
Saint Robert Swingers in Missouri

Saint Robert Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Saint Robert, MO, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Saint Robert looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Saint Robert, MO. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Saint Robert, Missouri Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Saint Robert, Missouri so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Saint Robert Swingers right away!

Christian Swingers - - I recently came across some Yahoo groups where Christians who are swingers post talking about their activities. Some of these share their wives and others are into other things like B&D. Anyone here a Christian swinger? I would like to hear comments from anyone who wants to put in their two cents worth.

is it true about swingular??????????????????? - - We will ask that question on the Aug the 16th (Swingular) is coming to Club Elite and parting with all the Tampa Bay Area Swingers....should be a Hot Time.

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - AKLIM, It's just as "rude" for you not to click "ignore single males". If you expect them all to read your profile, you take the time to read your settings thoroughly enough to see that you can block them LOL! raw statistics can be flawed. You show me stats that say today in LA, 1000 pitbulls attacked children and only 400 were committed by other various breeds. What does that tell you/me??? It says nothing of the circumstance. Were the animals mistreated and trained to attack??? How many pits are trained to fight???? Show me your stats. Stats can be skewed to fit the bias. Show me some. In reality, the CDC lists 10 that are prone to bite: Pit bulls Rottweilers German Shepherds Huskies Alaskan Malamutes Doberman Pinschers Chow Chows Great Danes St. Bernards Akitas Wow, all large breeds that are usually trained to fight, guard or attack. -D- -D-

ksl - did you watch?? - Swingers in polygamist state.....HMMMM.....Wonder who started that? Well they can kiss my.....

Newbie "outdoorsy" couple interested in the softer side. - Wish to develop a friendship with another couple in S ID, N UT - [quote=Canvas][quote=LILMISSRIDINGHOOD]There are couples and singles in the lifestyle, who have been in the lifestyle for a while, who also like to take things slow. Some don't want to just jump into bed, but they are aware of the many ins and outs of the lifestyle. I've been in the LS for years, but prefer to make friends, first, then decide if I want to go further if they, too, want to go further. If you want a friendship with no sexual strings attached, I suggest you look for others who feel the same. Narrowing your search down to just newbies, or suggesting that's what you're looking for, limits your options. You might consider meeting people with the precondition that you don't swap, but you may reconsider at a later date. [/quote] Thanks for your input. It is appreciated! Our thinking with looking for newbies was that we could all be nervous together and learn together. However, it's not like we know our way around these waters. All this has actually been very humbling to me (male half). I'm used to diving into things and doing well from the start. Here though.... it all feels so foreign, intimidating. Maybe it's due to my wife and I marrying right out of HS. We dated others in HS but that was so long ago with entirely different maturity levels. At any rate, your point is well taken. We welcome any advice and constructive criticism we can get. Thanks again! [/quote] What, specifically, feels intimidating? Or perhaps a better question would be what do you fear? Are you afraid that one of you will fall in love with a playmate and leave the marriage? Or that one or both of you will like swinging too much and become big ole sluts? LOL Or maybe you're afraid of contracting a horrific sexually transmitted disease and your junk will fall off? *grin* Most of us are TERRIBLY bad at risk assessment and more often than not we fear things that are statistically FAR less likely to happen than things we don't seem to fear all that much. Some people won't fly in planes even though they are FAR less likely to die in a plane crash than driving their car to Walmart. And many swingers are deathly afraid of getting AIDS even though it's really quite hard to contract compared to, say, HSV, which most adults have actually already been exposed to. Identifying why you're intimidated might be a better use of your time than trying to find a needle in a haystack. But in the end, do what you're comfortable doing. If you think finding another newbie couple is the least intimidating way to dip your toes in then, by all means, do that. Those of us who have been around the scene for a while, however, could tell you some of the drawbacks to meeting people who are newbies. Personally, we would seek out a more experienced couple, albeit one who is NOT pushy and is willing to go at your pace and is looking for friendship more than sex. The reason I say that is if things DO turn sexual, a more experienced couple is less likely to freak out or have other issues that they haven't already dealt with. Either way, good luck.

Christain Swingers? - - Guess our only comment would be what is the definition of being a Christian? If you believe in GOD and in Christ, but you do things that are contrary to the moral beliefs... doesnt that just make you a sinner ? We believe strongly in the teachings of our religion... attend church on a regular basis and maintain a fairly good standing in our area. However, we do have our other life which is contrary to our beliefs and we accept there will be consequiences we will have to pay some day for that lifestyle. We just accept it. We need both sides in our lives and we have found a good balance that is very satisfying.

Sensitivities - a paradox? - I think you're right that "L'S'ers" vary in personality and other traits just like the mainstream population. I think there is a "liberal" stigma associated with the lifestyle that just isn't true. I mean seriously, why would it be any different than the mainstream? The only thing most people here do differently is their sex life. Some people here fuck like bunnies on Friday and Saturday and go beg their god for forgiveness on Sunday. A lot of swingers are more conservative than most vanillas. "Swinging" only makes one sexually liberal. Swinging is a sexuality trait and not a lifestyle. It may be considered a lifestyle for those that constantly evade friends, work, church and family in their daily pursuit of hook-ups. However, as a libertine, "swinging" is only one aspect, of a liberal lifestyle that I, myself, wish to obtain. It's not a necessity, yet not forbidden... It's a choice I can make with no consequence.

Looking For A Party This Weekend? - Big Bang 4th Of July Weekend At JJ's! - You found it! Come party at JJ Western Swing July 3, 4, & 5! You won't get kicked out at 3am at this party! No, at JJ's we go all night/weekend long and you can stay on premises - no need to rent a motel! JJ's is located in beautiful Pahrump, Nevada; a short, scenic drive from Las Vegas. If you live in Nevada, Utah, Arizona, or California the drive will be well worth it! JJ's regularly attracts visitors from all of these states but the last thing you will find here is a "tourist trap". These are real life-stylers at a real lifestyle party! We already have people RSVP'd from all over the country as well as plenty of Vegas/Pahrump locals and the list is growing. (Last weekend we had real swinger couples from Pennsylvania and Salt Lake as well as ladies from Alabama and Atlantic City!) Come enjoy the sexy, no pressure atmosphere. Real swingers abound but first-timers and those investigating the lifestyle are always welcome! JJ's Party Information Line: (775) 513-3544 [url=http://www.swingular.com/partyZone.php?_a=details&_PID=137]July 3rd Party Information[/url] [url=http://www.swingular.com/partyZone.php?_a=details&_PID=138]July 4th Party Information[/url] [url=http://www.swingular.com/partyZone.php?_a=details&_PID=139]July 5th Party Information[/url] [url=http://jjwesternswing.com]JJ Western Swing Official Website[/url]

Secret Swingers Club Ogden, UT - Clubs - Friday nights are lifestyle friendly. This Friday is Steampunk theme. Haven't seen tomorrow's password yet. Password just gets your cover waved. I think we'll be there tomorrow.

Know any Mormon swingers in SoCal? - Single girl in SoCal wants to know! - Weirdest thread ever.

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