labeled something or other. how about something more club oreinted like a swingular necklace or bumpersticker. there will still be those who would rather be more descrete but something the club should consider. as far as the wishbone? we'll wait and see if it becomes a fad or not.

couples with kids - - We have 4 kids, 3 of which are under 3 years old. An 8 year old girl, 2 year old twin girls, and a one year old boy, so we totally understand the frustration that comes along with being loving parents and active swingers. To two worlds aren't always compatable. We have tried in vain to find a good sitter for all the kids, so most of the time we end up swinging when our oldest is off at a sleepover with a friend and the other babies are in bed. Today for instance, my wife and I had our girlfriend over for fun till 5:30 this morning and the kids got up an hour later!lol. So I am up with them taking care of the kids while the women sleep it off. Hard, but a small price to pay for a hot 3-some! Anyhow, as most swinging parents know....get it when you can, and if not....NO BIG DEAL. The kids needs come first. It's only sex after all. Just would like to say thanks to all the hot couples in Utah that have invited us to house parties etc. Some day we will get a sitter and get out of the house! I promise! ~A & J~

New Swingers Club in Utah - Gauging interest in new club - The swingers clubs we've gone to were in Phoenix before they closed them (showing our age here) or favorite was Guys and Dolls. They had a stripper pole, free pool tables, a shower area and a large hot tub. We weren't a fan of the hot tub but they keep it free of floating nasties. We went to Club Chameleon when guys and dolls was closed. They had multiple themed rooms (i.e. the dungeon with multiple bdsm accoutrement including a rack, the fish tank which was a room that was surrounded by clear fiberglass, and a large orgy room with a padded floor a lot of couches and porn playing through a projector) they also had multiple stripper pole a dance floor and free pool tables. The entrance was 35/couple, 25/single female and 65/single male. Idk why they got closed but the rumor for Guys and Dolls was that there were prostitutes that paid to enter and then propositioned sex for money. Finding a swingers club in state would be great. Being that we live in Box Elder County we'd probably be able to visit only every couple of months.

The New Neighbors Are Swingers - - Thanks for sharing.! Those are Amazing 😁

advice for non-city locations? - What do you do when you live away from major cities? - HOTTPACPL370, damn all these crazy settings! Actually, we haven\'t really used the internet for much at all. Instead we did the old fashioned method of going out to \"normal\" bars and meeting folks that way. It\'s a decent way to meet single women. We just figured trying the internet would be interesting since the folks on a site like this are already of a certain mind. At a normal bar you never know what you are going to meet or what their expectations are (like gals looking for a soul mate or husband or something). Of course, that can be part of the fun too! :D Maybe there are fewer single gals on the site because they can more easily get what they are after? It seems that meeting them is easier done in person, but meeting couples would be easier here. I don\'t have a problem talking to a single girl about what I\'d like (neither of us do), but asking a couple if they are swingers seems like dangerous territory with some people, who could get really offended. It\'s possible that we just don\'t know the couple dynamic very well, having only had singles (males or females) up till now. Maybe most folks wouldn\'t be annoyed or angry to be asked in person.

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - We dedicate this to men & women out there that are sacrificing and have sacrificed their lives to the U.S.A. and her citizens, for without those sacrifices, we wouldn't be relishing in the lifestyle. So as soldiers ourselves, we salute you highspeed sons of bitches out there who make this all possible. HOOAH! Sincerely, Don & Tami

Is this one of your rules? What is it? is it fear? or something - Does everyone feel this way? - CLASSY: Good topic! :) Neither Siren nor myself have set any specific rules about time parameters being met before we'll play with a couple, but as always with many things in life...our playing has it's dynamics and nuances, which are always evolving. So, to respond to a few of the questions you posed: Fear of STD's? Not specifically. Fear of thinking of ourselves as sluts? Absolutely not. Sometimes sluthood is fun! Fear of others thinking we are sluts? We don't and have never given a patoot about what others think of us. Values, morals? No way! We are "swingers" after all, and besides...we've both spent our time in an organized "forum" (former mormons), worrying about whether or not we were being "worthy" or if Jesus was happy with us; we're sooo done with that! Do we have to BBQ before we'll fuck someone? What's the point of that? Besides...sometimes through the interaction of a BBQ you realize, "I really don't wanna boink this person." If our kids have played together? Nah...children fall outside of the spectrum of the specific lifestyle. They're part of the social nature when we're not swinging with those that we have met during the course of our experiences. It's all good. Is random sex scary? Well, yes it is...or it CAN be...but especially if you don't practice wisdom and are not reasonable by indulging in indiscriminate sex with EVERYONE you come across. There are some seriously scary-ass people out there! This question is along the same lines as the first question of fear of STD's. Taboo? Well, hell...yes it is...and I believe that is part of the intrigue; part of the whole mind-game of swinging. Bottom line: Siren and I have been known to play on first dates, and we've been known to wait a long time, and as can be expected have had a grab-bag of results. We never carry an agenda or ulterior motives (expectations) when we socialize or meet people. We can draw no conclusion using the good vs. bad experiences and if they were a first-time play or not. We do, however, go with how we feel at any given moment and at any given event. You know...sometimes it just feels right and sometimes, the Mo-Jo is simply not there. ~J~

Rants and Raves. - Tell us your rant and rave for the week.... - swingers need to vent too, we can't all breathe through our ears....

LDS Survey Results - - [b]LDS Swingers Report[/b] [url=http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4436895/All%20Responses.pdf]Link to All Responses (PDF with graphics)[/url] [url=http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4436895/Yes%20Very%20Active.pdf]Link to results for those who replied "Yes, Very Active"[/url] [url=http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4436895/No%20Removed%20From%20Records.pdf]Link to results for those who replied "No, removed from records"[/url] Not too many surprises, but it is always interesting to me when there are couples who are still active believers. There were 10 responses who said they are still active and 39 who still believe but aren't active. This was a lot of fun for me, so perhaps I'll revise this and do it again in a few months. Feel free to send suggestions and interesting questions. There are a few things I would change if we were to do it again. For example, it would be nice to define what "sex" means or even what "porn" means. Also making all questions individual (not as couples) because some questions don't make sense as a couple. Who is taking this survey? [list]The Mr. (76/122) 62%[/list][list]The Mrs. (22/122) 18%[/list][list]Together (24/122) 19%[/list] Have you ever been married in the temple? [list]Yes (67/123) 54%[/list][list]No (56/123) 45%[/list] Are you still a believing member of the the LDS church? [list]Yes, very active (10/123) 8%[/list][list]Yes, not active (39/123) 31%[/list][list]No, still on the records (54/123) 43%[/list][list]No, removed from records (20/123) 16%[/list] How long have you been swinging? [list]Less than 1 year (12/123) 9%[/list][list]1-3 years (39/123) 31%[/list][list]3+ years (72/123) 58%[/list] Do you feel guilty after a swinging experience? [list]Yes (4/123) 3%[/list][list]No (100/123) 81%[/list][list]Not anymore (18/123) 14%[/list][list]Not sure- haven't actually participated (1/123) 0%[/list] Before getting married, how many people did you have sex with? [list]0 (35/123) 28%[/list][list]1 (8/123) 6%[/list][list]2-5 (34/123) 27%[/list][list]6-10 (17/123) 13%[/list][list]10+ (29/123) 23%[/list] After being married, how many people have you had sex with [list]1 (10/123) 8%[/list][list]2-5 (34/123) 27%[/list][list]6-10 (24/123) 19%[/list][list]10+ (55/123) 44%[/list] Check each of the following if they are true of you and/or your spouse: [list]We watch porn together regularly (41/112) 36%[/list][list]We have watched porn together but not very often (68/112) 60%[/list][list]We enjoy making our own porn (49/112) 43%[/list] Girl on Girl [list]Yes (91/118) 77%[/list][list]No (26/118) 22%[/list][list]N/A (1/118) 0%[/list] Guy on Guy [list]Yes (24/109) 22%[/list][list]No (82/109) 75%[/list][list]N/A (3/109) 2%[/list] Full/Soft swap [list]Yes (113/118) 95%[/list][list]No (5/118) 4%[/list][list]N/A (0/118) 0%[/list] Threesome (F-M-F) [list]Yes (80/113) 70%[/list][list]No (32/113) 28%[/list][list]N/A (1/113) 0%[/list] Threesome (M-F-M) [list]Yes (87/112) 77%[/list][list]No (23/112) 20%[/list][list]N/A (2/112) 1%[/list] Orgy [list]Yes (61/102) 59%[/list][list]No (39/102) 38%[/list][list]N/A (2/102) 1%[/list]

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