
Pleasant Hope Swingers in Missouri

Pleasant Hope Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Pleasant Hope, MO, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Pleasant Hope looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Pleasant Hope, MO. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Pleasant Hope, Missouri Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Pleasant Hope, Missouri so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Pleasant Hope Swingers right away!

Christain Swingers? - - Me, male half, am a born again, spirit filled child of god. I grew up Penticostal(sp?), but I have since learned to think for myself. I do beleave that Adultry in the bible refeared to cheating. Going behind your husband/wifes back & sleeping with someone else. It is all in how you look at it & its true translation. Look at "Thou shalt not kill". This is NOT you will not kill someone like everyone says. If so David, who killed Golith would have not made it into heaven. God himself helped David kill Golith & he himself killed others. This in itself would mean God committed a sin. The correct, in my eyes & other preachers I have talked with about this, is "Thou shalt not Kill' Means you shall not committ cold blooded murder. It is all in how you take the meaning. So I do beleave you can be a Christain, go to church & still swing. I could get more indepth but will not :).

Tooele swingers party - Our first swingers party - So after discussing it for a bit with my wife weve decided wed like to try and host a swingers party here in tooele. Now ideally wed like to primarily focus on playing with other tooele couples. This invite also extends to those outside this area so long as they can make the drive. So for those interested or want details and what have you. Feel to join the tooelecouplesfun in the kik pubic groups or speak to us directly dm devilfox187 and we can talk. As a warning couples are preferred and will come first followed by single females and then single males. Im sure we will have a few of each but as this will be at our home we will cut it off at a point. Apologies on that and hope to hear from some fun swingers in and surrounding tooele, lets have fun ;-)

corvette - any one up for a group ride - [quote=KRAZYGIRL]Its not a Bow Tie but would love a reason to get these two sexy girls out and enjoy them. Let us know[em]Emo_85[/em] [/quote] Definitely doesn't have to be a bow tie. We have one of each in the garage, Dodge, Ford, & Chevy. Your Mustang is nice(so is the wife). Maybe we all should start a swingers car club. Haha

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site -

E'one, The Don

I included this song in another thread to lighten the mood. So I will add it here as well. WAAA1101 is only here to argue. His original question was answered on the very first page. He is not here to resolve anything. I think we should just let this one go. I heard his point and I do not agree. I, like everyone else, will continue posting what I want on this site. WAAA, heard our point and doesn't agree. We all know where we stand. 10 pages should tell him and us, that no one agrees with him. I am not gonna sit here and read this stooge anymore. He quit making me laugh. What I will do if this thread continues is take my own path with it. Consider the song my first act of defiance LOL.

-Don- "Ich habe einen kleinen Vogel in meinem Kopf."

Note: Best if viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7

Anyone else in or near Daybreak? - We know you are out there! - [quote=PLAYNW3][quote=MEOWMIX10000][quote=PLAYNW3]What ever came of the Daybreak swingers Facebook page? Is it active and being used?[/quote] pretty slow. a couple people talk and post pics. most people just lurk. We need more people. Could be a great group[/quote] We worry about our kids etc finding it, that's why we haven't joined the Facebook group. We'd like to hear what's going on but really don't trust Facebook for this type of communication.[/quote] Yeah, actually I don't blame you. We worry about that too.

Has swinging changed? - - We know there are always a lot of noobs so this might not be the best question for them but for those of you who've been doing this a while, has the lifestyle changed? If so, in what way and has it changed for the better? We started swinging MANY years ago. In fact we were still in college! Now we've never been really hard core swingers and have taken many breaks over the years...sometimes for years; when we've had other stuff going on in our lives and/or we needed time for ourselves. But we've seen some fairly drastic shifts in the whole vibe in the lifestyle especially the past 5 years or so and wondered if anyone else has noticed this?

Tooele kik group - Thinking of making a tooele kik group - So noticing theirs quiet a few tooele couples and singles on amd wondering if thos in the tooele county area and surrounding nearby areas might be up for becoming involved in a kik group for swingers out here?

Creating an Amazing Swingers Profile - How to market yourself better - So after reading the comments we went in and deleted some picture. Made some changes to the profile. We would change the profile picture but can't do it on the iPad. We were thinking the picture told a little about us. But your opinions are welcome. Simples.

Where are all the MEN - looking for men that arent afraid of furthering the aspect of sex - \"Bi_Mi_cpl\"..I have to agree somwehat...lol While the statement \"all swingers are bi\" doens\'t count me, I do however enjoy my wife with a strap-on. It was something we tried once and we enjoyed it. And the way i figured it, 1 million gay guys can\'t be wrong..lol.

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - Our first couple was an other couple, around 50 I think. They were absolutely great in "teaching us the ropes". For our 2 cents, age is a matter of mind, if you don't mind, it don't matter. Get to know the couple before you reject them out of hand. Tandvplay

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