
Concord Swingers in New_hampshire

Concord Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Concord, NH, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Concord looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Concord, NH. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Concord, New_hampshire Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Concord, New_hampshire so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Concord Swingers right away!

Combining Lifestyle & Non-Lifestyle Friends - - Ah, good topic AC! We're happy to have met many people here that we now consider good close friends that we don't have to hide from when we see them at the mall while we're out with our kids. LoL! It's nice to find those who can be vanilla because our whole life isn't about swinging. So, yes, we have had success in blending swingers into our vanilla lifestyle and we hope to find more:) Joe & Debbi

Disabled Swingers - - The guy I moved to Vegas with had MD. In a wheelchair loss use of legs, now he couldn't walk......but the motha could fuck. Just saying, look for people who have your same qualities or interests and just start and friendship and go from there. Once they meet you and you guys hit it off, they should be able to look past that. If they can't you don't want em anyway. I've dated 3 guys in wheelchairs and I liked them because they never let me think they needed me for anything.Strong, independent and could pop wheelies. All pretty hot. :) Hope your search goes well.

can we swing and still not be in sin ? - - NPNUDISTCPLE thanks for your reply i do understand that some people have issues with god well , i don't !!! i might have issues with religion but never with god , in this thread i was looking to get info. from people that are swingers and believers in god and find no contradictions doing so , and find out witch religion they follow and how they practice swinging and so i only would like them to reply i do know some basics witch i shared with all here like the diff. with singles or couples of other religions , males only or females only rule but want to know more like is it from god or is it from religion if it is from religion witch one , if you don't know or don't want to know just skip this thread .

ADMIN: Survey Says - Site Updates for Priority - We completely agree about the mobile experience. Everything is mobile now. It would be nice if the groups on Swingular were more useful as it is a bit intimidating to try to replicate somewhere like FB. We would like to be able to message, view profiles, get notifications, etc. via a mobile app and not have to log in to the main swingular (not mobile page) to do much at all. Swingular is definitely the best gathering option for swingers in Utah, but I agree that the experience could drive users to other apps. J&H

Private Pics and Someone Likes You - what is the purpose. - This is a good topic and I have a few words to go with what has been said so far. For the most part, when the private pics was invented on this site (way back in early 2000), we wanted an easy way for people to add others so they could view them. Because we don't have a 'favorites' feature, people started using the 'add to friends' as a way to 'bookmark' who they thought were possibilities, etc... Thus people getting tons of 'Someone Likes You' messages without further response. I've done it plenty of times especially to build up a list of people I 'Liked' just from what I saw or read so if we ever had a private party, we could invite. Now, after personally realizing that this did not work the way I WANTED it to work and that they were actually two different functions, we've decided to create a new feature called 'Favorites.' Its basically a personal tagging system so you can tag who you think is 'hot' and who you may want to contact in the future. This allows you to keep two separate lists. One for actual friends, another for favorites. Also, because we have the custom photo albums now, you can choose to put your more risque stuff in an even more private folder and selectively add who you wish to view them. THIS IS AVAILABLE NOW. Just go to your photo albums page and click the CREATE NEW ALBUM link. So for those of you who are wondering why you get so many 'Someone Likes You' emails, it's not the fault of the person sending it but rather a missing function on the site. For those of you who get an additional email because you didn't reciprocate, don't look at it right off the bat that these are picture collectors, because there are a ton of people who are real swingers that know they can't hook up with someone '5' states away but can still make a friend and get their jollies from just chatting online and seeing pictures of each other. Who knows, maybe one day that trip will be worth it. With that said, I'm not saying how they approach you is right, no one should be mad or beg to see your private pics just because they allowed you to. I probably wouldn't want to respond back to someone like that either. So hopefully by adding a 'favorites' feature will help reduce some of that. Oh, I think someone mentioned something about the 'send a kiss' feature missing from Swingular as well. That used to be a feature here but it became a very hot topic just like this one and more members thought it was annoying than useful as they also got tons of kiss emails with no further response. So we removed it.

Crickets! - - [quote=Utahldscouple][quote=Ucouple]Damn....The forum is as dead as the economy. Take heart swingers, don’t lose faith. Human kind will prevail, Sex will prevail.[/quote]We thought the forums and the chat would have more activity. Instead everyone is too busy making memes and shopping for toilet paper.[/quote] Same I'm doing more cardio around my neighborhood in Bountiful and have gotten as far as Farmington on a good day to see maybe two other runners pass me. Before I used to pass couples, groups of seniors, and the occasional cougar pack. People have to be doing something at home instead of stressing.

Other activities? - Do you only meet swingers for sex? - Hmmm we chatted with a few friends and here is what we came up with of stuff we do with our lifestyle friends: Tutored a playmate thru a few classes in her Finance program (Females who are intellectually curious are so hot) Helped reroof a house Installed a new hot tub Hung new lights Install Windows Went to the Renfaire with Families Went to the water park as families Went car shopping Helped someone pick out a new house Counseled some folks thru a credit crunch Helped write a couple

Sturgis 2009 - - OK the knuckle saloon in sturgis, august 3rd at 7pm; so how do we know the swingers from the regular sturgis crowd?

(Utah) HOT AND WILD ORGY PARTY! - DESCRIPTION (Notice:) *Looking for Open Minded and a Discreet person / And I can message only on em - DESCRIPTION (Notice:) *Looking for Open Minded and a Discreet person, and I can message only on email. Thanks. Kindly email me for more question. By the way, I am Melissa 27 white. We are conducting an upcoming orgy party in this area? If you are looking for GROUP of FUN. Come and join us. Or Email me here at [email protected] ----- "Party Descriptions:" Cuddle Party is open to anyone 18 years or older. All ages, races, religions and LGBTQ community warmly welcomed. * Do you long for more touch, nurturing, or affection in your life? * Is it hard to find safe, non-sexual touch? * Are you ready to explore conscious connection, authentic consent, and empowered boundaries? Then a Cuddle Party is the place for you! Come and experience the abundance of love and nurturing touch that is available to you. This is a GREAT place for beginners! We are a recently established group of experienced and semi-experienced swingers who meet on a fairly regular basis at a number of locations in our member's area for group fun. It is a safe, comfortable and fun environment for all, You can be single, a couple or an existing group of swingers with experience or those new to the scene " It doesn't matter if you want to join in with a full sexual group experienced. Play as a couple or just watch you will still be welcome and all personal boundaries are respected at all times. Some of us are straight, some bi, and some bi-curious so whatever you fancy getting in touch and we will consider you for our next meeting. There’s no question about it ~ we all crave more touch. The body's bliss hormone, Oxytocin, is released by nurturing, welcome, consensual touch and is essential for the wellbeing of your body, your heart, and your spirit. Your nervous system, blood pressure, and emotional health all benefit from healthy, heart-full touch! Safe touch also enhances your ability to connect with and trust people, your capacity to respect and care for yourself, your creativity, and your sense of safety, comfort, and belonging. Infants who are deprived of touch fail to thrive, and we never outgrow that need. In today’s high-tech low-touch society, we especially crave the authentic connection, deep listening, and nurturing touch that we were born to receive. Though touch is natural, the skills that make it welcome and enjoyable sometimes need to be learned and practiced. Skills of communication, expressing boundaries, asking for what you want, and saying ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ with clarity and kindness. At a Cuddle Party you gain: * Clarity and confidence about your wants and needs * Boundary and communication skills * Comfort, support and encouragement * The secrets to welcome, relaxed, platonic touch * Satisfying your pleasure. WHAT TO EXPECT During the OPENING EVENT we have TOY SEX PARTY SHOWS! FREE BEVERAGES DRINKS AND FOODS. CONDOMS AND SEX TOYS. LOGISTICAL DETAILS Be sure to REGISTER in advance. There are a limited number of tickets (10) available. Confirmations with complete details and directions will be e-mailed out to those who register. (Please e-mail me BEFORE buying a Ticket) PLEASE BE ON TIME. Doors lock at 9:15 pm! Plan to arrive between 8:30-8:45 pm The opening Welcome Circle is for introductions and to go over the Agreements of the Cuddle Party. This is an important aspect of the Cuddle Party experience and creates a safe container for all participants. It is essential that everyone be on time. Once the Welcome Circle begins, no late arrivals can enter. WEAR your Costumes. (Costume is provided on the party. You need to ask, how to get it.) This will be a shoe-free environment, so please bring and wear socks if your feet get cold. Out of consideration for other participants, please be fresh and hygienic and DON’T WEAR any strong fragrances, colognes, or perfumes. *BRING your open heart, and be prepared for the open hearts of others! Optionally, consider bringing a pillow and blanket or any other soft fluff to enhance your snuggling experience. CANCELLATIONS AND REFUNDS *If you cannot make it, let me know immediately!! There may be a waiting list of people who really want to come! I can only fill extra spaces if you notify me in enough time. Out of kindness to other snugglers, please email me immediately if your plans change. * Refund up to 1 day in advance. * If you decide by the end of the Welcome Circle that it isn’t the right time/event for you, you may leave and receive a full refund. * If you are a no show, or arrive after the doors have closed, no refund. ------------ PS: YOU MUST NEED TO AGREE THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. ASK ME IF YOU WANT TO REVIEW IT.

Identifying Swingers! - Lots of talk and now some action! :) - I think it's cool. I would definelty wear it because I could give a fuck what people think. However, it's not as discrete as it should be, if you are targeting everyone in community. An innertwined couple is cool though. It is cool that you are taking the bull by the horns. -D-

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