
Beaver Crossing Swingers in Nebraska

Beaver Crossing Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Beaver Crossing, NE, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Beaver Crossing looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Beaver Crossing, NE. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Beaver Crossing, Nebraska Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Beaver Crossing, Nebraska so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Beaver Crossing Swingers right away!

Male Chastity - - [quote=WEBERCOUNTYCPL]Any couples looked into this or involved with male chastity?[/quote]Yes, I regularly [b]chastise[/b] my husband. "HEY BUSTER, we've only been at it for an hour, and I expect some stamina here--if you can't get it up for the 3rd go-round then I expect some good oral, damn-it!" But nothing ever cums of it. Oh. "chastity is different from "chastise?" My bad. [em]Emo_90[/em] Ahem. On a more serious note, I doubt this one will draw any affirmative answers. This is kinda like the "Hey GUYS, Who likes Bi?" question. This is a 100% straight buncha swingers, unless you're female, then yer damn well expected to get yer tongue busy on the misses or you're a freak. I make this claim in a very "tongue-in-cheek" fashion. [em]Emo_17[/em] And to the OP: I literally cracked up reading your profile -- the comment on the "elderly" illicited the outburst. If you were nearby, I'd snatch-up my walker and beat you with it. [em]Emo_49[/em]

Moab Utah - Swingers in Moab - [quote=TheAdventurousCouple]Just got back...[/quote] Castle valley! Did you hit the whole enchilada? We love to ride down there...bikes and each other ;)

RV Swingers? - - If our new business venture doesn't work out we may be living in a van, down by the river.. Does that count? Bob

How's everyone spending the long weekend? - Who's up for some spontaneous get togethering? - We're celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary all weekend, we started Wednesday night with our private dinner and a Vegas show, Of course Thursday is T-day so family time, Friday is party time with friends, a dinner with everyone and a party at the swingers club later that night. Sat and Sun is as much sex as we can fit in. If anyone is in Vegas they can join us, we wish we lived in Utah though, so many people there

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - [quote=DELICIOUSLYWET]Gasp! Tens of thousands of swingers here in Utah. I believe Utah now has a slightly higher-than-average divorce rate. The national divorce rate is 3.4% with Utah slightly higher at 3.6%. The percent of divorced residents in Utah is reported as 9.3% which is the 18th lowest in the nation. Don't ask me how those numbers reconcile. It has something to do with immigration into the state I am guessing. New Jersey reports that 8.5% of it's residents are divorced and that is the lowest in the nation. Well what do you think? Did more than 3.6% of all the swinger couples, that you have met end up getting a divorce? Was it over swinging? Are more than 9.3% of the swingers population divorced? This would include all the singles now swinging that were once married. One woman telling the media how swinging ended her marriage is anecdotal at best. Do I believe she is telling the truth? Yes I do. Do I personally believe swinging ads an extra element of jeopardy to a marriage? Yes I do. Do I believe there are quite a few people that would be happier staying away from the swinging lifestyle? Yes I do. Never-the-less, most of the couples, we have personally met, that are swingers seem to enjoy swinging and frankly enjoy doing it together. Do I believe there are quite a few couples who will enjoy swinging? Yes I do, we certainly have enjoyed the lifestyle experience as do a lot of swinging couples we have met. In the end if you are a married couple you have to make the decision based on the two of you, as to whether or not swinging is a good thing in your lives individually and as a couple. As for statistical models as to the divorce rate within the community of swingers well there aren't any. This isn't really a news story it's sensationalist journalism designed to attract viewers. Anyway, the divorce rate has been going down since the 1980s and swinging has been on the rise since the 1980s so you could make an analogy that swinging is saving marriage. Yes it would be a bunch of anecdotal bull shit just like this story. [/quote] Right. And swinging doesn't end a marriage anymore than cheating or lying or alcohol abuse or drugs, etc; people end marriages. Any relationship is an invention solely created by those people involved and only they have power over its progress forward. Will swinging or discussions about it lead to problems between people in relationships? Potentially. But any attempt by the anonymous lady in the story to blame swinging for anything is an attempt on her part to avoid accountability. You can't blame the alcohol itself for the drunk. PS, NJ may have a lower divorce rate b/c it's one of the few states that still grants annulment instead of divorce in certain cases.

Kama Sutra - How many seek the ultimate? - I'm curious as to how many swingers put aside the usual polite chat and routine seduction proceedures to seek out the ultimate pleasures. Are there many out there who are willing to put their conscious minds to rest for the time needed to pursue pure passion with the supreme desire to experience the ultimate all-consuming sensual experience? Share!

Trying to find a fun "lifestyle-nude" resort for a vacation... - any suggestions... which are better.. hedo11, hedo111, desire, etc.. (others) thanks - UTCPL... thank you for the advice of the lifestyle travel site. We went into it, and it looks interesting. So far, it does not look like there are any groups going to HEDO11 during the months of May or June of '08, but I guess we will have to wait and hope. It what we have been reading, it appears that HEDO11 is more designed for swingers and has a larger area for nude things, sexual things, etc... Hope we are not wrong, but that is how it looks. We have never been to a place like this, and since this is our first we have decided we want to find a wild and go for it place... might as well jump in head first... Do you think we are correct with Hedo11 and other things we are saying.. all responses are appreciated and we look forward to more thanks M & D

Sex vs. Guilt - Atheists have 'better sex lives than followers of religion who are plagued with guilt' - [quote=EVILDOERS]I'm still trying to figure out how/why they "preyed" for forgiveness. Interesting topic after watching swinging evolve here in Utah for the past 25 years and seeing those coming from strict Mormon backgrounds (ourselves included) either abandon the faith and/or faith in general or try to rationalize their adulterous activities. We've met quite a few people who while fucking suddenly decide it's getting too late since they have church in the morning. Gives new meaning to the term "Fast Sunday".[/quote] When you consider that the largest religious group in Utah is the LDS faith it is not surprising that the largest group of swingers is from that faith. I was told by mother that the fly boys of WWII used to say that Mormon girls don

I’m defense of single males - Funny old geezers - [quote=DELICIOUSLYWET][quote=PARTYINLV]We are in our sixth year on this site. We are also currently on three more sites, even after dropping two more. When we joined Swingular, we were taken aback from the negativity toward single guys. We did not see this this level of animosity on any other of the sites we are or were on. Aside from the folks from Idaho and Wyoming (and very, very few nationwide), this site is predominately Utah based. I am not negatively judging Utah since a survey or research was never done, but we had to wonder if this hatred is a Utah thing. Or was it a few couples who made it seem normal to hate and everyone just jumped on the bandwagon? Human history has taught us that ostracizing is easier than accepting. Who knows? We certainly don't understand it. Many couples correctly point out that single guys are not [b]"swingers"[/b] since they don't swap. But, we believe that single guys are part of the [b]"lifestyle"[/b] for many couples. Why is fmf ok, but mfm is not ok? As a side note: The vast majority of our play is with couples(our preference). But we occasionally like mfm for the different dynamics it offers. We have been very lucky with mfm and haven't had a bad experience yet, which I cannot say is always true with every couple we've met.[/quote] We live here. Our experience is that most couples do not hate single men. Most married men are not intimidated by the presence of single men. Most couples and singles whether super active or rarely active in the lifestyle don’t post anything in the forum section of this website. As is the case with so much on the internet, a few of us that do read or post in the forums, may give others the impression that we are a good general representation of the community’s mindset. Obviously we aren’t. What we read here is mostly just personal preferences. There are some thoughts expressed that we find interesting, sometimes enlightening. Sometimes people are just venting. Sometimes it’s angry venting stemming from personal experience. As for insecurities, we all have at least a few.[/quote] Well said. Thank you!

What are swingers really looking for ?Are they looking for frien - Has the happen to you. - Hello Sexy Candy, Sorry you seem to be having problems but sometimes things just go with the territory. There may be a few times where someone may send a mail before completely reading a profile. We don't do it often but have had it happen a time or two and we are pretty sure we aren't the only ones who have made that mistake at least once. Secondly, while your profile does state what you are looking for, please try and remember what type of site this is. While not completely uncommon, it is rare to find a couple "just looking to be social friends". Usually there is a desire to at least have some sort of "soft swing" , " girl on girl" etc....... We don't see anything wrong with your reply to the other couple, there are times when a reply can lead to offense taken by the other couple no matter how well worded it may have been. No need to worry always, as it is impossible to please everyone everytime : ) Just do your best to be polite. If you and your husband are not on the same level here, ie: one looking for more or less than the other, it might be a wonderful idea to take a step back, talk openly and honestly with one another and make sure you are both heading in the same direction before jumping in. If you truly love each other, it isn't worth losing a marraige over of course, and if either of you have any reservations regarding the other, this certainly wouldn't be the place to find those answers. Hope this helps some, Jesus, I feel like Dear Abby here............ We wish you both the best of luck, take care and be safe : ) Sxy2

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