
Troy Swingers in Montana

Troy Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Troy, MT, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Troy looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Troy, MT. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Troy, Montana Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Troy, Montana so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Troy Swingers right away!

Best Swingers Club in Houston? - Going there in Sept - No comment

RECOGNIZING OTHER SWINGERS - Outside of clubs & parties. - A few years back I learned right here in this forum that an upside down PINEAPPLE in your shopping cart was a signal to others that you are a swinger and on the prowl. So most times we are in a hurry while shopping, but when we do buy an pineapple we do set it on it's top in the kids seat part of the cart.. So far I have only ever seen 1 other person do it and I wasn't interested, so I passed. I have spoken to others about this and NOT 1 PERSON I know, knows about this!! So how many of you know this??? Also, I have been asked if I was a friend of ELLIS. (L-S) LIFESTYLE.... I did not get it at first, but this works as well if you already have reason to ask!!! How many knew this???

A question for singles..... - and please be honest. - After reading some of the comments... It begs the question aren't the singles on here advertising the fact that they are or want to be swingers? Looking for partners to explore the swinging experience? Or are they just people who are looking to get free sex? I'm not saying that any of it is wrong but singles used to date then have sex and then get involved with others. I'm not sure when the swinger sites became dating sites for sex starved singles. Not saying it's bad or good just asking.

Swingulars Outage - What really happened - As everyone knows, our dear Swingular recently suffered an outage. It has been a painfull 5 days or so for all members of Swingular, and we wish to take a moment to console you for the pain. OK.. Now that the moment is over, here is what happened... As we all know, Swingular is a site that involves many people in a particular lifestyle. This lifestyle represents many \"UPs\" and \"DOWNs\", much cumming and going, a lot of flirting, a few drinks and quite often \"HARD\" times. Well the server seems to have been taking the brunt of the abuse, expected to be \"UP\" and ready to perform at a moments notice. Not by one partner, but often by several thousands of people at the same time. After several years af sexual gratification to so many people.. The servers \"HARD\" drive failed. It just didn\'t have what it took to get it \"UP\" one more time. It was drained, no more \"JUICE\" of life left in it. (The sticky substance was everywhere except where it needed to be.) Yes friends, leave it to a swing site to have HARD drive failure... To top it off, it is my estimation that someone said the wrong thing to the hard drive, for after it was replaced with a newer model, the old drive just refused to \"MOUNT\", the best I can figure is that someone, somewhere at sometime convinced the HARD drive that it wasn\'t supposed to \"SWING THAT WAY\". Yes, we now have a failed HARD drive that refuses to MOUNT..... Only at a swingers site... Well we now have a fresh new HARD drive, ready for years of use and abuse, it is better than a Sybien Sex Machine as it is able to give satisfaction to multiple partners without having to stand in line. And now for what REALLY happened..... We were attacked by the Moral Majority... It appears they don\'t agree with our MORALITY... I say to them, GET OVER IT... This is OUR LIFE, OUR LIFESTYLE.... If ya don\'t like it... Go Fluck yourself!

Hanging out this weekend - Habits tonight?? - [quote=HERRIMANFUN][quote=DELICIOUSLYWET][quote=HERRIMANFUN][quote=DELICIOUSLYWET][quote=HERRIMANFUN]We enjoy it if there is a couple we are interested in they have sections that aren't so loud that you can talk. But yes it is loud. And we have run into lots of swingers there lots of times. But I hear that a lot I think most people don't talk to people or just walk up to a stranger(s) and say hi. But I the male half does a lot that's how you meet people and then once you chat a bit it comes out that they are swingers. Not a big fan of he meet and greets it's always the same people unfortunately. And that's great for some but we haven't really made a connection at any that we have been too, yet. [/quote] We have been to the meet and greets too and we don't go very often and have not been to one in ages. Maybe twice a year we hit one but when we do go we pretty much introduce ourselves to everybody and if we missed someone we didn't mean to. You do have to be proactive to be successful in meeting people or at least reactive in a positive fashion when someone interesting approaches you. We have been to Habits and ended up leaving with someone, but we had already had a bit of friendly back and forth somehow with the people we left with or it was someone we met previously and had at least chatted a bit. We think we have only been there maybe five times altogether. Well, maybe Mr. Delicious will put on a collared shirt just in case we head that way but for now we are thinking maybe the Green Pig sounds fun. [/quote] Well if you make it to Habits please come and say hello. [/quote] Sounds dandy. For a limited time Mr. Delicious is sporting a now two week old full beard to contrast his shaved head. Part of a guy thing going on with some of his friends. Getting his Viking on which like his Norse god last name came to him through his family's Dublin roots going back to Norway before attacking or we mean landing in Ireland and becoming truly Irish. Mrs. Delicious is tall and sexy and carries her self like the strong willed woman she is so we should not be hard to spot. It is always fun looking for and finding someone you have not really met.[/

Christain Swingers? - - We believe that being christian and being in the lifestyle go hand and hand the bible teaches to love everyone, be kind to everyone have you ever stopped to think that just maybe the reason you meet each and every person thoughtout life is not by accident? We have found since being in the lifestyle that there have been some profound reasons we have met certain people in this lifestyle here is a quick version of a actual event.While we were in europe working for a contractor a cpl contacted us on a swing site they were from Virgina. Once we met(M&S) they admitted that they never really thought we would meet face to face but after returning from europe we had to travel through Richmond Virgina and we figured what the hell lets look them up so we did and had one hell of a time with them now here is the "divine part". Another cpl (B&S) we had met who contacted us while in Germany (they were traveling through europe) and we manged to meet play and have some fun guess where they are from? Yep you guessed it ,Richmond Virgina! While spending time with the first cpl (M&S) we contacted the other cpl (B&S) they invited us to a party but said "our friends could not come along until they had met them first" so, we did not go to thier party but we did put these two cpls in contact with one another guess what they are now the best of friends and go to each others parties now! Go figure, they found each others through us thousands of miles away yet when they met each others they found out they only lived a block away from each other and they both belonged to the very same prestigeous BDSM society! in the D.C. area! We have many many facts that has happended since we have been in the lifestyle and to us we could not have planned that it had to be divine intervention! Does the lifestyle and christianity go hand and hand you bet and won't convince us otherwise we have had too many of those types of situations happen since we have been in the lifestyle. Some will say its the devil at work we beg to differ it all depends how you interpet what the teachings tell you and who is to say that the bible has not been manipulated since the days of christ? Norm&Sharon

How do you spot a Swinger..?! - tell tell signs of the lifestyle - I really think that we should go with the wristband idea because even when I got to our clubs I cannot tell who is or isn't! Nothing is worse then having a gf yell at you to quit looking at her man because they aren't swingers...my come back was, I wasn't checking him out, I was looking at you! That shut her up! But seriously, the wristbands would be wonderful!

Hey all you "totally secure couples" - Just in case you got it wrong you have methods to recover your loss. - Other than the law suit this is pretty typical of couples who try to "fix" or "spice-up" their failing marriage by swinging. They somehow foolishly think that having sex with other people will magically repair all the self-inflicted damage they've done to their relationship over the years. What they find out is it just intensifies all of it. It just gives them one more thing to argue about. I've read all the newspaper articles on this deal that I could find on Google News. This couple was already in divorce court and just didn't know it. They definitely were swinging to "fix" their screwed-up relationship. According to her, she didn't want to and he coerced and manipulated her into doing it. Of course this sounds great in court for her case. I think the truth is they both had one foot out the door and this was just the break they needed to get away from each other. "There must be 50 ways to leave your lover" type stuff. Unfortunately, they only strengthened what most people already think about swingers. You never hear the good stories, just the "swinging destroyed my marriage" or "I had some friends that tried swinging and they're now divorced." You look into it further though, and you always find out that they were already emotionally divorced, just not legally. Good riddance to this couple. They are truly boneheads.

Meet swingers in Tooele - Where do the swingers hang out in Tooele? - Hi, Looking to go out tonight in Tooele, wondering where to go and meet swingers in Tooele. Anyone have some info? Thanks

Another Swingers Show on TV - - Perhaps it will become available as full episodes on the dicovery website??

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