
Durant Swingers in Mississippi

Durant Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Durant, MS, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Durant looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Durant, MS. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Durant, Mississippi Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Durant, Mississippi so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Durant Swingers right away!

LDS Swingers Survey - Will any former/active LDS swingers take my survey? - done

We're Back!!! - Hi there! - [quote=Starlights]Makes me wonder how many viable, sincere hits you two get with such a specific search criteria. You don’t consider yourselves “swingers”, but you’re on a swinger site looking for an exclusive relationship… from my own personal experience and from what I’ve seen with others, this type of relationship with another couple burns short but bright. I always caution couples we know when they come across other couples that change their minds from a sexy fun friendship to trying to back them into a serious “exclusive” relationship… excluding all other friends they’ve made in this LS along the way. It can be a drama filled and painful road. I’m sure of the 6 couples you’ve dated over the years you can attest to that if you’re being 💯 honest to yourselves. This type of relationship should be (imo) found organically and mutually if that’s what it ends up being… Saying you want to be exclusive with a potential swinger couple from the start, while upfront and honest, can sound forced and rigid. Some of the stories of possessiveness between couples just sound absurd to us given the LS they’ve chosen. In any case, good luck with your search.[/quote] 👍 I get that. If I'm understanding Candyrocks criteria, I can empathize with them though. We feel similarly challenged in that we haven't much interest in couples whose focus is bouncing from couple to couple. At the same time, I realize that the relationship we hope to find is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Adding to that challenge is our location, and, more these days, the time. Our search might be narrow enough that we're dooming ourselves of any adult fun with others. But, if we settle for something that doesn't closely fit what we're hoping to find, it would seem we were not being true to ourselves, or the other couple.

Welcome back Swingular! - Celebratory orgy. - [quote=NIKITA]I was crouching behind the counter at a Statbucks because if the end is coming I'm getting free coffee out of the deal. My barista was scared of the coming end, but I saved him from the on coming onslaught by my shotgun. After taking down many zombies, I pulled him towards me in a romantic kiss and said "Groovy baby." Wait, maybe I was watching Evil Dead while drinking Starbucks? Ummmm... what was the question? OH, can I come too?[/quote] Absolutely! The more the merrier! The earth ain't gonna repopulate itself ya know. Sadly, we're having trouble finding very many people who were actually Raptured up into heaven. This being Utah, we thought the majority would be sucked up in the first wave and we'd have our pick of swank houses, bitchin' rides and other luxurious swag. We thought we'd be lucky to find a handful of survivors but it's looking more and more like we're gonna need to rent out Rice Eccles Stadium to accommodate all the swingers who survived and wanna orgy away the apocalypse. But there's always room for a fellow coffee lover who's handy with a shotgun. [em]Emo_12[/em] [img]http://www.greatwhatsit.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/bacch.jpg[/img]

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - tpafun.... we tend to disagree with the first paragraph of your post... (we dont do pissing matches often) so as a result we usually just offer our opinion and dont rebuttle anyone elses.. but as far as ... if u are a single male and looking for a couple u bring NOTHING TO THE TABLE... i think thatd be better if it was formed as an opinion..., we do single males on occasion...(fuck here goes our mail box filling up)... sara likes DP... with both vaj, or 1 vaj 1 anal, or having one slam hound her doggie while she does oral... and it gets kinda old with either me or her trying to operate the phallus while we are still trying to focus on what we are doing.. so a live person boes have his uses... not that we just use them... but we do... i read them the riot act priorand explain that if at any point i feel they are disrespectfull or rude or selfish they will leave..THEY ARE HERE FOR SARA'S PLEASURE.. and in return they will get the fucking of a life time... there are a few that their performance warranted them beconing invited over to hot tub and OTHER THINGS every couple weeks or so....but there are those that were perfect gentlemen whom dont get invited back.. for the main reason sara wants more than 5 min of fun... so stamina counts... just like one of our main questions b4 ever meeting.... "what makes u diferent from every other single male out there?" most say they can do oral for hours.. well no shit so can i... but i can give sara oral... she isnt looking for oral....plus she needs to see the tool... sorry guys but she says their are some cocks out there that she wouldnt put in her mouth....... well we would like to write more but we need to get showered n ready for work... dennis and sara

Pineapple or upside down pineapple - - If they have a hottube they are 100% swingers.

Wife with other men - who's got pictures of the wife with another man or 2 or 3 or....? - My husband and I have been married to each other for 43 years and we are both nudists and swingers here in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. We both enjoy taking pictures of each other in action with our many swinger friends at the various parties and clubs we attend throughout the area. We are totally unbiased and unihibited when it comes to a persons size, race, etc. I am a squirter and really enjoy sex with both the guys and gals alike, plus I also enjoy the occassional gangbang now and then. We both love to take on more than one guy/gal at a time. We have photos to show you all on here, however we can't figure how to upload them so if anyone can tell us how we would be glad to do it. Thanks. D & L

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - It sounds like a great idea, we too are also looking for people that we can trust and let it all go. Count us in.!

Small Town - Speak Out - That\'s a shame. I have pictures posted, but they are in my private folder. This way I can (to a degree) manage who has access. My employement is in a field where if the wrong person ever found out I could lose my job. Richmond being a small city like it is; word of mouth and my lifestyle would never be a secret again. I\'m sure there are lots of other people that feel the same way. Heck just look at the lastest episode of Nip/Tuck where someone making a point informed a commanding officer of a bisexual within their ranks. I use to have a private webpage meaning it was hidden so you could not find it by chance. I posted the link in a few lifestyle clubs and yes someone at my work did find out. Luckly they were just giving an FYI and warning me that a few other non-swingers knew that worked in my office. The person did not include their name so they also were afraid of fall out. Luckly nothing came of it, but I do consider myself lucky and have been more careful since. It would be nice if none of us had anything to hide from, but sadly it\'s not the world we live in.

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - Don Juan ,........My quote once again from Ronald Reagan " It's not that Democrats are ignorrant , It's just that they think they know so much that just isn't so " . I believe this was more directed towards the far left liberal such as yourself ! Poor was the right choice of words in describing those who support families on a military income . The choice of words such as wankers and cheers , cheers is how you signed off on your profile and would lead one to believe you are of British decent . The use of the name Don Juan and the use of the term the mother language in a previous post would further confirm the British decent . 5ft 9" tall and 165 lbs , long face and distorted teeth , came to America and married an American girl to stay in the country before your visa ran out . You played Don Juan on her , she divorced you and you spend more time on trying to get out of child support payments than you do working . You will not admit it and say its wrong but I know better ! You see Don , there is not one person born in America that is an American that would say that an American soldier did not die for him or his right to freedom . As you call them , morons , maybe we can keep them home and send you with your brilliance to the middle east to speak the truth and be a hero . If they are not understanding towards you and your dillusions I suggest try beating them over the head with your books and touted education .

Real Swingers Nasty Play Party Saturday the 14th - Cum meet couples that like to play in Draper - mail ya like party info please

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