
Antrim Swingers in New_hampshire

Antrim Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Antrim, NH, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Antrim looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Antrim, NH. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Antrim, New_hampshire Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Antrim, New_hampshire so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Antrim Swingers right away!

Pineapple Stickers - pineapple sticker = swingers? - Interesting. I have not heard of this, but this is definitely going to have me on the lookout. 😁

Your identity and security may be open. - access to profiles. - hey weguaranteeu where did the fat geek thread go?i wanted to reread it to see all your great spelling but i can not find the thread.did you delete it????????if some one changed your profile why have you left it there for all to see?you could have just as easily printed it or copied it to another page to save for evidence.hell you deleted your pictures.as i said before i do not know of any swinging site that want your ssn so grow up,take the lashing that you deserved for calling all male swingers fat geeks and move on.try to go to your happy place,take a chill pill and just relax. Phil

Disneyland swingers - - We were there this week. Just got back yesterday.

Swinger & 🦄 Bait - An experiment to attract swingers and unicorns. - Funny as hell. But remember, you have to use the right bait at the right time of year. Or you could just go basics...

Game for Swingers - Has anyone heard of a new game for lifestyle couples called Titillation? - We are looking for feedback from swingers who have played Titillation (www.titillationgame.com).

Swinging in Utah - What makes A Pretty Great State a great place to swing? - So I could be totally wrong about why I think Utah is right up there (at least considering our relatively modest population) with many places that are much more...well let's just say cosmopolitan. Thought an informal little poll would be fun to get some feedback as to why others think the lifestyle scene is so active here in Zion. 1) It's all the warm sunny weather and sexy, sandy beaches. 2) Something in the water...other than fluoride. 3) It's rebellion from the influence from the LDS church. 4) A younger population equals more hormones and horniness. 5) The high alcohol beer makes us lose our inhibitions quicker. 6) Utah is no different than any other place as far as the number of swingers, etc.. 7) It's so cold here we have to swing to stay warm. 8) We're wired for swinging because of our ancestors and their polygamy. 9) We grew up reading Prayboy and Repenthouse so we're just bundles of hormones waiting to burst! 10) The churches missionary program teaches us to share the gospel so we're all just trying to share the swinging gospel with others. 11) Because green jello is a natural aphrodisiac. 12) Because we're all curious as to what REALLY goes on behind those "Zion Curtains". 13) Because hottubs remind us of those nice warm baptismal fonts. 14) We're jealous of the polygamists who can have hard core swing parties without ever leaving home (and they are never sausage fests!). 15) It's a mutant virus spread by brine fly bites. So, here's your chance to let everyone know why YOU think we're all a bunch of horny little carrot snappers. [em]Emo_12[/em]

What are swingers really looking for ?Are they looking for frien - Has the happen to you. - Our experiences has shown that there are a lot of people on swinger sites that don't take the time to read the ENTIRE profile before writing. No matter how clearly you try to write up your profile there will ALWAYS be people that are so intent at sending messages out they don't take the time to read. One site we goto we have all our contact info in the profile and even put in the profile 3 times that we can't respond back since we are not paid members. We have lost count of how many times people don't read this even though it's clearly marked in the profile.

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - I love my 800 hp dodge ram cummings mmmmm

Evil's latest poll. Fellas, would you ever... - - [quote=CHEFFETTE][quote=EVILDOERS]Naw. Not tryin' to be the Soup...er Sex Nazi. Just wanted to try to understand where some of the attitudes about male bisexuality and swinging come from. I find it extremely interesting how much homophobia still exists in the world and how much exists in a community of people dedicated to sexual freedom. I find human nature fascinating and especially when that nature is something that is more or less taught rather than innate. [/quote]In the three months + I've been reading here all I can come up w/ to explain certain members' homophobia and continued, idiotic comments is this is a male-dominated swinger site and in my experience males feel more threatened by the potential they're perceived as something they don't want to be seen as; you'd think that w/ as much time as they spend w/ their own cock in their hand every single day they'd be less terrified of a cock belonging to another guy, but apparently they must declaim it at every turn or they'll go sterile/bald/teh gayz w/o even TRYING.[/quote] If I were from Maine, I'd say "Ahyup". As I told a girl a couple days back when we were talking about "Sexual Fluidity" by Lisa Diamond, when she said she'd heard that Diamond is working on a new study along the same lines, but on men instead of women, I doubted she'd find much there because, for whatever reason, society has a much more severe taboo against male-male sex than it does against female-female sex. The taboo against women with women was once nearly as strong, but since probably sometime in the '60s it has become much less so. And you're surrounded by society's attitudes, and they're pounded into your head from they day you're old enough to understand anything. And the stronger a taboo, and male-male sex is one of the strongest, the more unlikely it is that you'll get ever rid of it. Physically, sex is a matter of friction properly applied to the correct parts of the body, ultimately resulting in orgasm. So the sex of the person applying it, or to whom you're applying it, really shouldn't matter. But it does. I have absolutely zero homophobia. If I'm in bed with more than one person, and some guy's hand touches me someplace for a second I won't freak out or even care. I understand that I've been socialized into how I feel, and that if I'd grown up in, for example, ancient Greece, I wouldn't have been. I understand that the prohibition of male-male sex grew out of humanity needing to expand as quickly as possible in order to survive, and that the cultural attitudes which that created got written into religions as they developed. I know that there's absolutely no logical reason for it. I know that the "logical" arguments against homosexual sex are nonsense. Like "it isn't natural - you don't see homosexual animals." Bullshit. Yes you do, all the time. I have a hen who's always humping the other hens. She doesn't accomplish anything, but she does it. One of the animals that is genetically closest to humans, the Benobo, a type of chimpanzee, has sex all the time with members of its band (the true swingers of the animal world), male or female, doesn't matter. I know that physically, biologically, there's no reason sex with one sex shouldn't work as well as with the other. I have a really good friend who is a pre-op male to female transexual, and if she ever has the surgery, and becomes physically female below as well as above the waist, sure I'd have sex with her if she wanted to. And I have other friends who are lesbian or gay. And I even belong to and volunteer for HRC (Human Rights Council). I should be a prime candidate for bisexuality. But no, I would not suck someone's dick. Or want some guy sucking mine. Even though I understand that that feeling has been socialized into me, that it probably wasn't predetermined when I was born male, still it's there, and it is what it is. The more emphatically something is socialized into you as you grow up, the less likely it is that you'll ever break away from it, even if you do manage to get away from some of the other things you were "taught". And I think that, Evil is your answer. ~ Terry

Cupled MEN - Info - It's not just a Utah thing. But this site has it the most since couple v single males for a lot of us old time swingers we've learned to adapt to the changes screen all request piture or not and weed out the not real head gamers to where others still think its couples only hobby.

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