
Hickman Swingers in Nebraska

Hickman Swingers

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Pineapples and black rings and flamingos, oh my! - - [quote=Wearereal]I want a mask like that[/quote] Sorry, but I'm afraid that they're ONLY available to hardcore swingers who can provide proof (notarized!) of their utter debauchery and pervertedness. If you're willing to be vetted, HARD, you may qualify to wear one of these handy sex magnets in public. ;-)

Am I hot or not.... - - :s Another SM looking for attention. What is this site coming to? I have not had a problem with the overly generous tolerance of SMs on this site, but lately it seems like SMs are getting out of control. If you have ever been to a nice swinger club in Florida, you will see the difference between Friday (SMs welcome) and Saturday nights (couples only). The reason: the SM "Towel Sharks" circle around the play areas looking to watch couples and maybe even get some for themselves. Sometimes the SMs get so aggressive with the couples, it often creates conflicts and drives couples away. On this site we are all supposed to be nice to the SMs and not bash them. I understand the need to be civil and respectful to everybody. I also know many of the couples here enjoy hooking up with SMs (we are guilty of that multiple times ourselves). Of course, many SMs are nice guys who lay low and don't cause problems. Having said that... This post, the Mr. "Save-A-Life" post, and all the other stupid SM "Look at ME" posts, are really screwing this site up. In our book (and probably the majority of other reasonable people's opinions) SWINGERS are "couples" looking for other "couples". Sure swinger couples often look for a single to join, but its usually a female (highly prized) and not a male (over supply). SMs are not swingers. They are looking for some poontang and all too often they assume that swingers have loose women to share with them. Come on guys... get your own girl and THEN join the party. Hanging around here, perving on pics, and hoping for some strange, does not make you a SWINGER! With an over-supply of SMs, they have to resort to aggressive self-promotion in order to get noticed. This silly thread here is another example of that. Come on people. Its time to stop "feeding the cats".

We like to date couples, anyone wanna play? - FWB??? - We are still searching for this as well.. we're more poly than swingers though... if any couples are interested we'd love to chat with you both.

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - Mmmmm...love it! Now I want to try DVP! DP was an amazing orgasm so I can only imagine what DVP would hold in store ;) Kisses, Naugh-Ty

Empty Nester Lifestyle Group - Like Minded Empty Nesters Activities Group - [quote=Nakkidfun]Hi everyone – we had a tremendous response to this concept with over 40 couples asking to participate. However, once we started posting events we had little to no responses or sign-ups. Given this, we are closing the meetup.com group down. Talk to you in the forums or on Kik![/quote] I know, right? It's almost like a lot of swingers might actually end up being sorta flakey. We can't decide if they're just tire kickers, always on the lookout for the BBD (bigger better deal) but want to have fall-back plans in case their first choice for some reason doesn't work out or if they're really just wannabes who are turned on and titillated by the notion of ALMOST meeting people and/or almost sorta MAYBE thinking about getting naked with other people but too chicken to actually do something. [em]Emo_49[/em] [img]https://memegenerator.net/img/instances/61152555.jpg[/img]

Then there's this. - Enjoy! - OMG. A bunch of ACTIVE swingers had an Orgy. Scientific FACT covid has been around more than a year now. Do you know how many ACTIVE swingers have had it that use this forum? They likely all already had it. Sooner or later society is gonna have to realize there are people on the other side. Either that or we live the rest of our lives at home, behind a mask, worried about “germs”.

What's the universal swinger signal? - How can you spot a swinger?? - [quote=CARRIERMAN]...How can you tell if someone is a Swinger? "If you look over in the other bed, and see a man fucking your wife, while you're fucking his, there's a pretty good chance they're Swingers."[/quote] Well, yeah, or your a vanilla straight guy that REALLY needs to cut back on the drinkin! :) [quote=HELLO_KITTY12984] As well as the purple tellytubby with the triangle on his head that carried the red purse. Apparently Spongebob and Patrick along with Burt & Ernie are ALSO gay lovers. Go figure. hahaha.[/quote] OMG, did you just HAVE to go and bring back memories of TellyTubbies?? :) I abso-freakin-lutely hated them things -- nothing to do with their color, just their general hugely irritating nature. And one of my kids just loved to watch them. If I'd-a had a nuclear warhead and specific coordinates for where they filmed that show......BAAMMM.....3rd world war! Ooops....I'm off topic again....sorry.....I tend to do that. It's Kitty's fault. ;)

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - ^^^ Enjoys DP and DVP. I even have a DP comment on my page from a cpl. If anyone needs a extra guy....??

Weeding through the real/ fakes - I wish there was a "validation " on profiles.. - [quote=sugarhouse2]PolyCouple, I think you're pointing to a cultural gap that we've also been frustrated with for years. We fall more into the independently open category, which puts us closer to the poly-lite and kink communities than the swinger community. We've found that a lot of swingers have the men negotiate the process and that's a huge turn off for us so we end up considering it a red flag in terms of what we're looking for. No judgement, it just clearly wouldn't work with our dynamic. We're free to talk to and do whatever we want with whomever we want. And we do. It's just different. But, in general, only hearing from the man does also make it hard to figure out if you're talking to a real couple or if there's true enthusiastic consent involved on all sides. Especially with so much catfishing going on over on other apps. Maybe the site could have badges or tags that filter searches.[/quote] That might be it. We go out with a lot of couple and play with few. Once we have met for dinner, we're all involved in texting, etc. Prior to that - its been my responsibility (the male half) to set up the dates and coordinate the logistics while keeping her in the loop. It works for us. We generally won't give out our real phone numbers until we have something set up - at which point we generally create a group text to make sure everyone is 'looped' in. At the end of the day - what we learn from this topic is that everyone's approach is different. We haven't had anyone flake out yet - YMMV. Good luck sexy peeps!

What about the lifestyle didn't meet your expectations? - Preconceptions and disappointment. - SRO said: "Evil: always good topics you bring to the table. So you think because people like sex they should be good at it? I know a lot of people who love food but suck at cooking. haha. Maybe having too many options on the table can also make people lazy. I don't have to try hard if I know tomorrow is another partner. To some it's the quantity and not the quality. But I can see why the expectation would be there." While I agree with your premise in principle, I would argue that by sheer repetition alone swingers would eventually have to get at least a LITTLE better at sex...or succumb to swinger Darwinism and 'de-select' themselves from the lifestyle. LOL

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