
Diamondhead Swingers in Mississippi

Diamondhead Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Diamondhead, MS, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Diamondhead looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Diamondhead, MS. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Diamondhead, Mississippi Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Diamondhead, Mississippi so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Diamondhead Swingers right away!

Dating other Couples - Have you done it? - Been there, done that, have the t-shirt. We know plenty of people who've done it, and done it successfully (up to a point), ourselves included. We don't know of many, if any, where it has lasted for more than a few years and didn't end somewhat badly. It CAN be quite heady and has the potential to take swinging to the next level. Unfortunately, it is also exponentially more likely to crank up the drama factor to eleven (out of ten). Quite often each couple has their own "agenda" (for lack of a better term) that is often at odds with the other couple's agenda. We've seen it frequently cause weird jealousies not only between primary partners but also between non-primary partners and in a few extreme notable cases it has ended marriages. In our case, we were relatively long-term swingers at that point who, although never really super active in the scene, felt like we'd checked off most of the things on our swinging bucket list and were somewhat curious if there was more out there to explore in swingerdom...or if we were sort of done with the scene. The couple we started "dating" wasn't really the kind of couple we usually were attracted to and maybe that was part of the allure. They also had a very interesting (to say the least) dynamic in their marriage that really was at odds with that in our relationship. Ultimately they kept pushing boundaries (started throwing the "L" word around and much more), pushed for more and more separate activities and were insidious in slowly and subtly causing rifts, both large and small, as well as a LOT of drama. We actually didn't even realize how much drama and subterfuge had occurred until we were finally out of the situation entirely. We actually miss them a little, at times, and often wonder if there might have been a way to talk things out and come to a better understanding of how to continue on in a healthier way but they've actually gone on to do exactly the same thing to a number of other couples we know (it's a small world in Utah swinging and word gets around) and it seems to be their pattern. Tldr; It can work. It's quite rare when it works long term. It has the potential for disaster. While it's appealing in many ways we don't really recommend it. YMMV

Know any Mormon swingers in SoCal? - Single girl in SoCal wants to know! - [quote=NASTY4U2]Too bad we're not LDS. Because of our lack of religious beliefs, we have no moral nor family values.[/quote] Now this is funny. Well said

Rock Hill or Close by!!!!!!!!! - Whats Up(2 Questions) - wondering are their really any swingers who isnt afraid of rules and respect what the other couple wants. are their really any swingers who will meet that are not into alot fo e-mail tag,phone calls,etc? Heck,,look at us...if we are that god ugly,,,let us know and we will retire. been having to much bad luck here lately with to many bullshitters and want a be'ssssssssss J&C

Tooele swingers party 2 - Doing our second party - So were gonna go for the sunday the 21st of this month. Also this will be going on during the late afternoon since it is sunday and alot of us have work on monday. So this will be a bit of afternoon delight with all the dirty fun to go with it. If anyone is still interested feel free to reach out to us. We will have a kik group set up laterto get everyone familier with each other, at least a little bit. ;-)

Virtual "Cheap Thrill Seekers" - - [quote=LILMISSRIDINGHOOD]What I think EVILDOERS is trying to say Islander2 is, there is no place to store such a list other than on your own computer or in one of them rolly things the dinosaurs used to keep track of their appointments, or to recall those snooty Triceratops who would just never show up. I can only assume that Swingular prefers users of the site to not punish other users for committing the crime of no show. But there is hope. They say if you contact enough people and make enough dinner appointments, you might get someone to appear in person. That's what I'm shooting for, at least. [/quote] OMG, you read my mind! Yes, sadly there are flakes in every walk of life and the fun part is trying to decide who is and isn't a flake. Unfortunately, once swinging went digital, the cost to play went WAY down. I'm not talking about the monthly fee you pay to Swingular. I'm talking about the ease with which someone can hide behind their 'puter and pretend to be something they are not. Back in the day (grab your Rolodexes kiddies), to meet other swingers you usually had to buy a swinger magazine with ads in it, rent a P.O. box, take some naughty Polaroids and send off a bunch of snail mail. It was WAY too much work for someone who just gets their jollies punking people. Sure there were still flakes, but the amount of effort people had to put in just to CONNECT with other couples made flakes far less ubiquitous. I mean for all you know now, the people who didn't show up for drinks at Applebees wasn't a hot, sexy couple but, in reality, a 600-pound transvestite defrocked pedophile priest with a ferret fetish. You probably totally dodged a bullet when he didn't have the guts to show up! [em]Emo_84[/em]

fort myers on premise club - - Check out the Ft Myers Swingers group here on Swingular. I think you'll find what your looking for..

On Premise Swingers Club - SLC - I am sure that there are a lot of folks that would support your venture. However you would have your work cut out for you and I hope you have a good law firm working for you and are able to do it. I know that in some places in the USA there are clubs that are held in a large private residence and that is the only way they can exist in those cities. But police have a tendency to treat the whole thing like it is organized crime. I know that we have members of the community that are cops and ex-cops and they should contact you privately and thus may be of some help or guidance. I do know of one case in Utah where all cars parked by the business were photographed by the cops and folks harassed and thus shut down and another where they simply ran the proprietor of a liberal magazine out of business. I wish you luck.

Do your friends and family know about your lifestyle? - - All I have to say is its our Lifestyle... Not my familys. Most of are frineds are Swingers.... I have nothing to hide, all of my family are LDS and if they found out i was a Swinger, they would probley never talk to me agian. But if i have to except that there LDS, why cant they except that we are swingers...IT SHOULD WORK THAT WAY,BUT IT NEVER WILL... The only one i dont want to find out is my son, and right now hes to young, but i dont want playing in front of him. Hes only 2 yrs old but i dont want it to be confuseing for him...I will tell him when hes older. My non- LDS family knows that we are, and they can really care less.. as for everyone else if they find out, Oh Well....

Disabled Swingers - - I WOLF am disabled, Dont feel that way, am told that, Feel sorry for me? Ya better not! Would I not be just as quick in a fight? my disability hold me back?? I and anybody that knows me, knows not! Twobears,Deannas so friggin hot!..lol, I was disabled when I owned a biker bar in San Diego, (some brawls did I think about my spine getting twisted??..YES!) Cast iron barstools across my back, Poolsticks...yada yada, They all lost! But tell ya what!, im still alive and well in Utah after some rebuilding! Do I have the same heart? no. BUT spirit never dies! What I believe in, be it in San Diego,NYC,or Utah, Everyone that isnt't disabled, better keep up with me! WOLF Union Ironworker(ret)local 229 San Diego, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Boston, Vermont(Burlington, Middlebury), New York City

Christain Swingers? - - Umm are Mormons Christians? I do not pretend to know, but have personally met MANY, MANY a Mormon couple (online in chat anyway) in the "lifestyle".....We have wondered how this relates to them religiously and personally.....Of course, we do not judge and will never judge someone's motives for swinging, just were curious how they justify swinging with their religion. I will watch this thread for more input :) No judgement intended, J&A

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