
Miller Swingers in Nebraska

Miller Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Miller, NE, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Miller looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Miller, NE. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Miller, Nebraska Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Miller, Nebraska so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Miller Swingers right away!

That little nudge many of us need - - [quote=PARTYINLV]We think honesty is the best way to be. If she found out about the meeting without her knowledge, your tryst into the lifestyle may be over. Plus, she might feel the pressure to play at some point anyway. Also, she will always wonder if the next meeting is arranged without her knowledge. Evildoers is correct in meeting with zero chance of playtime. Take their advice. She will feel more relaxed and could enjoy herself with the pressure off. We will take it a step further: Step 1: Set up a date with ZERO playtime opportunity and let the other couple know that. Do something fun (a hike, Topgolf, etc) and get to know them. At the conclusion of the date, let them know that if they do not receive a message from YOU within 24 hours, you don't feel you are a match. Step 2: If you send a message to meet again, let them know your intent and your boundaries. For example, (kissing ok), (fondling ok), (bi kissing ok), (same room, separate room, either room ok), (nudity ok or not). But, speak honestly with each other about this. It's not nice to lead people on after you have committed. At the conclusion of the date, let them know that if they do not receive a message from YOU within 24 hours, you are not ready to go further. Step 3: If you send a message to meet again, let them know what is acceptable. For example (full swap or soft swap), (same room, separate rooms or either ok), (kissing or no kissing), (bi play) etc. Again, you will have to be honest with yourselves if you can do this. By a third date, the other couple has invested a lot of time in you. So, be nice and don't lead them on. Enjoy the playtime. Save enough time for the afterglow sex with them relaxing, chatting, and laughing. By this point, you may have found a couple that you can see multiple times. Doing vanilla activities with them might be a bonus. They may even introduce you to their lifestyle friends too. The other option is attending a house party where play is not expected. You will be able to speak to several couple and perhaps, use the process above. Or you can play that night. When we entered the lifestyle, we never had that couple who could mentor us. After we considered ourselves as no longer newbies, we became the newbie "whisperers" to offer what we never had. However, we've gotten away from newbies since our circle is with experienced swingers now. But with covid, we would date newbies again.[/quote] Sounds like an excellent plan to avoid those one and done awkward meet ups👍

Game ON....which sign is Hornier...(is that a word?) - zodiac signs of swingers? - K is an Aries B is a Gemini. Gemini's do it better. And we have the ability to lead double lives! ;) ;) ;)

Swingers unnerve families at hotel - - The 15 year old boy who saw the diamond-studded thong is either lying or the world\'s biggest nerd. He was \"upset\" at seeing that! Sure, right buddy. Uh, I was a 15-yr old boy once - seeing that would have \"upset\" me too - until I found a place to beat off or my girlfriend! While I don\'t condone the kids seeing what they saw, to say they will be scarred for life is a bit of a stretch. Undoubtedly though, in our litiginous society, they will be scarred until the cash settlement from the hotel chain is received by their parents.

Vegas! - - [quote=titforatat]We went to Whispers in December. It was amazing. We thinks it’s the best swingers place in Vegas.[/quote] In our humble opinion, it is without question,the best swingers club in Vegas. Since we live in Vegas, we have had opportunities to check out a few.

"Not interested" replies - - It is more common than one thinks... Not responding to a note/email/whatever one wants to call the message one sends from a site to the site... It\'s a bloody shame that people are so rude.. As for the kiss thing...I think people see a profile and want to show it to their SO so they earmark it with a kiss or add people to their friends list. It\'s the only tool one has to tag the couple and easily get back to that profile.. Sometimes people forget how to uses all the tools and then after a day or two they forget who you were and how to find you then another time they are looking and say Oh theres a nice couple lets send a kiss or add them to our friends list.....After a dozen sites similar I think that people may also be a bit shy too.. What do I day to Mary and Phill, he\'s a doctor and has a TV show and I thought he didn\'t like swingers.... I think I\'ll just call and save money on my car insurance ...I\'ll call Gieco... Just a thought... but people spend money to get on a site and can\'t write a note.. They may do fine face to face but to write a note ...... No way....My theory... What\'s yours? A subject for Lenord Nemoy\'s show \"Unsolved Mysteries\".... Which stretches from the inner mind to the outer extremedies.... you have entered the swinger zone.....

Rules - - This is not merely an issue on Swingular, but is a mind-set that we have encountered on every site we have belonged to, in every geographical area, and at many parties. Seemingly the single ladies get the accolades, while their counterparts, the dreaded single males, get the proverbial foot in the ass. Is it fair? We don't think so. However, it is what it is, and not likely to change soon. I'm sure that everyone has an opinion as to why this occurs (opinion/assholes being synonymous; everyone has one). Here are a few of our thoughts.... Perhaps one could say that this disparity is due to the fact that most couples are searching for females...either single or part of a couple? This is only PARTIALLY true as there are many swingers that are not looking for singles of either gender. Many couples are, in fact, only looking only for other couples to share friendship and intimacy. Perhaps the old adage "Men are a dime a dozen", comes into play? Well...one has to admit that yes...us guys really are rather numerous. Regardless of being within the Lifestyle or out....you can always find a guy, willing to hump your wife. Go to any vanilla event to find that out. Many might say that all single guys are pushy ass-wads, that lack the intelligence, class, or sophistication to show respect and patience towards a couple that's willing to share intimacy with them. Again, not totally true. We have met many polite, kind and respectful single men. We have also had numerous run-ins with females...both single and married, that have been just as crass, obnoxious and presumptuous as the most obnoxious single guy anyone could imagine. We like to call them the Bi-Nazi's: you know...the "it's-all-about-the-women" types. This brings me to yet another mentionable. There is also an unspoken "assumption", that just because any individual of the female persuasion is involved in swinging...she's automatically "bi-curious", "bi-sexual", or "just doesn't know that she wants to be yet". The obvious outcome of this mind-set is that unwanted advances, groping and attention comes towards the females/couples that are not looking for this type of interaction. Ironically, the same advances made by a male, married or single...would be dealt with severely in most cases. However...with the ladies...many consider it "appropriate", if not expected. Do you see the double-standard? Somewhat hypocritical I would say. Many get so caught up in stereotyping, and outcomes having to look a certain way, they are quick to assign social roles to various members of our Lifestyle. In the process, they forget objectiveness, compassion, and open-mindedness. Isn't that what we, as swingers pride ourselves on, "open-mindedness", and being "out of the box"? Ok..since sweeping swinger social changes (wow, say that fast three times...haha), are not likely to happen...Siren and I elect to manage what we know we can, and that's ourselves. We never expect anyone or anything to be anything but themselves, and let their actions and behaviors be the ultimate factor as to how we interact with them, regardless of marital status, gender, or seeking preferences. J

Why are there so many swingers from Utah? - - personally, we believe that it has something to do with how conservative this state is. it is our belief that ultra-conservative enviroments result in built up tension that is then released in a more risque manner. i think you would find similar type issues in a highly catholic area or the bible belt, etc. but we consider ourselves lucky. you just never know when that hot little mormon girl is going to decide to live out some fantasies. we have been on the receiving end of a few of those and hopefully will with a few more.

questions,thoughts, opinions, - Cousins, or family at parties together? - Lol so it sounds like we all need to have a swingers family reunion and instead of swapping wives we all swap, families. Lol

Black Ring, Right Hand - How to tell if someone's a swinger - [quote=TMACA]The thing is, even though people in the vanilla world may know about something like black rings on the right hand, they probably won't notice it, especially with all the people wearing multiple rings nowadays. Most people just aren't all that observant. On the other hand, swingers who know about it will probably look for them. And if someone who doesn't also have one on asks you what's with the black ring, you can just say,"I like it." And if they then say "Did you know that it can mean ....?", you can say something like "Why do you think that?", or "Where'd you hear that?", which can lead to them saying they swing, or let you get out of the conversation without admitting anything yourself.~ Terry[/quote] That may be true up to a point but think about what other cues you see when you see an attractive couple and wonder if they're swingers. Dress a little sexier than normal, act a little flirtier or maybe dance a little dirtier (if they're at a club), are constantly looking around checking out other people. That doesn't happen in the vanilla world. Most guys would at very least get an elbow to the gut if their lady caught them openly checking out an attractive girl. In swinging, the lady will often check out the attractive girl right along with her husband. I still think that the majority of swingers wouldn't wear the rings even if they became "a thing". As someone mentioned this isn't a new concept. People have been talking about ways to make it easier to identify other swingers when out and about almost since the day we started swinging decades ago. On another swing site we're on they even made a mobile app that people could put on their smart phones that would alert them if another swinger was nearby and also had the app turned on. If the app showed (by GPS) another swinger near you you could send them a text. It was a colossal failure to say the least. I know there are definitely a small percentage of swingers who would wear black rings and/or use an app but the majority would likely not due to fear of discovery. Why do you think many or most profiles have face pics only in the locked sections and mention discretion so ubiquitously? Especially here in Utah where the prevailing religion has such strict morality codes, many people would rightly be afraid of losing their jobs and social standing if discovered. JMO

What romantic plans do you have for your sweetheart for Valentin - - 1) Dinner, candlelight, Deadpool. 2) Bah humbug! Totally contrived "Hallmark" holiday I refuse to participate in. 3) HUGE gang bang with lots of TVP, DVDA,...and commemorative buttons and t-shirts. 4) I'll be lucky if I get anything more than my own hand and a cheesy porno. 5) Imma get on Tinder and get all romantic on someone's ass! Or alternatively totally stalk them. 6) Gonna watch Sleepless In Seattle over and over again while eating my way through the entire Ben & Jerry's product line. 7) A game of nekkid "Postoffice" with 40 or 50 of our closest friends. 8) See how many oiled up swingers we can fit in our hot tub then put all our car keys in a fish bowl. 9) We'll spend it alone romantically telling each other what we don't like about each other. 10) Not sure but it will definitely involve a couple of ferrets, handcuffs, a pint of sour cream, two solar sidewalk lights, a 12 volt marine battery, a box of Swiffer refills and a used pogo stick. Oh, and glitter...LOTS of glitter! 11) Insert lame "heart on" pun here. 12) My sweetie is dressing up like Honest Abe and I'm gonna be George Washington. We're gonna do some old school cockousing!

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