
Winona Swingers in Missouri

Winona Swingers

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City Cracking Down On Sex Parties - - RUBE, that's all I was saying. I can see the issue with the parking. I too would be pissed if my neighbor was blocking the streets. However, in this instance, the parking issue was resolved with the no parking signs and the city just advanced to the next level. The motivation is beyond parking. Now, they are misusing their power at the council level to make laws that prohibit the exercise our liberties within the confines of a private residence.

Here is a related article. http://cbs11tv.com/topstories/local_story_312000757.html Swingers Plan Party To Raise Money For Legal Fees (CBS 11 News) DUNCANVILLE Tuesday night the Duncanville City Council voted to shut down a swingers club known as the Cherry Pit. Now they say they have an additional reason to party. The organizers hope to attract big crowds on Friday and Saturday night. They say they'll use the donations to build a legal defense fund to fight the city's ordinance. On their Web site's chat room Wednesday, the Cherry Pit's organizers said they need $10,000 to retain an attorney who will help them fight to stay open. They said it would take 1,000 supporters donating $10 each. After the ordinance passed Tuesday, organizers Jim Trulock and Julie Norris vowed to take the city to court next week. "They will not shut us down. It takes ten days. We'll file an injunction and prove that it's unconstitutional," said Norris. All along, the couple has insisted if any of the swingers are having sex in the house, it's consensual and nothing that happens is illegal. Police couldn't prove any wrong-doing because they only ask for donations. With the new ordinance though, the city will shut down any private sex clubs in residential neighborhoods if they advertise or promote themselves. The Cherry Pit promotes their parties on their Web site. Duncanville's city manager said even if organizers shut down their Web site, it wouldn't solve the problem. "It's really the activity," said Kent Cagle. "I think we'll still have an issue if they bring the same amount of people and causing disruption." After residents complained, the city put up no parking signs in front of the Cherry Pit to keep the crowds away. But the organizers insist visitors aren't the problem. "At 12 o'clock on Sunday, church lets out. They all flood the streets. They have to have police officers out on the street to direct traffic. There's a hazard. That causes wrecks. We don't do anything like that. We're not a nuisance... That's a nuisance," said Trulock. City council members are expecting a legal fight and are awaiting to see what the club does next.
Again, you can tell by the comments made, that religion is a factor here. -D-

Crickets! - - Damn....The forum is as dead as the economy. Take heart swingers, don’t lose faith. Human kind will prevail, Sex will prevail.

Young swingers party - sold out, who still wants to party ? - Looking at the event page for that party; I guess it's sold out according to the party details of the event. Who still hasn't gotten tickets yet but would still want to party? Thinking about getting a select group of people together and doing drinks or meet & greet some place else . Who would be interested?

Creating an Amazing Swingers Profile - How to market yourself better - Glad this thread had some current comments. It's very funny with an aweful lot of truth. What more could you ask for.

RECOGNIZING OTHER SWINGERS - Outside of clubs & parties. - I have always just asked...

Racist Cops In The South - Trooper uses racial slur and threatens to kill a fleeing man. - DANDJLIKETOPLAY, That's my whole point. Why does it matter? I honestly do not get it. I opened this discussion with the intention of connecting with fellow libertines. I want to know why we, as swingers, can be so progressive when it comes to our sex lives and the liberty that we require to fullfill them. Yet, we are blissfully ignorant to basic humanity. I feel ashamed to be a human sometimes. The fact that some of the most intelligent people in the world are being stifled because of the melanin in their skin, baffles me. The sun seperates us. THE SUN! Ironically, it is the same sun that gave birth to many religions of the world. It even gave birth to Judaeo-Christianity. If you want to watch a great movie that will enlighten you to some little known facts; I suggest you watch a great flick called Zeitgeist. http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com If you have about two hours, this movie is filled with interesting facts and some speculation as to our future and theories regarding our world, conjured from some of these facts. Please watch it with an open mind and also a grain of salt. It changed my perspective a little after watching it. Anyway, let me know what you think. -D-

Utah? - - OH MY GOSH !!! Swingers in Utah? Has someone talked to KSL about this? It would make a great news story... (just kidding) For the record... its not just an abundance of swingers.. but one heck of alot of very wonderful people. The scenery is fantastic and depending upon where you locate... it may be alittle retro "Mayberry" in some areas... but the peace and quiet is wonderful. You still have the big city atmosphere too if thats something you like.

what the f#%@ was he thinking? - swingers still deserve respect - Seems that some guys mistake swinging sites like this for porn sites. Too many stag movies and not enough time in social situations with others to develop any manners. It really is in poor taste but on the other hand the poor taste is to be expected from time to time and isn't worth traveling to beat on someone...

Why Be In Utah? - - The Mormon culture is Thick and repressive, winters are cold and the air is filthy. What makes Utah great in my opinion is the country. From deep dry snow only moments from the main population centers,to world class rivers, spectacular desert country. Utah, despite It's crazy rules and history, is a very beautiful place to be. And there is a pretty crazy swingers scene.

Have the forums become... - Forum Poll - ...a sad parody of the booty call section? 1) Yes, but how the fuck else do you get people to consider fucking you? I mean it's just TOO HARD to actually read profiles and write a thoughtful, provocative email expressing your interest and reasons why you think you might be a good match with a particular person or couple. 2) No, the forums were actually designed expressly to make it so someone has to expend as little effort as possible searching for and connecting with other like-minded swingers. 3) I didn't know there was any other way to try to connect with other people besides the forum. Besides, I'm spending 3 Gold Dragons per month to be a member and I damn well expect to get my money's worth in easy, free nookie! Dracarys! 4) Fuck you, Evil. You probably only get lucky when the junkies who live under the viaduct need a fix and you have a few bucks leftover from your SSI check to pay them for a BJ. 5) Meh, we just spam out Friend Requests and hope a few of the people we send them to will do all the work and try to convince US to fuck THEM. It's reverse psychology! 6) I'm starting to think this poll is just a tad sarcastic. 7) It's Saturday night and our Dance (Fuck) Card is so full we'll have to visit the ER early tomorrow morning for the severe chaffing from fucking so many people. Who needs forums? 8) That does it! We're going back to AFF and cruising for sex partners at run-down dive bars after last call.

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