
Bertrand Swingers in Nebraska

Bertrand Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Bertrand, NE, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Bertrand looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Bertrand, NE. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Bertrand, Nebraska Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Bertrand, Nebraska so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Bertrand Swingers right away!

Adult Vacation Recomendations - We need some help what to do or where to go! - [quote=KRAZYGIRL]So here is a perfect deal for ya. There is a group of 20 or so people from here going on a cruise in feb and it will go to Putreo Rico. And swingers.lol Leaves on Feb 7th for a week. It has all of the items you wanted and more. But time from kids is so much in need at times, just need to be an adult. [/quote] Email us the details.

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - J&J, HAHAHAHA why not corona?? Bunny, You a med pro? -D-

Just in case it mysteriously disappears - - OK...IF their filings with the State of Florida are not filed in a timely fashion that does not stop them from doing business, it simply removes the protection a Corp, LLC, or Partnership affords, IF someone where to file a lawsuit DURING the lapse in paperwork, then they would be personally liable for it, BUT the courts have been quite lax is that arena... Perhaps you need a Florida lawyer who knows Florida laws...Every state is different. Also...Do you ACTUALLY believe the AG of Florida gives a rat's ass about a swingers' site based in UT? YES...He does, as there are NO baby rapers, mother stabbers, or scummy "investment" people here in the Sunshine State, hell the AG can work 60 hours per week on simple unlicensed contractors in Florida....

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - EUREKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sincitybi hit it.... Just looked at the profile male: 5'5" tall, 210 lbs, 5'6", 135 lbs. He is a troll who shaved and she has not figured it out...Poor girl...Bet he has a dicky doo too...Poor poor girl...

Where Should we go? - Have flight vouchers, where is a good swinger spot? - We've been to Hedo in Jamaica, Desire in Cancun, Caliente Caribe (formerly Eden Bay) in the Dominican Republic and the Swingers Cruise - all destinations multiple times. Our experience says it doesn't matter where you go as much as who you go with. Since there is never a large contingency going from Utah, we always try to book when there is a takeover by a group. Every time we have been adopted as soon as we got there just as if we had always been part of their group. We also usually go the week of Halloween. It's always a nasty celebration and it's at the very end of hurricane season. We've come close but have never had trouble with the weather yet. I think Desire in Cancun is the easiest resort to push the rules to the limit. Hedo II in Jamaica would be second. The former Hedo III in Jamaica was a bit more restrictive. Caliente Caribe has recently become lifestyle friendly after Eden Bay was purchased by Caliente Resorts. Before, they were just a nudist resort. The swingers cruises allow nudity on the pool decks but you have to be dressed anywhere else on the boat with the exception of the playroom which is on one of the lower decks. Also, you usually have to remain dressed on the day the boat is port until that evening when the boat sails. Some ports are exceptions when the boat is anchored far enough away and they take you to shore on tenders. If you like to take pictures of you and your partner on vacation, Desire is the most friendly. Hedo really frowns on pictures even if they are of you or someone in your group with their permission. We have managed however, to accumulate thousands of digital shots from all the resorts combined over the last few years. We have had a blast at each resort/cruise and will continue to go back. But, we've found that it's all what you make it.

Carnival Legend March 29 - April 8 - - Any other swingers out there going on this cruise and would like to meet to meet for a drink or two?? J & L

Here's something Ive been curious about - - I guess with the mind set of some here, IE singles aren't swingers, one could also make the statement that there's no such thing as swingers. Couples aren't swingers, they're just two people who are married and want some strange and talk each other into it. See how this works? And the comment that singles bring nothing to the table but themselves also applies to couples. You can only bring yourself to the table whether alone or with your partner and your partner does likewise. You just happen to do it at the same time. Come on folks we all participate on what ever level we choose and identify ourselves as we want. Like saying a soft swap couple aren't swingers either because they don't go all the way with others. It seems silly on all counts. As a narwhal(single male) who been in it for a decade now it still amazes me to watch all the who ha over such trivial things as definitions. We are all swingers, otherwise we wouldn't be here. Inclusive not exclusive.

Clubs or hangouts - - [quote=StewzyR1]Saturday nights are best at scorez... there are a lot of couples that go there and Meet up....its not an organized event....but keep your eyes open.....theres a lot.;)[/quote] So what are we keeping our eyes open for? Do people stamp their foreheads that say swingers on it? Is there a sign saying "swingers this way"? Do people shout every 30mins about the swinger blue light special like the supermarkets? I've been to scorezs many times and never seen obvious signs of swinger groups. I've seen groups that look like they might be swingers, but I'm not going to go up to a group and ask them if they are swingers and if I can join them...

Evil's latest poll. Fellas, would you ever... - - [quote=CHEFFETTE][quote=EVILDOERS]Naw. Not tryin' to be the Soup...er Sex Nazi. Just wanted to try to understand where some of the attitudes about male bisexuality and swinging come from. I find it extremely interesting how much homophobia still exists in the world and how much exists in a community of people dedicated to sexual freedom. I find human nature fascinating and especially when that nature is something that is more or less taught rather than innate. [/quote]In the three months + I've been reading here all I can come up w/ to explain certain members' homophobia and continued, idiotic comments is this is a male-dominated swinger site and in my experience males feel more threatened by the potential they're perceived as something they don't want to be seen as; you'd think that w/ as much time as they spend w/ their own cock in their hand every single day they'd be less terrified of a cock belonging to another guy, but apparently they must declaim it at every turn or they'll go sterile/bald/teh gayz w/o even TRYING.[/quote] If I were from Maine, I'd say "Ahyup". As I told a girl a couple days back when we were talking about "Sexual Fluidity" by Lisa Diamond, when she said she'd heard that Diamond is working on a new study along the same lines, but on men instead of women, I doubted she'd find much there because, for whatever reason, society has a much more severe taboo against male-male sex than it does against female-female sex. The taboo against women with women was once nearly as strong, but since probably sometime in the '60s it has become much less so. And you're surrounded by society's attitudes, and they're pounded into your head from they day you're old enough to understand anything. And the stronger a taboo, and male-male sex is one of the strongest, the more unlikely it is that you'll get ever rid of it. Physically, sex is a matter of friction properly applied to the correct parts of the body, ultimately resulting in orgasm. So the sex of the person applying it, or to whom you're applying it, really shouldn't matter. But it does. I have absolutely zero homophobia. If I'm in bed with more than one person, and some guy's hand touches me someplace for a second I won't freak out or even care. I understand that I've been socialized into how I feel, and that if I'd grown up in, for example, ancient Greece, I wouldn't have been. I understand that the prohibition of male-male sex grew out of humanity needing to expand as quickly as possible in order to survive, and that the cultural attitudes which that created got written into religions as they developed. I know that there's absolutely no logical reason for it. I know that the "logical" arguments against homosexual sex are nonsense. Like "it isn't natural - you don't see homosexual animals." Bullshit. Yes you do, all the time. I have a hen who's always humping the other hens. She doesn't accomplish anything, but she does it. One of the animals that is genetically closest to humans, the Benobo, a type of chimpanzee, has sex all the time with members of its band (the true swingers of the animal world), male or female, doesn't matter. I know that physically, biologically, there's no reason sex with one sex shouldn't work as well as with the other. I have a really good friend who is a pre-op male to female transexual, and if she ever has the surgery, and becomes physically female below as well as above the waist, sure I'd have sex with her if she wanted to. And I have other friends who are lesbian or gay. And I even belong to and volunteer for HRC (Human Rights Council). I should be a prime candidate for bisexuality. But no, I would not suck someone's dick. Or want some guy sucking mine. Even though I understand that that feeling has been socialized into me, that it probably wasn't predetermined when I was born male, still it's there, and it is what it is. The more emphatically something is socialized into you as you grow up, the less likely it is that you'll ever break away from it, even if you do manage to get away from some of the other things you were "taught". And I think that, Evil is your answer. ~ Terry

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - [quote=TNT4FUN2]A Yugo and 74 AMC Pacer.[/quote] A Yugo and a Pacer? Sweet! I'm hoping to trade up to a 70 Gremlin. Just seems like a lot of car.

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