
Falls City Swingers in Nebraska

Falls City Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Falls City, NE, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Falls City looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Falls City, NE. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

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Staying a couple in the lifestyle - - [quote=Sofutosuwappu]Our experience so far: Religious > naturist > meet naturists/nudists who are swingers > soft swap > non-religious > full swap with couples same room > full swap separate room Thoughts?[/quote] Wow - what a great thread Sofutosuwappu! I just read some of these responses today. We're actually shocked! Evil - 60 couples . . . WOW! This has not been our experience at all. While we are relatively new in the LS (since 2015) and we definitely have less LS play experience than most who have commented - our experience has been very different from that described . . . both in terms of our own evolution, but also in terms of what we have personally witnessed with friends. ALL of the couples we have met in the LS are still together and in loving long-term relationships (as far as we know). Part of that may be dumb luck . . . part of it may be in the 'rules' we set for ourselves. We don't play separately . . . part of the fun is seeing your partner receive joy, pleasure, and excitement! We also specifically seek out people in Long Term relationships . . . and we have stayed away from profiles that intimated a DTF (down to fuck) kind of mind set. Not that there is anything wrong with that - we don't judge . . . just not something we have been interested in. We are attracted to beautiful relationships. As for our own evolution . . we are STILL very religious, we jumped into the LS first . . . and THEN became nudists 🤣 We have made only a slight adjustment to our play style from our first adventure, and we have no interest in becoming 'non-religious' - we have found the LS to be a continuation or advancement of our understanding of the Judeo-Christian commandment to 'Love One Another'. Maybe we just haven't been in long enough . . . maybe we are self-deluded and are secretly living a life of cognitive dissonance . . . but so far so good. One HUGE change is that when we first started in the LS . . . we thought we would want to be completely anonymous . . . going so far as to create 'fake names' etc. (I know . . . but we were still virgins . . . we feel SOME guilt about that . . . but we have subsequently repented!😉) We thought that the less people knew about us . . . the better. That changed 180 degrees within the first 6 months of our stumbling into this LS. Now . . . we only seek friends . . . who can be genuine friends . . . and if that progresses to any type of sexual exploration . . . all the better . . . but the friendship rules. I'm sure we still have a lot to figure out in this regard - but we cherish our new and longer-term friendships . . . and honestly can't wait to spend time with these people. We are missing the summer live concert venues . . . and we can't wait till the next time we meet with friends. If that makes us 'poly-amorous' . . . then consider us 'guilty as charged' - We have somehow managed to maintain significant and deep friendships with just about everyone we've played with. We don't see that changing. Hope that helps - thought it might as far as providing an alternate perspective. We love the authenticity and honesty shown to us by friends in the LS - we honestly have a hard time now maintaining vanilla relationships . . . whats the point??🤷‍♂️ Thank you all for the riveting discussion!

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - AKLIM, 1. I was never trying to convince you to accept a single guy. I was only saying that there are many reasons, to include insecurity, that people don't like single guys. I think that's the biggest reason, to tell you the truth. I was pointing out that it was ok to say no to anything you don't want. However, it's not ok to get in a thread not addressing you to defame and stereotype others because of your unique experience. 2) If you are into "watching" girl on girl, that maybe something the single female brings to the table (for some). In fact, it would equate to what a single male would bring to the table for those guy that want to watch their wife get fucked by a strange dude. 3) It's all a matter of preference. No one should ridicule anyone for their own preference. If you don't want single males, fine. But don't ridicule the single male for wanting the couple. 4) You seem to be addressing my points as though I were directing them at you. I am speaking in general and to those that posted personal attacks and remarks about the author of the thread as though he was some sort of a self-serving asshole for posting this thread. These same people that pigeon hole a group for what the minority do. When we are all here for self-gratification and to say any less would be dishonest. I find it difficult at time not to call people out on their hypocrisies. Do I mean you? NO. I mean any moron that wants something and is fine happy when they get it, but will stop at nothing to deny others the same satisfaction. I say fuck em. -D-

Swingers dying out? - Is the utah swinger community dying or becoming to needy? - [quote=TIFFND]I don't think it is dying out, by any means. My opinion is a few things are happening. The Swingular community is actually growing...bigtime. Hence the increasing number of events being posted. And yes..most are paid events...for a couple of reasons..to actually pay for the cost of an event..and plain old capitolism. Welcome to America. No real problem. House parties...are alive and well. But...because of the increased number of folks here, things have changed from before. Now, if you post one here..you have a bunch of people respond..most likely too many...some must be told no....hard for most of us to do. Consequently..hosts have become a bit more selective.. and send personal invites..rather than general announcements. Basically...house parties have moved underground. And hosts have become more selective about just inviting particulair age groups, or body types. That leaves many of us out. I know our email box is empty most of the time, unless it is us hosting the party. Just my opinion of course..yours maybe different! I think you are right on...we have learned to be very comfortable with the friends we have, and really don't worry about parties that we are or are not invited to...or none at all...I mean the hottest chick on the planet is Ms Karma so...why worry! [/quote]

Now that you're one of them there fancy swingers... - - See, that's what I'm talking about. KITTY wants chocolate raspberry truffle cheesecake when most guys are day old glazed donuts at best. Obviously she's been ruined by a steady diet of hot sexy swinger guys who know tricks that would make Jenna Jameson blush. By the time she's been in the lifestyle a couple of decades the only thing that will be able to get her off is a Hitachi with a jackhammer motor inside of it.

Couples and Single Males party - - It would be great fun, and a chance to get to know more swingers, broaden all our horizons ( maybe I just have broads on my horizon, stupid thinking).

Male on male - Not sure if this is where this goes, but male on male tonight only. - i'm obviously supportive. i'm amazed that so many supposedly free thinking male swingers on Swingular project such a homophobic attitude. and i'm sure every bi guy on here has been contacted by the male half of a supposedly str8 couple looking to get some MM action on the side. one of the best things about being bi is to learn how much fun it is to GIVE a blow job. i used to think that women were doing me a favor by going down on me. know i know why so many women love it. i've also met women who just wanted me to invite a second guy so they could watch two guys go at it. and women who thought they were dating a str8 guy until he undressed and saw that he was wearing women's underwear. i guess what i've learned is there is a lot more variation in human sexual behavior than i thought when i was younger. obviously the majority of people are more comfortable with the opposite sex...but that doesn't make MM or FF play wrong or ever the slightest bit unusual. imho.

Tooele swinging community - Tooele swingers - Looking to rekindle our group and try to make an active tooele swing community again. We've met plenty of swingers in tooele who are great people and even good friends and wed like to explore making our small area a bit more active with our swingers. We are planning some fun events done the road and would like to set up a hangout at least once a month starting with a meet and greet. Wed also like to make a private tooele group on kik possibly. But we'll see. If your in tooele please feel free to contact us if your interested.

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - Personality can conquer almost anything! With that being said we have been discriminated against due to our age.. Its not fun but everyone has their personal preferences we just have to accept it.. Personally we are more attracted to couples older than us.. But we have had many fun times with couples younger than us. I think it comes down to common interests and attitude. People would be surprised with how many different types of crowds you can fit in with. SO FUCK EM ALL..hehe (literally)

Swingers unnerve families at hotel - - HeHeHe! TAMMYNWALT....too funny about the Swingers Pride Day idea. We\'ll help carry the flag! Sounds almost like our post on another site. Nobody cares anymore about WDW Gay Days but some questionable naughty (not law breaking or nekid) Swingers at a party and the whole world goes apesh*t. For heaven sakes keep those vanillas off of the beach they might see a thong or boobs! LOL! Geez! If they had broken any laws there would have been all kind of media chatter about the arrests.....hummmmm..... To each their own. We weren\'t at any NYE parties due to working taking care of idiots shooting each other and drunks. The shame of it all ( ; Happy New Year! :D

Swingers gone bad?? - - Ummmmm.....That CAN'T be good.......

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