
Hathaway Swingers in Montana

Hathaway Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Hathaway, MT, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Hathaway looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Hathaway, MT. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Hathaway, Montana Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Hathaway, Montana so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Hathaway Swingers right away!

Porn - - (from Terry) We have to remember that the people making porn aren't doing it for our actual personal pleasure or even our entertainment. They're in it as a business. So they want to pump out, as quickly as possible, whatever will have the largest audience. Or what they think will have the largest audience. I think that's why they do so many shots of the guy's dick pumping in and out of her pussy or her ass, so many shots of just her face and his dick while she's sucking it, of the girl's tongue in the other girl's pussy, etc. Apparently, either that's what really does it for most people or it's what they think does it for most people. I find 5 minutes of a dick pumping a pussy, or of the other kinds of things I mentioned, boring. Yeah, I do want to see the actual "sex", but I also want to see the people, not just the parts of them that are involved directly in whatever sex act it is. I want to see how they feel, how they react to each other. And I want to see what led up to the sex act, how they got there, and not one of the ridiculously phony scenarios that most porn vids use. But we also have to remember that we're a minority. Even with all the diversity among swingers, we do have one thing in common, which is a different overall attitude towards sex than that which those living in the vanilla world have. If that weren't the case, we .wouldn't be here. There wouldn't even be a lifestyle, because it would be what everybody did. So it isn

When You're Shopping the Scene... - - Yeah, it'd be kinda cool if there actually WAS some kind of universal accessory or a signal that swingers could use to ID each other out in the vanilla world. And many have tried over the years but nothing has ever really caught on (back in the day, more than a few women wore necklaces of an apple with a bite out of it). And even if something DID actually catch on, and people wore it or whatever to identify other swingers, how long do you think it would take for the internet to make that fairly common knowledge? We went to a swinger's convention in San Diego a number of years ago. The group had taken over the entire hotel and property and nobody was allowed in without a special wristband. It took about 4 hours for most of the hotel staff to learn what those wristbands meant. By the next day, people at nearby hotels, restaurants, and shopping centers had heard the news and as you passed people they would glance at you and then immediately glance down at your wrist. By that evening, most of the swingers were becoming so self-conscious that they were attempting to hide the wristbands beneath watches and bracelets. A few even pulled them off their wrists, if they were loose enough, and then put them back on when re-entering the property. So, as nice as it would be to know for sure who other swingers are, it would kinda defeat the purpose of what many of us state in our profiles...that we're discreet. I suspect that about 10% (if even) would wear a black ring and about 90% wouldn't for fear of being outed as swingers. YMMV

Meeting new swingers? - Where to meet them? - i have met people on yahoo, msn, SLS, SDC ..AFF ...hmmm and TAMMI from here woohooo most ppl i met at the mall ... few others invited me directly to thier house. ..Once i got lost and called her on cellphone and she guided me to the front door ...

Raffle items for the Northern Nights meet and greet!!! - Thanks to the people that donated these! - 4 of these Scooter Bikes, valued over $200 each, were donated by an anonymous couple for the Northern Nights Sub for Santa party. We are going to give two of them away to some lucky Swingers in our raffle and give two of them to the Christmas Box House. These are so KEWL and will make great gifts!!! Thanks to the couple that donated these - they wanted to remain a Secret Santa!!! Love you two! We have many more prizes to give away to our guests, including $200 dollars worth of gift certificates to Dr. John's Lingerie Boutique!!! So make sure you bring a new, unwrapped toy with you to receive FREE admission to the club & your raffle ticket! [color=#c708dd"](1 raffle ticket per person that brings a toy/gift for the Sub for Santa)[/color] All the new toys/gifts will be delivered to the Christmas Box House and will be greatly appreciated by the staff and LOVED by the children that they care for.

Adult Vacation Recomendations - We need some help what to do or where to go! - [quote=BMSHELL]We just did one of the swingers takeover cruises and can't say enough good about the value for the money we spent... (3,800 swingers on one ship... it was the funnest week of our lives). Be cautious of the cruises that are "partial swingers" cruises (meaning, a group of swingers got together and decided to go on a vanilla cruise). You can only "play" in your tiny stateroom, there are going to be tons of kids, and all of the activities are "family friend". On a real swingers cruise, you can be completely naked as much as you want, and all of the activities and themes are *EXTREMELY* adult oriented. [/quote] We like this idea a lot...we'd love to spend a vacation doing what is most fun! Send details our way!

Swingers - a couples only lifestyle? - Are singles considered to be swingers? - Agree in terms with T4, under one roof is the lifestyle and the sign on the door of the rooms bare SWINGING and SWAPPING "choose your room and enjoy. Back to the basic of sexual pleasure (Stimulation- Enticement-Xcitement)

closed doors? - - also, we started going to swingers clubs in our area, it was a lot less pressure for us because we didn't have to go on a "date" with another couple Just a suggestion

Young Swingers Myspace Swinger Party@Club Hedonism - - Hey Guys You have eplained your involvment and you did not have to but it did clear it up for those that wondered. Now that said ok you young ones go have some fun sounds like this cpl will take care of you and the club is sposed to be HOT! Hope its a great turn out and please do post. Enjoy the night, and we were just funnin with yas you know that! Hugs to you bothe Traci and Pat

is soft swap swinging??? - -


Great answer! NO ONE defines swinging. Anyone that uses sentences that start with, "Your not a swinger unless.." or "Real swingers do...." or something similar. These people don't know shit. It's just a way to pressure you. It's sophomoric bullshit, used by kids to pressure each other. They're not unlike the morons that measure their worth by their posessions. Spare yourself the trouble.

-Don- Proud member of "Free Thinkers"

Divorce rates - How do we compare - swingers have more fun.

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