
Arapahoe Swingers in Nebraska

Arapahoe Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Arapahoe, NE, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Arapahoe looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Arapahoe, NE. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Arapahoe, Nebraska Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Arapahoe, Nebraska so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Arapahoe Swingers right away!

Wishbones - - Since we joined the lifestyle we've thought the idea of a symbol of some sort was a great one. I've read about the apple, but not the wishbone before now. I think swingers are in a good place for this right now - the internet has made it possible for those with an interest to pursue it, but it's not mainstream enough so that people who are in it "stand out." Pretty much everybody knows about the rainbow now, but I think very few would know about a swingers symbol, for a while anyway. Whether it was the rainbow or what ear the earring went in as a sign for gays, or I believe at one time the BDSM community used bandanas to communicate preferences, it's great to have a way to be tipped off that others share the same interest. It'd be nice if this takes off.

Wishbones - - seems like every swingers club has had the same disscussion with different symbols. getting to the point where you can't wear any kind of jewelry with out being labeled something or other. how about something more club oreinted like a swingular necklace or bumpersticker. there will still be those who would rather be more descrete but something the club should consider. as far as the wishbone? we'll wait and see if it becomes a fad or not.

Talk radio and swingers? - - We do a internet talk radio show on Monday nights, I would like to know if there are any other good shows out there. We can be hear on www.realvariety.com from 8pm to 10pm eastern every Monday night. please feel free to listen in and give your input. in ways to make our show better.

Sensitivities - a paradox? - I think you're right that "L'S'ers" vary in personality and other traits just like the mainstream population. I think there is a "liberal" stigma associated with the lifestyle that just isn't true. I mean seriously, why would it be any different than the mainstream? The only thing most people here do differently is their sex life. Some people here fuck like bunnies on Friday and Saturday and go beg their god for forgiveness on Sunday. A lot of swingers are more conservative than most vanillas. "Swinging" only makes one sexually liberal. Swinging is a sexuality trait and not a lifestyle. It may be considered a lifestyle for those that constantly evade friends, work, church and family in their daily pursuit of hook-ups. However, as a libertine, "swinging" is only one aspect, of a liberal lifestyle that I, myself, wish to obtain. It's not a necessity, yet not forbidden... It's a choice I can make with no consequence.

Age and desire - Is there a number that scares people away? - Age is nothing we have fb's anywhere from 25-52 it just depends on whether or not they can separate from Swingers and be friends too. I mean we like to swing but sometimes we just like to hang out but we find the young'uns are a little overzealous sometimes which can be annoying so we prefer the older crowd.

Do your friends and family know about your lifestyle? - - Our very FIRST experience ever with this lifestyle was down in Vegas. We figured we were out and away from our home town, which mind you at the time, was a small small town where everyone new everyone, and everyone's business. Anyway, we went to Vegas for a night on the town and thought we might go to the Red Rooster and ck it out. I was extremely nervous anyhow because we had never done anything of the sort, and we didn't know what to expect when we went inside. We mustard up the nerve to go in, and went on upstairs to the couples lounge. Just as I was getting comfortable with being there I look up only to see a girl and her husband from none only then our own home town. She new all my family, and to make it worse she lived right by my husband's brother, and I worked at the same store she did just in different departments. I was mortified the whole night long.....I just kept thinking....OMG, here we are, never done this b4, 400 miles from home, at the Red Rooster, and we run into someone that we freaken know. What are the odds??!! The worst part of it, she has the LOUDEST mouth in the whole valley so I just knew she was gonna tell everyone she seen me there at a swingers club. lol Thats just our luck! Needless to say, we got home, I seen her at work, and she said nothing at all. Our family didn't find out, no one we knew found out, and from then on....I just really didn't care that much. Bsides, they were there too....so, I had something on them as well!

Is this one of your rules? What is it? is it fear? or something - Does everyone feel this way? -


You are very bold to think you alone define swinging and what the site is. This site is a place for swingers to meet on whatever level they choose. Finding people to have sex with is one of the goals, yes. Though sex will no always happen in all meetings. One of the benefits of a meeting that doesn't "click" sexually, is friendship. So, never think you can define swinging for everyone. It's different for all of us. Libertines are free of the confines of moralism, dogma or ethics. There is no definition to this. To define it, is to cheapen it. Sex does not have to result from you encounters with people. It is a benefit of a chance meeting with a couple you and your partner (if that applies), have a sexual attraction to. You and I both know that that is not always the case. We find that making friends first, gives us our desired result.


What are swingers really looking for ?Are they looking for frien - Has the happen to you. - Hello Sexy Candy, Sorry you seem to be having problems but sometimes things just go with the territory. There may be a few times where someone may send a mail before completely reading a profile. We don't do it often but have had it happen a time or two and we are pretty sure we aren't the only ones who have made that mistake at least once. Secondly, while your profile does state what you are looking for, please try and remember what type of site this is. While not completely uncommon, it is rare to find a couple "just looking to be social friends". Usually there is a desire to at least have some sort of "soft swing" , " girl on girl" etc....... We don't see anything wrong with your reply to the other couple, there are times when a reply can lead to offense taken by the other couple no matter how well worded it may have been. No need to worry always, as it is impossible to please everyone everytime : ) Just do your best to be polite. If you and your husband are not on the same level here, ie: one looking for more or less than the other, it might be a wonderful idea to take a step back, talk openly and honestly with one another and make sure you are both heading in the same direction before jumping in. If you truly love each other, it isn't worth losing a marraige over of course, and if either of you have any reservations regarding the other, this certainly wouldn't be the place to find those answers. Hope this helps some, Jesus, I feel like Dear Abby here............ We wish you both the best of luck, take care and be safe : ) Sxy2

Can someone enlighten me? - - Naw, no trick. We just post shit to vent or to amuse ourselves. We aren't really out there beating the bushes for more pussy/cock. Have plenty if we want it and are at that phase in our swinging careers where we're content to just hang with our homies...or any one of the great friends we've made over the years and if sex happens then it's the frosting on the cupcake but it's certainly not required or expected. Just thought it terribly odd that simply changing our primary pic would elicit so many blind friend requests and that so many would be from people who have zero content in their profiles. Just because we're semi-retired swingers doesn't mean we don't like meeting new peeps and couldn't be enticed to come out of retirement for the right offer.:-) C'mon you guys, if you're gonna write/friend request us at LEAST read our profile (yeah I know it's longer than War and Peace, but there are SUBTLE little "hints" in there about what we are and more importantly aren't looking for). And give us SOMETHING that might give us a reason to think we have something in common or would want to at least hang out over drinks or something. We've totally broken the ignore button on our 'puters already.

In need of advice - sexual - [quote=ANDRAYWAY_SHANAYNAY]I just have to say it amazes me how judgmental swingers can be... you would think from the outside looking in that they wouldn't be. [/quote] Not judging just yet, I do that and make a fool of myself more than I want to admit. But in this case I am trying to see something real.. Have you considered he might be a single male posing as married? We have seen that a few times over the years. My point is there is no one to validate him or his story. When we have differences of opinions or ask for advice on the site we recognize who we are talking about and can respect or have some faith in what they are saying. I believe if your going to talk about a specific person in a negative way on a forum they should have the right to see it and defend themselves.

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