
Virginia Swingers in Nebraska

Virginia Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Virginia, NE, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Virginia looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Virginia, NE. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

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The Hunt Club of Brevard is in the news - And I thought Utah was a news hog - this subject opens a can of worms.... there is alot of heated discussions... but this is by far a favorite of mine... basically in a nut shell .. like the popos stated there wasnt anything illegal going on... just a bunch of snooty neighbors thumbing their noses because they feel they can...just because "Swinging" isnt socially accepted as of yet... i state that because of the fact as society changes and evolves more widely things are accepted... now in some states they legally recognise gay and lesbian unions, marriage as lawfull comitments as hetrosexual unions and marriages and both spouses are entitled to benifits as male female marriages so its going to be interesting to see what evolves the next 10 years.... like ive said before... who is to say what is normal and acceptable as a society... all we have is learned values and been told what is right and what is wrong... what if for the last 2000 some odd years someont told us that multiple sex partners while in comitted relationships and or marriages is normal and acceptable.. thus people would now have houses where like minded people whom only wanted to have sexual relations with their spouse would go to have fun... and indulge in what would be considered their life style and swingers might be protesting them... so who is to say what is normal and acceptable..... some pompus un informed tight spinchered duff some 2000 years ago and people started believing him and followed suit..... not to ruffle feathers but for over a century F-LDS has belived in poligamy (a whole diferent subject) but they had a good start on passing beliefs down through generations.. but when they allegedly involved minors they broke laws set forth by our forefathers and thus brought into light their beliefs... but thats a interesting mixture of church and state.. church's beliefs vs what the state says is the law....whole new subject but back on topic.... id love to open a club here for one i dont like my fuggin neighbors... and two... its intriuging... those who know us know what i mean when i say that... im working on a play room at work... that has alot of things too big for most peoples houses... but then again a new topic... but the hold up on a club here locally i dont feel there is adequate support in this area... alot of ppls in this area arent as open as sara and i... we cant get fired or ridiculed at work... then again those who know us will laugh at that one... but back one last time to the topic at hand... we need more places to open their doors to groups of like minded people to get together and have fun and not be pushed around by snooty neighbors so people realize "OUR" groups are here to stay and will be soon accepted in societys mainstream..... and be whats considered as the "NEW NORMAL"... a far cry n a hopefull wish... but as accepted ya itll happen as enough people come to light. and as a new normal maby in a few thousand years... cool... dennis and sara

Swingers dying out? - Is the utah swinger community dying or becoming to needy? - I think the fact that the site hasn't offered lifetime membership specials for so long has really impacted people's ability to connect with newer couples. They come and go too quickly to really follow people, and only the older couples are here to stay, and they often already have their close friends and might not reach out as often. The monthly fee is just too steep for what you get here considering the current level of activity. Those who are lifetime members don't have to worry about losing connections when the don't pay the bill, but they grow tired of connecting with others only to see them disappear from the site for non-payment. I say bring back the lifetime memberships and treat this site like what it is: a social network that benefits from more members and activity.

New Swingers Club in Utah - Gauging interest in new club - The idea of a club sounds intriguing but for couples like us, who are only interested in single males, I'm not sure if a club would offer what we are looking for. They seem to be more centered around couples and single females.

network swingers - - We cant wait!..should have a "Swingtown" party instead of an "American Idol" party..lmao

Evil's latest poll. Fellas, would you ever... - - [quote=EVILDOERS][quote=EVILDOERS][quote=POUNDCAKE]ditto that. I would sooner lick diamonds out of a tigers ass.[/quote] Yeah? Hmmmm I'm as hetero as the next guy but I think dick would HAVE to taste better than tiger shit. But then I don't really like poop in my mouth. And for KRAZYGIRL...yeah chicks do it for me too...and guys don't. Just kinda tryin' to make a point about how silly it is for some of us to be so afraid of another guy's dick when as swingers we're supposedly sexual libertines. I actually posted this as a poll on another older and much bigger swing site. The responses (all anonymous...hint, hint Swingular!) have been extremely interesting. [/quote][/quote] I kind of thought to each their own was the point. I wish I had followed my gut and not responded to your post. I will not make that mistake again. I certainly won't be apologetic for a sexual preference. Nobody should be. With the comments I have read about homophobia I am pretty certain some people don't even know what the definition is.

Any Swingers out there? Golf swingers that is... - - [quote=CPLWHOSHARE]I (male side) plays but she is always willing to drive the cart and coo words of encouragement. We do both play tennis though but fun in the sun on the links can be fun as well.[/quote] My mrs will drive as well. She wants to learn to play, but hasn't had much time yet. I like to get out and play for the enjoyment, bogey-double bogey golfer, but it's fun.

Nature at it's Finest - All Things Earth -


Baseball and golfball-sized hail. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZr8jXo1Uso

-Don- "Ich habe einen kleinen Vogel in meinem Kopf."

Note: Best if viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7

Swingers dying out? - Is the utah swinger community dying or becoming to needy? - We agreed... swinging has greatly slowed down in the last few years, and it can still be fun, but not as fun and open minded as it used to be, We can see the point on the opening statement, and it you had been into swinging for longer of 5 years you need to admit the scene has changed, the events are more center on the money and getting more pricey over time, and it's not about the money to us and some comment we read that "if $30 to $50 is too much you have bigger problems" it s not the money but the value of the experience. We go on business to Vegas every other weekend and take the time and advantage of the opportunities there we spend 10 to 20 times the money we would spend here in Utah but it's worth it, i bet the events organizers here are great... all we are saying it's not like it use to be a few years back we miss those times...

Las Vegas - Las Vegas - We haven't been, but do have a weekend planned the first of May... Did extensive research on Red Rooster and Green Door... and they both look gross. Really gross. (Like, worn down, 70s style venue where you could probably get an STD from sitting on a chair). Wife saw the pictures, read the reviews, and refuses to go anywhere near them. Swingers Circle looks more like a scam to me than a swingers club -- and after reading the reviews, I'm kind of disappointed that Swingular even allows them to advertise here. Couples Oasis and New Temptations are the two we intend to investigate when we arrive... but honestly, they're our backup plan if we can't find a fun couple to hit it off with, instead.

Then there's this. - Enjoy! - [quote=Sm435]There is no argument nor debate. Sorry for you mask protagonists, but you lost. There are mandates all over the country and we still keep pumping out huge numbers of new cases every single day. The only thing this mask mandate ever did was enable people to feel empowered and place blame in others. We are all fighting the same virus, all of us, but people who buy in and think they are better or smarter than others take this as a way to point fingers. You posted a news story that labeled every swinger at that a party as a SPREADER and the party it’s self as a SUPERSPREADER event. This is 100% backed up by facts that includes testing everyone at the party for covid, finding some with advanced cases that cause almost everyone else to leave that party with covid right? Or in reality they busted a swingers party and have no real fact that covid was involved in any way. This is called non-factual news. Reposting non factual news, and labeling people who decide to go out and live as “spreaders” is the same VERY POOR TASTE as labeling all the homeless people in Pioneer Park as HIV STD needle junkies. You have facts to back that up to right? Or again, you’re throwing labels on people you feel are less than you and don’t fit nor follow your views. I’m sorry but those people living in the park are people too. We love swinging because we love people. New faces, old faces, all of them. We have dear friends in the lifestyle we do NOT share the same views on politics nor covid. But when you sit down and hang out you find that we are all so similar. We wanna live happily, feel safe, and have a little fun when we can. What the world needs right now is love and compassion, not finger pointing and blame. How about we all make a deal on this forum to only post when we have something positive to say about someone else, or something fun and exciting we want to try or do. When we have an urge to repost or comment on something negative we put the phone down, take a deep breath, and put that energy towards something positive like pleasing our spouse or sending a lifestyle friend a compliment and let all the negative shit get buried under the positive![/quote] 👏👏👏 I love it when somebody says what I'm thinking!

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