
Roy Swingers in Montana

Roy Swingers

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Roy, Montana Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Roy, Montana so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Roy Swingers right away!

Is there a small group of couples - - I would love to join a group of swingers.

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Yeah, a lot of insecurity showing here and generalized statements. I like reading people's opinions and their own take on these discussions. But if you do it, please don't paint everyone with your brush. Really, we're adults and can speak for ourselves. :D There are those of us who really like to watch our partners pleasured. There are women who like more than one man at a time. And of course, there are women who want to play with another man, alone. Or, perhaps the single male can teach them something or offers something another man can't. The reasons some seek single males is the same as people seeking single females. They want something different. A new twist or perhaps fulfill a fantasy. Don't let a few bad cases of Overt Manliness taint the many single guys and women on here who are respectful, not crazy and won't throw bullshit at you. They are there and they're fun! And that's what we're all here for, right? -K_T

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - This isn't good, and no I do not expect anything close to "Fair & Balanced". That is why many of us prefer to keep it quiet and just between Us. Nothing on TV has ever made the Lifestyle look good or healthy, which is how many of us feel that are in it. Expect to be ambushed at some Party location in the near future, somebody will want to make more of this. Sorry for the negative view, I am hoping it isn't that way.

Affair Match - -

To whom it may concern,

I think we swingers have no right to make moral judgments. After all, we are not following what the majority of our society deems morally sound. I do not agree with cheating either, but who am I to judge. All of you may not agree with me. I'll bet my life that many of your families, friends, employers and churches would not agree with your lifestyle choices. Who are we to judge? Think of it this way. It's a given that many of you partake in the marijuana plant. This is a violation of criminal and moral law. Yet many many people here proudly boasted this fact in the D&D forum. So much so, that they mistook my posts as anti-marijuana, when I said that I didn't want it around me because of my occupation (military). I highly doubt that if Rob were to post a link to a Caf

LDS Swingers Survey - Will any former/active LDS swingers take my survey? - if you add questions, maybe asking if you're still LDS. or if inactive or simply not LDS anymore at all... what age you left the church might be a good question.

Swingers Dares - Text for cards in the game - WOW! We especially like the blindfold ideas... those are HOT! Sign us up TCMissy... we don't need our own version, we'll come over and play yours ;)

Why swingers are happier. - - The larger question looms as to whether or not those who take anything EVIL posts as something other than sarcasm are happier.

Black Ring, Right Hand - How to tell if someone's a swinger - [quote=ASHLEYSCOTT]Lol, Jeff has been wearing a black ring on his pinky finger of his right hand for almost 10 year's. We heard it was a swinger thing way before we were Swingers but he kept wearing it to mess with people at the time. Definitely not a new thing.[/quote] While it may not be new, it's definitely gaining traction.. And some of the sillier things (like the upside down pineapple) are going the way of urban legends. =) Would like to see it more in Utah, since it's definitely a "thing" when you get outside the lowly shelter of Utah-centric Swingular. (SLS, Kasidie, etc, are all at least mentioning it regularly now, if not downright pushing / endorsing it).... And the OTHER online communities (like reddit) are pushing it pretty hard. Even when it comes to swinging, it seems Utah is sheltered. =) However, worth adding, that based on my observations, it's gaining traction mostly with the under-40 crowd. (Not coincidentally, the same crowd that's more active in the social-media circles).

Open-mindedness - - I see open mindedness a bit situational for most people and while each has their own levels of diversity openness most still tend to set limits. However the observation about the lack of acceptance of bi males or non bi females in the lifestyle does seem out of context with our actions that reach out for sexual freedom. I saw one discussion in another swingers web site about gay marriage and I was somewhat surprised at how many swingers were defending the

Game ON....which sign is Hornier...(is that a word?) - zodiac signs of swingers? - Here is a link to a poll on The Swingers Board about what reader's zodiac signs are. The majority in this poll is Virgo. http://www.swingersboard.com/forums/polls-never-ending-threads/7691-whats-your-sign.html We're a Cancer (him) and an Aries (her).

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