
Silverpeak Swingers in Nevada

Silverpeak Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Silverpeak, NV, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Silverpeak looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Silverpeak, NV. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Silverpeak, Nevada Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Silverpeak, Nevada so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Silverpeak Swingers right away!

Anyone else in or near Daybreak? - We know you are out there! - [quote=BMSHELL][quote=ITSNOTUS]Great idea! I have created a group. I called it Daybreak Swingers, but anyone near here can join. Just looking for people around here. :) Can't wait to meet our fun/sexy neighbors![/quote] If it's a "Swingular" group, you'll find it's not much use. People rarely visit that section of Swingular and all the groups are dead. [/quote]Not all...the Motorcycle group is still active. Not as active as it should be...but still worth checking in on. Just saying...BTW...we live next to Daybreak, as well!

what the f#%@ was he thinking? - swingers still deserve respect - We get those too, it ruins it for all those nice single men that really are respectful. When men like that IM us, we dont even give them a second thought, most of the time the feed off of the attention whether it is negative or posistive they really dont care as long as they get a response! My advice is just to simply ignore them, block them, do what you can to just not give them what they want! It is to bad that some people think that just cuz you are in this Lifestyle it means you will give it to anyone, at anytime and it simiply doesnt mean that at all........so we like sex more then most but it doesnt mean we are sluts, we still want respected. Good Luck!

Who is going to Younge swingers week HEDO? - anyone going? - You know we are, Shadow. Can't wait. I call dibs on blowing a raspberry on J's naked ass.

Another Swingers Show on TV - - It is ch. 261 on DirecTV. there are two episodes airing on Saturday the 21st, one and 7pm, the other following at 8pm.

Only 12 couples within 100 miles on our search - Just using the search criterion of :non smoking, slim or athletic, 35-55, couples, soft swap yes, st - Just to make sure the point has been made. [quote]RESULTS: Of 8971 consultations, 12% comprised swingers (median age 43 years, IQR 38-48). Overall, STI prevalence was highest in youth, men who have sex with men (MSM) and swingers. Older swingers had a CT prevalence of 10% and an NG prevalence of 4%. The share in STI diagnoses in the older age group (>45 years) comprised 55% for swingers and 31% for MSM. CONCLUSIONS: Swingers comprise a substantial proportion of STI consultations. They are a mainly older age group and form an important part of STI diagnoses. While other risk groups for STI, such as young heterosexuals and MSM, are systematically identified at STI healthcare facilities and provided with appropriate services, this is generally not the case for swingers. Swingers, like other groups with risk behaviours, need to be identified and treated as a risk group in STI prevention and care.[/quote] So that means OLDER swingers such as yourselves have a higher risk of sti then bi or gay men. A gay or bi man is more likely to protect him self then a older straight man and woman but they still engage in anal and oral sex just the same. All swinging and adventure life styles are risky not just bi-men/women.

Has swinging changed? - - We know there are always a lot of noobs so this might not be the best question for them but for those of you who've been doing this a while, has the lifestyle changed? If so, in what way and has it changed for the better? We started swinging MANY years ago. In fact we were still in college! Now we've never been really hard core swingers and have taken many breaks over the years...sometimes for years; when we've had other stuff going on in our lives and/or we needed time for ourselves. But we've seen some fairly drastic shifts in the whole vibe in the lifestyle especially the past 5 years or so and wondered if anyone else has noticed this?

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - If I ever hit a huge Lotto I would for sure get a BUGATTI VEYRON ~ now that is bad ass and yours for a coooooooool Ooooooooooneeeeeee Miiiiiiilllllllliiiiooooooon Dollar$$$$$$$$

Singles who are married and cheating - - JenandBrandon: Spot on! If you can't discuss this with your spouse, 1 Don't do it! or 2 End it and move on! Don't drag them down into the gutter of lies deceit and broken trust. Blueeysinutah: You are honest, and discrete. You're right your kids don't need to see this. But the fact that you are honest with your husband, whether he agrees with you or not (as you are separated and seeking dissolution of your marriage) shows the kind of integrity, so quickly evaporating from our larger society, that is to be commended. T4REAL69: If you mean to imply that having open sexual relations with others means that as swingers we have no right to define any morals, there are plenty of places in which you may live in your sainted paradise. In our experience the greatest thing we have found among REAL swingers is integrity. This is one of the greatest and most anciently recognized virtues. Without that societies based on social contract of any kind will revert to total lawless brutality. The concept of "The Rule of Law" is a social contract, and has no hold where integrity is absent. As for our part, we do take self proclaimed singles at their word with the honor system. We appreciate the honesty of those who do tell us about their situation, and decline any opportunities to play with them, as we don't need any of that kind of drama (buckshot anyone?) Even for those who are in the lifestyle and have a "hall pass" we will make a best effort to confirm with all parties that it is ok before we do any play. We do not feel it our place to "out" anyone whom we have discovered as a cheater, as this is something between them, with whomever they are espoused, and with whomever they are involved. If push comes to shove, we will however not hesitate to "throw them under the bus."

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - Quite the response.

Another Swingers Show on TV - - Channel 222 on Comcast?Xfinity 8pm this Sat.

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