
Montier Swingers in Missouri

Montier Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Montier, MO, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Montier looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Montier, MO. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Montier, Missouri Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Montier, Missouri so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Montier Swingers right away!

Orgy Party by Swingers Circle in Las Vegas - - Sorry. Don't mean to be. It's from breathing too many fumes from Stericycle and Holly. [em]Emo_8[/em]

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - [quote=INTERESTED1TIME1]Come to the dark side of swinging! We have cookies![/quote] See now that's the attitude that pisses vanillas off...when they think we're having more fun (or ANY fun for that matter) than they are...and that we have cookies too. [em]Emo_25[/em]

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - I was addressing the original poster, and ONLY the original poster. I was doing what the forum was intended to do, and that was answering the question of the original poster. Waaaa has a genuine, valid question, and I addressed it directly. TR- you seem to think that this is about you. Sorry to inform you, it isn't. But somehow I'm not surprised that you want to make it so. I guess the forum system here is just broken.

centrall illinois swingers around springfield,illinois - party for couples and single females - come on all wanna get a nice group goin around springfield area

Just curious are we the only ones? - Just curious are we the only ones? - [quote=HERRIMANFUN]We have ran into people at clubs not knowing and at the grocery stores. The male half isn't afraid of chatting with people he finds attractive and have met a lot of people just by striking up conversations. But we see people at parks or driving and think wow they are attractive, I wonder??[/quote] The question is... "do you feel lucky"? Based on data I've collected from hosting events, and from building the Swingular mobile app (BlackRingMobile.com), I can tell you that Swingular has roughly 500 couples who are active in the lifestyle at any given time (and trust me, anyone who's actively swinging has an account here). Some studies indicate that as much as 4% of married adults are non-monogamous. That doesn't mean they swing, it simply means they have (at some point in their marriage) agreed that it would be okay to have sex outside of their marriage on at least one occasion. This number seems pretty high to me, especially in Utah. (Bordering on ridiculous, actually). So somewhere between these two numbers is the truth... 500 couples in Utah have a Swingular account, and by some (very liberal) estimations, as many as 35,000 couples in Utah are non-monogamous. Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that there are 3,000 couples in Utah who are actively interested in swinging. (Again, I have SERIOUS doubts that the number is that high, based on data I've collected from Swingular... but let's roll with it)... There are 886,000 couples in Utah, which means there's a 0.33% chance (1 in 300) that the couple you're looking at are swingers. However, if the number of ACTIVE swinging couples in Utah is closer to 1,000 (far more likely), the odds go down to 0.11% (1 in 1,000). This is probably a more realistic picture of your odds when you try to pick up a random couple in the wild. 1 in a thousand isn't out of the question..... but unless you're prepared to be very blunt, it's probably not worth wasting your time on, either. Just my two cents. =)

RECOGNIZING OTHER SWINGERS - Outside of clubs & parties. - And we thought we were seeing things. But she was upside down. We will know next time

Going out on a limb... - - i have been a member for over 2 years now and i do have to be honest and i have not met anyone off of this site yet. i have tried a few times but they were not interested which is fine by me. but i do have alot of fun on this site reading posts and going into the chat room. and i figure one day i will find that right single or couple and we'll have fun. but this site is not just about finding someone to meet. i find this website fun to chat and learn about other swingers likes and dislikes. but you do have one thing going for you.....you do live in utah.....LOL. well i'm not sure what exactly your looking for but i have heard of other singles on this web site meeting with couples. but again it's up to you. well good luck with this site.

That Moment - - All of the time....I try to not look like myself in public....I make sure I look like a slob(well not a slob but more clothes lol). I hate going to the store in general as rather they are a swinger or not....I will and most the time do have some odd weirdo have to take time to tell me their mind! lol We have ran into couples and have said hi depending on the whole situation. If kids are around we will just wave and smile at them. Swingers are EVERYWHERE so BEWARE!

lost with people - florida wanna be swingers - As so many have already mentioned, MANY advertise and MANY state they are wanting to meet other people but when it comes time to walk the talk is when you find out there is a lot of wanna be's and BS out there. We changed our ad to be very blunt but it helps keep away those who are seeking additional photos, or those who just want to email to death and seem to never want to chat on the phone or meet in person. We think this is another reason some people don't post a picture, or post a picture showig them with another couple. We respect privacy, but you can block out eyes, faces or do a few things with the photo that still allows others to get a pretty good idea what you look like without giving away who you are. Then there are the cases where all of a sudden your picture shows up as being the wife on some elses profile! The lifestyle is truly a wonderful way to live. For those of us who live this way of life, finding other real people is always a hunt. But when you do finally meet someone you click with - the magic truly begins. We would think Florida would be better than where we live (Montana), but I think no matter where you live you will run into fakes, liars, wanna be's, cheats and all out BS. Good luck to you in your search and we hope things get better for ya.

ADMIN: Survey Says - Site Updates for Priority - - Fix the site so it's mobile-responsive. Your current mobile app sucks ass. (Like.. a LOT of ass). We had a great one with SwingRing and you shut it down. (I even offered to give you the whole thing for free.. but you ignored a ton of emails to that end). All modern social communities are now mobile-first. This one is mobile-non-existent. I recognize this is a total front-end UI rewrite. I would propose that it's probably about time. I can introduce you to some people who are very good at this kind of work, if you need. (And you'll have to forgive us if you make another promise that it's coming, and we don't believe you anymore). - Get rid of the awful chat system and replace it with something a little more.. modern. You're just plugging in bad third-party products and you just cheapen the whole experience. CometChat really is bad, and the mobile app you white-labeled from them is absolutely TERRIBLE. You should get your money back on that whole venture. (123FlashChat is also TERRIBLE!!) - Fix the "groups" feature here. You need a more social / facebook style wall where content that's relevant to us is pushed to our main Swingular page. If someone posts in a group I belong to, I should get notified of that and see it on my wall. If someone replies to a thread in the forums I'm participating in, I'd like to see that. Kasidie, Quiver, and other sites are figuring all of this out while this site still lives in the dark ages. As it stands, the social capabilities of this site aren't just bad -- they're embarrassing. No wonder so many people from this site are migrating to the (less than ideal) Facebook groups and Kik chat rooms. - I want a damn text message or push notification when someone sends me a message. I want to be able to reply to the message they sent from my mobile device, without going through some cumbersome sign-in process. I want to be able to view their profile, their public photos, and their private photos without having to go through the captcha process. Put simply? I want interaction with other couples to be seamless. You really suck at this right now. (The SwingRing app had all this. You killed it in favor of something that looks like it was created by a junior-high kid). - Better event management.. I built a REALLY nice event management system in the SwingRing app that's now dead.. but parties were better attended than ever before as a result of that system. Now we're back to the stone age. The whole point of this site is to help swingers meet other swingers. Don't lose site of that! - All the bells and whistles that I get from other sites are missing. (List is too long to paste here, but I'd be happy to offer you consulting services on how to build engaging and interactive online communities). ---- My data shows swingers are moving elsewhere and your site is becoming less relevant. It's still the only real gathering place for swingers in Utah, but it won't be long before the mobile world decimates this cash-cow you've built. (I'm happy to share that usage data with you, if you're interested).

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