
Marcell Swingers in Minnesota

Marcell Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Marcell, MN, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Marcell looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Marcell, MN. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Marcell, Minnesota Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Marcell, Minnesota so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Marcell Swingers right away!

Facebook and the lifestyle - Can Facebook be TMI with the lifestyle? - Ms. Evil and I were talking this morning about the the lifestyle in the age of Facebook. She mentioned that she kind of feels like there is the possibility of learning TOO much about your lifestyle friends when you're also on their Facebook feed. Especially in the hyperpolarized world we live in right now she thinks that maybe knowing too much about other swingers can make it harder to connect sexually with them. In fact, more than once, I've walked into the bedroom to find her on her laptop reading something a swinger friend has posted on Facebook with steam coming out of her ears (yeah we made an appt. with an ENT to get that checked out). I think it's gotten so bad at times that she's totally lost her 'lady wood' for a few of our lifestyle friends. I'm not really on Facebook so it hasn't affected me (other than her maybe not being as excited about possibly hooking up with some couples because they are so adamant in their views and express them so vigorously on Facebook). Just wondering what everyone thinks. Does Facebook (and learning all the dirty details about other couples) affect how you start to think about them? Ever not wanted to hook up with someone once you realized how different your viewpoints were or when they maybe posted some things on social media that you found offensive?

Kik group for UT swingers. - Contact me if your interested in joining a KIK group for Swingers - I'd love to meet more people in the community, if you could add me as well KutieKilani!

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - wish there were more that was closer to us. everyone does seem far away!

Swingers Vacation Spots - Help us - Our dream swingers vacation would have be in mexico,there are several resorts there that cater to the swinging lifestyle. They are all inclusive as well. We are planning a trip to hedo next yr and when I went to their site there was a schedule of times when it was swingers mostly. Sometimes travel agents know these things try calling one that isn't your reg agent if you are worried about them knowing you are in the lifestyle. Here in Fl we have one that caters to the lifestyle out of orlando if anyone wants to know how to contact them hit us up we will send their link. Jimmy and Becky

Friends with out benefits? - Is it possible to find friends on here who dont want to fuck? - Actually this isn't that uncommon. We've been in the scene for a long time and have seen a lot of couples leave and then try to return and hang around the scene without actively participating because they like the thrill and excitement as well as hanging out with people who don't have a lot of hang ups and they don't have to censor themselves around. Unfortunately, in our experience, it hasn't seemed to work out too well in the long run. Not sure why, exactly. Maybe the real swingers don't want to hang out with people they can't potentially fuck or maybe the former swingers (or at least one of the couple) gets excited again and tempted to want to swing again or maybe it's some different reason altogether. Wish I could tell you how someone has made it work but it just doesn't seem sustainable. It's kind of like a motorcycle group I belong to. There was a guy who would show up at all of our meetings, hang out, talk about bikes, etc., but he didn't actually ride or even own a bike. Finally he stopped showing up because he found it harder and harder to engage the other guys in the group who actually ride. If you figure out a way to do it let me know. We still know a few couples who would love to hang out with swingers without actually swinging.

Vaccine - Do you take vaccine status into account when deciding who to play with. - [quote=Farkeltwins]Wow, we were under the impression that swingers were smart progressive people but this thread has educated us. It appears that some swingers are racists, knuckle draggers, selfish and just plain stupid. Please keep posting comments as it has been very helpful to us on what we want and don't want![/quote] In our experience, most swingers ARE "smart progressive people" but, alas, we're not a homogenous group. Think of this thread as a sort of 'canary in the coal mine' in that it is not only giving you a heads up but saving you a LOT of time sorting thru a somewhat large group of people to point the way towards those you are most likely to get along with and possibly even eventually want to see naked. [em]Emo_12[/em]

Secret Swingers Club Ogden, UT - Clubs - Thank you for the info, appreciate it.

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - I went with the theory that OLD TRUCKERS NEVER DIE THEY JUST GET A NEW PETERBUILT

Sexy Soft Swappers - Looking for like-minded friends for hanging out and house parties - Hi all - Apologies for the slow response on this, we dropped our initial message in this forum and then the holiday craziness hit, and it has taken us a bit to get back to getting this rolling. We also had so many responses here, and sent to us in person, that gave us a lot more things to think about in creating this sort of group. We are glad to see so many other groups be formed because of this thread, and we have been working with Nakedcouple5150 (Jonsie) above to try and figure out the next best steps. Jonsie is 1000% times more organized than us and has really spearheaded getting all the requests together into some sort of manageable form for us to start creating groups and adding people to them. We immediately ran into a few things though: 1 - we have well over 130 requests to be in the initially proposed Kik group, and Kik only accommodates 50 per group. Could we use Swingular or another app to include everyone? Sure - But, we specifically wanted to hold this in Kik, so that is what we have done and will continue to admin. I think there are several folks who have set up other groups via Swingular or other apps because of this thread, and I encourage you to hit them up if you'd like to join one of those that accommodates more than 50 users. 2 - We started this thread so that "soft" swingers who often feel pressured in the larger events or groups would have a space where they felt expectations were already clear, but, of course, there are various levels of what many of us consider "Soft." So...... What we have done is decide create a few different groups to accommodate the requests and also to try and group like-minded, and geographically relative, people together. When either Jonsie or I send you an invite we will ask you to rate your level of "Softness" on a scale of 1-3, using these definitions: [b]"1: enjoy soft only 90-100% of the time (kissing, touching, rubbing, light fingering, no oral with anyone but your partner, no intercourse with anyone but your partner)Expect not to be pressured or invited to partake in oral or intercourse partner swapping in the Kik group or at events organized via the Kik group. 2: soft 50-90% of the time (kissing, touching, rubbing, fingering, oral, no intercourse with anyone but your partner) Expect not to be pressured or invited to partake in any partner swapping in the Kik group or at events organized via the Kik group. 3: soft 10%-50% of the time and okay with swapping intercourse [/b] Using your response, we will try and put you into the group or groups that fit you best. If you want to save us some time, you can also use this Google Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UfKua5zp4tWWcC3OSKQqt2S5lKhm8M9nI4elWrK3EzI/edit?usp=sharing to fill out your preferences. Just remember that if you use this, people may be able to see your email address in the "shared to/accessed to" list. Obviously, no approach to organizing all of this is perfect, and if you aren't down with how we have chosen to try and tackle it, we definitely encourage you to start your own groups/threads. Thanks to all you sexy softies for your interest and patience :)

seniors - why is it so difficult to find senior swingers or single ladies? - I am 52, and considered a senior or close to it, and i have had more pus----y than a lot of these kids who think they are all that. I have my memories of the 20year olds I have been with and they remember me too. though they are now 40. Age isnt that important.I dont feel insulted by the discussion at all.

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