
Bloomington Swingers in Nebraska

Bloomington Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Bloomington, NE, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Bloomington looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Bloomington, NE. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Bloomington, Nebraska Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Bloomington, Nebraska so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Bloomington Swingers right away!

Other activities? - Do you only meet swingers for sex? - Hmmm... to answer this one, I would like to use to terms.... LIFESTYLES and SWINGING. Our hope is that we can be friends on a social basis with everyone we meet, but we all know that isnt very likely.... however, we love people that are in lifestyles. We enjoy the open minded attitude, some of the taboo humor, the opprotunity to let down some of our inhibitions and just have alot of fun. Thats something that we cant really do with the people we associate with at work, at home, in our neighborhood and our family members for various reasons. Lifestyles for us can range from open topic discussions to nude hot tubs, exhibitionism, dirty dancing, etc. Then there are those people we \"swing\" with. The people that we just love to get nasty and sexual with. Some of the friendships we have fit in both areas and some never cross the line. We have found that the best relationships we have established can be both vertical and horizontal. We love to travel with our friends in lifestyles.. attend biker rallies, dine, dance, bowl or just sit around watching a good movie or playing any of several video games. We have invited many of these people to our home to bbq, meet the family, just hang out and pass some time. We use sources, such as this sight and others, the clubs, various meeting places, etc where people in this area of interest can be found to find new relationships and enjoy the company of others wheither its for one night or for many years to come. Is it all about the sex... No way... but sometimes the sex in any degree adds some spice to the mix.

Lava hot springs - - [quote=MoreFun4U][quote=DELICIOUSLYWET]We stay in Pocatello. The drives nice enough getting there and the foods pretty good in Pocatello.[/quote] Worst advise I can think of... It defeats one of the biggest attractions of Lava, which is once you park your car for the weekend it doesn't move until you go home. I can think of few things less fun than driving 35 minutes on mountain roads after a couple of drinks at the Blue Moon or visiting Lava and being tagged the designated driver. Everyone that parties goes to the Blue Moon as that is where the fun is at in the evening. For those who have never done Lava the main attractions in the summer are tubing the river and the Blue Moon, while the main attractions in the winter are the hot springs and the Blue Moon. There are other things to do and you can mix and match, but we've found that is how our time breaks out when we're not fucking. We visit Lava 5 or 6 times a year, of those maybe two are for LS Events, two for romantic getaways and two for friends and family. Lava is known as a local Idaho and Utah swingers destination and there are many there every weekend. The problem is you need to have your meet ups scheduled before arriving as it's almost impossible to sort the LS from the vanilla on site. Risqué Soiree held an event in Lava last spring that was very fun and well attended, we hope they do it again this year. It was a great event for those new to the LS or anyone wanting to meet friends. Also because it involved both Idaho and Utah there was a lot more interaction than many meet ups where people have a tendency to group up with those they already know. Lava is one of those places you will either fall in love with and visit often, or visit once to say you have been there and done that and never return. But one thing I can promise, and that is if your room is in Pocatello you'll never understand the nuances that make Lava so charming to many. If you want big fancy hotels and everything about your visit orchestrated you would be much better advised to spend your vacation in Vegas as you will not be happy in Lava. Anyhoo... that's our two cents, your mileage may vary.[/quote]And where do you stay? Is drinking necessary to enjoy lava?

Pink flamingo - How many swingers have a pink flamingo in their front yard? - My new neighbors put out two pink flamingos. I wonder...

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - I think there are enough interested couples we should count off to form teams. If not the group will be so big there won’t be any control over safe sex

Creating an Amazing Swingers Profile - How to market yourself better - [quote=BMSHELL]I think my advice above boils down to: 1) Be honest.. Don't try to mislead people about who or what you are. 2) Make an effort to give others a chance to get to know you and trust you. 3) Don't be gross. And this stuff is nothing more than my opinion.. While I would love a world where everyone is required to agree with me, that probably won't happen for at least 5 more years, if things continue to go well. ;)[/quote]What'd people beat up on you for your suggestions or something? [em]Emo_54[/em] I liked 'em and thought them useful. Our profile used to include mostly goofiness -- but then that was OK 'cause that's pretty much been our approach to this whole swingin' thing. It's not all that important in the scheme of things and seems to always work out best for us if we don't take it or ourselves too seriously. We're pretty comfy with where we're at now with friends and all -- so I've toned it down to reflect that but if I were back into a voracious hunt again I'd certainly take your remarks into consideration. Good stuff! :)

BUSTED! Your Kids Found Out Your Swingers. Now What? - - My family (both sides) knows bits and pieces. I've basically let them know that it's our business not theirs and left it at that. We went thru a phase where they weren't very nice about certain things, but now they mostly keep their opinions to themselves on that issue. *shrugs*

Only 12 couples within 100 miles on our search - Just using the search criterion of :non smoking, slim or athletic, 35-55, couples, soft swap yes, st - Just to make sure the point has been made. [quote]RESULTS: Of 8971 consultations, 12% comprised swingers (median age 43 years, IQR 38-48). Overall, STI prevalence was highest in youth, men who have sex with men (MSM) and swingers. Older swingers had a CT prevalence of 10% and an NG prevalence of 4%. The share in STI diagnoses in the older age group (>45 years) comprised 55% for swingers and 31% for MSM. CONCLUSIONS: Swingers comprise a substantial proportion of STI consultations. They are a mainly older age group and form an important part of STI diagnoses. While other risk groups for STI, such as young heterosexuals and MSM, are systematically identified at STI healthcare facilities and provided with appropriate services, this is generally not the case for swingers. Swingers, like other groups with risk behaviours, need to be identified and treated as a risk group in STI prevention and care.[/quote] So that means OLDER swingers such as yourselves have a higher risk of sti then bi or gay men. A gay or bi man is more likely to protect him self then a older straight man and woman but they still engage in anal and oral sex just the same. All swinging and adventure life styles are risky not just bi-men/women.

Handling aging and lifestyles - How do you handle getting older? - I'll second Utahldscouple. Interests and comfort level with play partners is more important than age. There are many mature swingers much more attractive than younger ones too. Perhaps they have more time to devote to fitness. Age really means nothing to us. Body types don't matter much either. It's really a package deal and a balance of all the qualities that make an individual or couple.

LDS Survey Results - - Believe what you want to believe, but how can you judge anyone else for their actions or beliefs? So what? you don't agree... no need to get nasty or judgemental of others who believe differently than you do. I venture that since you were once a practicing Mormon, you feel the need to be as judgemental as you deem others in the religion are. Quite sad that you must have had some bad experience with someone who was active LDS which put a bad taste in your mouth. People aren't perfect. Nobody is. One must strive for their best and make their own decisions as to how to live their life. If that means I go to church and serve in callings, I'm not being two faced. I am exactly the same person at church as I am with my friends, both swinger and non-swinger. Do people bring their sex toys to church to use in sacrament meeting? No. Well, they must be two-faced too. Who I am as a core human being is not defined by us having extracurricular bedroom activities. There is no lying or deceitfulness. You may think it's wrong, but my husband and I (and several other LDS swingers we know) are comfortable with our choice to play and can still be decent moral people. I don't wish to argue, just wanted to voice that I don't feel ANYBODY has the right to judge.

RECOGNIZING OTHER SWINGERS - Outside of clubs & parties. - A few years back I learned right here in this forum that an upside down PINEAPPLE in your shopping cart was a signal to others that you are a swinger and on the prowl. So most times we are in a hurry while shopping, but when we do buy an pineapple we do set it on it's top in the kids seat part of the cart.. So far I have only ever seen 1 other person do it and I wasn't interested, so I passed. I have spoken to others about this and NOT 1 PERSON I know, knows about this!! So how many of you know this??? Also, I have been asked if I was a friend of ELLIS. (L-S) LIFESTYLE.... I did not get it at first, but this works as well if you already have reason to ask!!! How many knew this???

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