
Minden Swingers in Nevada

Minden Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Minden, NV, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Minden looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Minden, NV. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Minden, Nevada Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Minden, Nevada so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Minden Swingers right away!

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - I would be interested in this. I hope be part of group!!! Thanks

Scuba, Nude Beaches, Swingers - Scuba, Nude Beaches, Swingers - we're headed to Jamaica to scuba and sunbath on the nude beach in Montego Bay. Can't wait. CB & KB

sh*t swingers say - to preach to the choir - Guilty as charged! Lol.

swingers parties - - Yeah a swingers club is not much place to go stag. Not many people go there lookin for a dude. You can find one at the gas station. But if you were to find a couple that was lookin to go out there are places that you can be escorted into. Send some emails make some contacts. You are close enough to Ft Lauderdale Miami Tampa and all the small stuff inbetween there are plenty of clubs throughout.

Secret Swingers Club Ogden, UT - Clubs - We are going to unspoken tomorrow night. Anyone else going?

The Black Ring - How to spot a swinger - LOL We've been doing this for a LONG time and it cracks us the fuck up to see these frequent "ways to tell if someone is a swinger". We've heard everything from a white rock in their front yard to an upside down pineapple in their grocery cart. Even stuff like wearing an ankle bracelet on a particular ankle or a single earring in a particular ear. Bottom line is, in this world of almost instantaneous and pervasive communication even if there WAS a ubiquitous symbol of swinging acceptance almost nobody would display it as they would quickly be outed to people they might not want to know about their little hobby. We've gone to conventions and hotel takeovers many times in the past and it usually took about a day for any vanillas nearby to learn what the wristbands mean and start gawking (or even trying to sneak in) and for the swingers to start hiding them under watches and bracelets or removing them entirely so as not to be identified. Another swingsite we're on even started a new smartphone app using GPS that alerts you if there is another swinger nearby. Almost nobody uses it in fear of somehow being ID'd as a swinger.

Young swingers party - sold out, who still wants to party ? - We'd like to volunteer our luxurious Bountiful Bench sex palace. Unfortunately due to our advanced age we'll need to hold the party sandwiched in between the Early Bird Special at Chuck-A-Rama and the start of the Lawrence Welk Champagne Bubbles marathon on Netflix...and of course bedtime immediately after that. The entire property is handicap accessible with Jazzy ramps, hand rails in the bathrooms by the commodes and showers and orthopedic mattresses and Clappers in each orgy pit. We have a fully stocked bar that serves a variety of delicious Metamucil based alcoholic beverages, and Viagra plumbed into all drinking water as well as a high tech quadrophonic sound system with the latest Big Band sounds (turned up REALLY loud so everybody can hear it) and even a few of those rock and roll songs by some young fellow named Elvis. We have pornographic films playing on several projectors located throughout the house and one room equipped with the latest Betamax videotape playing device. That's BetaMAX not BAYMAX for you kiddies. Wait 'till you see Park City's realtor extraordinaire and big dick dealmaker Harry Reems (Zeus rest his soul) banging the bejeezus out of Utah's own formerly sweet little Mormon girl Annette Haven. Car (or Jazzy) keys go into the fish bowl at 6pm SHARP and we have extra reading glasses for the lovely ladies to make sure they don't pick their hubby's keys.

Utahns, Do you think that you will see... - - [quote=FREANCY69]why not if a man can have two or three wives then a woman could have multiple husbands make it fair unfortunately polygamy is more about control than pleasure and love [/quote] Sorry, I can't just let that that one pass without shouting WRONG!!! to everything after "unfortunately." Saying something like that is a lot like saying all swingers are completely immoral and irresponsible. Just like anything else in life, including swinging, it depends on the people doing it. And, again like everything else, the bad ones, like the FLDS, get all the publicity, so a lot of people who don't know better, through knowing poly families, think it's all like that. ~ Terry

We thought this was educational and should explain a lot about s - keep an open mind. Swingers are spiders. Each to their own unique ways! - Was very funny.

Camper talk - Swing parties in campers have you done it - [quote=DRAGONPUPS]We regularly camp with other swingers. RVs are always rocking at night. Word of caution, don't put 4 active people on one end of a pop-up trailer; it doesn't end well. :) Needless to say, we have a full-size RV now.[/quote] Yea I wouldn’t imagine it would that’s why we brought a class A with hydraulic jacks

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