
Elmer Swingers in Missouri

Elmer Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Elmer, MO, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Elmer looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Elmer, MO. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Elmer, Missouri Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Elmer, Missouri so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Elmer Swingers right away!

Hello summer - Swingers couple party - Let's hear the explanation

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - So we watched the news piece and we observed that the lady they interviewed was rejected at parties and said she felt like she was in the 5th grade again because she was left out and her husband was busy as hell at the orgies they would attend..........this was nothing more than an attention piece on her part. She's obviously jaded.

What's wrong with this??? - Taken from a live profile. - just had to ad a reply to this if you listen to what swingers have to say is you BOTH and i mean BOTH have to be in it together one mate canot do it just to please another it will ultamitly tear the relation ship apart if another couple is trying to convince them then theey to they too must other motives i can see nothing but problems for them she wll feel used and resentful aftwer a time and maybe even guilt all will play haveoc with the relation shipand she will miss trhe true intent to have fun just my humblreopioinany newbes i have ever talkesd to I just tell them streight out you both must be in thisd together

FAKES CERTIFIED AS REAL!?!?!?!? - HOW DO WE GET RID OF THE FAKES? - We also have been talking with her - or him, apparently. Maybe the rules need to be adjusted - whoever certified this freak should have their certification priviliges taken away. I also spoke with his ex-girlfriend - poor girl, she really has had a hard time with this. This guy gave out HER contact information - she was getting calls and texts from swingers, not knowing what was going on. Hopefully, the admin will address this accordingly! A&K

Utah? - - Hmm.. anything beside swingers? Grocery stores that can't sell wine or liquor, lots of people that support Bush, mini-van drivers bearing testimonies in the left lane on most freeways, a few clubs and bars with last calls around 1-am, hi poser to swinger ratio, no anti-smoking laws, no off premise clubs, no on premise clubs, KSL swing reports, lots of people having sex in really odd underwear, Church controlled politics, less than 1 hour from Vegas or Denver via plane, and totally hot blondes with weekend fun temple recommends!!! But there are truly some fun LS parties, sexy bods, and the most amazing outdoors in the USA! Oh, and awesome skiing on Sunday cause everyone is in church repenting to their Bishop. ;-)

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - As I've said before.... Regardless of the category one slides crap into it still stinks. Little snide remarks about people..their grammer or use of U for YOU or 4 for the word FOUR and other shortcuts used on the web elseware. Maybe this person, the original posted, may be from some other country and has a limited vocabulary and or limited grammer. We are one of the only countries that speak only one language... Try German or French or Vietnamese, Chinees, or maybe Spanish, if that is not your native language. Most people try to communicate and people understand that there are limitations. I understand that this is an open forum here, but forums on other sites have been shut down for lesser crapola than is used here. One shut down when the Gulf war started. Too much about death and opinions on the administration and the why or why not of being in a war. Then that sparked flaming, name calling and more. On this very site someone got very political and there was a call to have that one ousted. He was.. Maybe you remember him. And he used this very forum to voice his opinions..... So... Why do so many think that they are right and some others are wrong? If we voluntarily make things better... we will have a more friendly site and Forum. It's easy to say "if you don't like it don't read it", then why is this post 8 pages long????????????????? It's just that this site has become very controversal in that we love to piss on each other and on each other's thoughts... I got to page 5 and couldn't go any farther... Piss moan, counter piss and counter moan... Good boy or girl Charlie, you agree with me and we together piss on someone else... Think about it...How many times can this go on with adults who should be old enough and wise enough to know that this is a childish pursuit.... What do you think about that... Maybe this can generate another 8 or 10 pages, HUH???? Understand I may read some of it BUT I will stand on the outside and watch the pissing contests. Too old to play that game and besides my diuretics dictate when I piss... LOL Have a happy day and please give a thought to making this a better place to live.

SLC Couple for MFM+M+M - Wife wants small gangbang - [quote=class1111]Goodlife, I knew one woman who desired this and the hard part was screening who she wanted. After all YOU are extremely high level and I have to think you want men who are decent. Along with wanting those few men to be appealing, and have nice cocks to play with. I friend of mine in the past found it was better for her to meet and enjoy a few guys one on one and introduce those guys in the group. As the Queen built her harem, she knew what she was getting, how they performed, and that they were not dumb ass homophobe that dont want other cocks around. This women said that it was the best experience to have three guys and that anymore became cluttered. She wanted erotic sensuality as opposed to the sense of just being a piece of meat. No insult to those who like that, so no hate mail please, WE ALL have our kinks. That is why we love seeing post like this.[/quote] The problem here is you are in Utah. Think of how many gorgeous but divorced women are here, 30-40’s, lived a suppressed marriage for years and now want to have fun, but still have the “can’t be single” mindset. Meaning those sought after single guys just don’t stay single long. When you travel outside of Utah you do meet these guys that have been joining us swingers for years. The ones here that have years experience pop in and out based on relationships.

San Diego clubs? - Friday June 4 - We'll be in San Diego on Friday June 4. Is there a good swingers club the wife and I could visit that night? Then we'll be in Los Angeles Sat night. What about a club there? (We've been to Sea Mountain Inn in Palm Springs and enjoyed that, but we didn't want to drive that far Sat night) Thanks!

Site Weirdness - A thousand less members online than usual? - [quote=CHEFFETTE][quote=UTAHCOUPLE4PLAY]I've only been on here about a month and I get logged out by the site frequently, even as I'm writing something.[/quote](M)Was just reading your profile and half way through I was loged out so guess they still have things to do, but still the best site for swingers. Anyway I like your profile LOL.

Disabled Swingers - - Wolf thanks for the comment

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