
Maitland Swingers in Missouri

Maitland Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Maitland, MO, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Maitland looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Maitland, MO. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Maitland, Missouri Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Maitland, Missouri so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Maitland Swingers right away!

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - The world will never get how our brains work my true lifestylers; there's always going to be a warped view of what and how we enjoy it. They could only dream of experiencing the type of erotica we get to feel. Let's continue to set our expectations of the world and Utah's view, very low, as to not get caught up in judgement, hate or disillusionment. Play on and may we all continue to successfully manage our relationships so we may always enjoy the tantalizing and rich tasting fruit of the lifestyle erotica.

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - hey dumb shit waaaaaa you are the one rebelling.you are the one that started whining about thread topics that YOU do not like.in your opionion no one else should like them either.if you will check the forum site again,that is where you went to start this thread,there is a section titled just talk and if you open your eyes a little more under that heading it says"non lifestyle related topics...".it does not say non lifestyle related topics that every one agrees to.as to name calling i do not believe i was calling anyone a name,but you are slinging quite a few around.seems to me i defended you on the spelling issue.but truth be known either you did not go to school at all or didn't listen when you were there because a fucking complete moron spells a whole lot better than you.now like every one has said if you do not like a threads topic then don't read it.it is just like television if you do not like what is on(now i am only assuming this)you change the channel.and if you think i am calling you a moron let me assure you i am not as a moron can spell better. Phil

Blindfolded Gangbang 12/13 in Murray - - **UPDATE** We have 4 reliable tall attractive guys coming. We did this a couple weeks ago with +4 and with everyone staying for round 2 it was all she could handle, even had to shower in the middle of it. So we are capped with single males. We have a few more that would like to join but we need another couple with a PARTICIPATING female before we can add more. We are totally laid back, comfortable and fun to be around. The males invited are also fun and comfortable. So,if there is a couple that would like to join, please PM YOUR KIK USERNAME. With work restrictions, this is the only way we can have a conversation, and you will need to live pic verify on kik. Sorry if that is too much, but with all the fake couple profiles here we must have that in order to be invited. DO NOT CONTACT us if both parties are not 100% in and 100% excited to join us and can bring that fun vibe with them. We will have enough fun as it is, but we are swingers and love to share. PM you KIK username and be able to answer a few questions and live verify together.

Young Swingers Myspace Swinger Party@Club Hedonism - - Hey Mike and Jen Well maybe we should all invite them to a party the same night so they wont be left out durring the kiddies event. oops but they are the host hows that work? Hmmmm on the other hand Traci and I will be hosting a hot single girls and wives only party this Sat night at our home. Dress will be naked for the girls and I will be the only male their. Ok e mail us at inmydreamsdotcom if you would like to go. Jen we hope you will be the first to sign up. LOL We are sure this cpl means well hope their party is HOT and they will share some pics for us all. Enjoy your the party and post how it goes. We mean no harm!!!! Hugs Traci and Pat

Jewellery, logos, etc to identify other swingers - We would like info on websites catering to discreet items to let others "know" we are in the lifestyle - How about instead of identifying other Swingers with objects just do a little flirting with other couples when out... they bite or they don't... but definately more fun. just a thought. :z

Random funny shit. - A place to post anything you think others might find amusing. - [quote=Utahldscouple][quote=EVILDOERS]Yeah, I know, but there are a lot of noobs here who NEED to see that video so they'll learn how to become swingers the RIGHT way! "At swinger's parties it's a must to smoothly glide with every thrust. Use the lube that swingers trust and reach for Uncle Fromin's." The ONLY sex lube designed for three or more people![/quote]Where do you get the time and find all of these?[/quote] That particular video was made by a Colorado couple that, before they split, were on another swingsite that we're on. They actually produced a number of REALLY funny videos (most of which, sadly, aren't online anymore) and posted them on that website. As you might imagine he and I had similar personalities and talked at length a number of times online about all kinds of random funny stuff. The Batman video was one I just stumbled on while surfing YouTube. Of course, I'm drawn to funny, facetious, and borderline offensive styles of comedy. We actually use humor (as you probably have guessed) as a tool to help us weed out couples that we wouldn't necessarily be compatible with. And it's actually for the OTHER couples' benefit because we are fairly likely (and Ms. Evil is guilty of this even more than I am-lol) to crack jokes in the middle of sex. We've had more than a few people over the years get quite upset with her/us for doing this. But I'm ALWAYS looking for new, funny, stuff and that's why I started this thread, way back in the time of the dinosaurs, to find more new stuff because we LOVE to laugh! [em]Emo_49[/em]

Difficult in finding Couples or single Males/ Females - - join a local group. you're in utah for crying out loud, thats where all the swingers are. seriously, don't knock it till you try it. one of our most sucessful swinging encounters was with a couple old enough to be my parents.

Las Vegas - Las Vegas - [quote=BMSHELL]We haven't been, but do have a weekend planned the first of May... Did extensive research on Red Rooster and Green Door... and they both look gross. Really gross. (Like, worn down, 70s style venue where you could probably get an STD from sitting on a chair). Wife saw the pictures, read the reviews, and refuses to go anywhere near them. Swingers Circle looks more like a scam to me than a swingers club -- and after reading the reviews, I'm kind of disappointed that Swingular even allows them to advertise here. Couples Oasis and New Temptations are the two we intend to investigate when we arrive... but honestly, they're our backup plan if we can't find a fun couple to hit it off with, instead.[/quote]We were at the Red Rooster this past Saturday Night and had a wonderful time, if we play we always have our own sheets and towels, we have also attended a Swingers Circle event had a WONDERFUL time there also, Couples Oasis, was nice, but we aren't Ken & Barbie either, so i guess it all depends on who and what you are really looking for. Good Luck

Why do you swing? - Why not? - even though we came about it somewhat by accident and somewhat later on, I feel as though we were inherently swingers. it just took a long time to figure out that what society was feeding us and what we were feeling wasn’t wrong. we have the most amazing conversations and the best sex ever. we have more love and intimate times with each other and share the things in life that really matter and can still be individuals with wants and desires and can be happy for one another in the others joy and pleasure and still know we have that rock and hsafe place to rely on. we are having more fun than ever. hit us up if you wanna join in our fun.

Any Swingers out there? Golf swingers that is... - - Co~Ed Naked Golf! this is the ticket! And made famous by "O" who wrote in "The Sensuous Woman" that, "the special grass they use on golf greens felt so good under her bare skin..." Anybody plundered a golf green?

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