
Hopkins Swingers in Minnesota

Hopkins Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Hopkins, MN, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Hopkins looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Hopkins, MN. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Hopkins, Minnesota Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Hopkins, Minnesota so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Hopkins Swingers right away!

What would you do if you knew a member is fake? - Fake cpls on swing sites - I can see your dilemma, but are you sure they are fake and not just desperate, lifeless, pitiful fools? at the end of their pitiful ropes? Maybe just crude, rude, hillbilly rednecks or something? We get hit up by the same single males quite often, seems as though they shoot in the dark hoping for some sort of outcome, and then quickly move on when they don't get a response. then a couple months or so later, back again with the same plan that didn't work the first time! Doesn't mean they are fake, just desperate, and obviously unorganized! The problem with outing people, AT ALL, is that you never know. Thing is you never know who will end up being your future Boss, co-worker, or client. (using as reference, you just never know) I myself am very turned off by smack talkers, had someone email me very recently talking smack to me (their idea of a warning) about someone I have known my entire life. Now how could they have known you ask? they couldn't have, but.......my advice to them......never smack talk, because you never know. (One persons "truth telling" is another's "Shit talking") I'm sure that full swap couples would view us as fakes because we are soft swappers, and then get butt hurt. (Only full swappers are real swingers blah blah blah) But I promise you we are as real as the next dumb ass. And probably spent more time realizing our place in the lifestyle and why we are here. Anyway sorry for the babbling. Just my 2 cents! ~K~

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - i would love to thank all who support thier military members! as a sailor in the united states navy and have been for 18 years i wouldn't trade anything for the things i have done during my naval career! not only does the military protect our country wew also do other things that people don't see or hear. we have gone to all parts of the world and we help the people of that country. i hvae been to very poor countries and we go there with supplies and we help re build thier cities. i have been on many humanitarian operations. i would also like to say a prayer for all our military members who are ofer seas and for all of those military members who have fallen for our country. and i'm glad to hear that they are sending up a bill to stop protesters at military funerals. i really can't believe that there are people out there who are happy about fallen soldiers. just remember everyone in our military are people who have joined by their own choice to defend our great country not like other countries where it is mandatory to serve in the military. i work at navy basic training (bootcamp) and i see these 18 year old's who have decided to join and do something for thier country. i know alot of you do not support the war but i'm not asking you to support the war but to support the men and women of our military!! well i guess that is all. i hope you all have a great memorial day weekend!!

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - WE agree with stich...we are 30 and 26.. but our age range is 21-45. She enjoys older guys, but we have played with all ages. Yes there is a point where if someone could be your parent is too old. But we generally try and stay with in that range.

Swingers dying out? - Is the utah swinger community dying or becoming to needy? - We really hope it's just time for that new group to go wild. We love those a list couples like everyone else but we love feeling like the a list couple too lol but all these older couples 60-90 keep trying to add us and the younger ones won't even reply hi or anything and don't even get me started on the females it's like we are the plague up in here we just want to have some real fun we are planning on getting a few motels/hotels this summer and hope more people want to play and we are moving to west south salt lake valley area and hope to throw some crazy parties there too. We've been on here a year and it's quite the challenge especially cus we aren't in the utah valley clique and everyone who seems interested is to far away hope that changes when we move but if that doesn't work we getting the f*** out of here. And welcome to Miami will be our new fav thing to say. Hah

Cute pic - what are they looking at? - [quote=T4REAL69]Mr. Potatoe Head looks like he's walking to get a closer look...pervert...I like him....lol![/quote Haha...looks like him and the Mrs. are racing to get there first...I always knew those two were swingers...with their interchangeable parts and all...you know they play for both teams...hehehe

Secret Swingers Club Ogden, UT - Clubs - We are going to unspoken tomorrow night. Anyone else going?

hotel party advice - - I've never been to a hotel party for the purpose of meeting swingers/possible swinging. Has any one else been? We've been invited next weekend and I'd like to know what to expect. I'm already discussing it with the Mr since he seems to be a little more forward than I. (ahem) Of what *I* will and won't be doing, just in case. I hate going to these kinds of things sometimes because it almost always ends up being a waste of time and money. Then on the way home I'm mentally kicking myself for 1, the time I wasted, and 2, the money I wasted.

Looking for fun in Plano, Texas 3-27 to 4-11! - - From Plano, you should check out the Iniquity swingers club, you'l like the view from the San Souci swingers club, and if you want a good place to eat exotic food, try campo verde in Arlington, they offer buffalo, rattle snake, just for starters. There are many places to see, and lots to do in your spare time. I spent 8 yrs in the DFW area, but I'm in Arkansas with my mother right now, I just spent the last 7 months of dads life living with them, his alzheimers had gotten bad enough mom needed my help. We lost him Feb 2 08 during surgery to repair a large aneyurism. Have fun in Plano! If you ride, maybe we can do that sometime. Iron

Where to go, what to do. - Non club activities - Hoe about a swingers bowling league ?

To message first or not - Do you reach out first? - I have been the writer in almost all of our attempts to reach out to people. I agree that the answers are nowhere near the proportion of messages. I try to remember it's similar to a salesperson prospecting or a major league baseball hitter. You're considered successful if you connect 3 out of every ten times. Anyway, we are both bi and actually met through another swingers website. We would love to chat with you and meet for a drink. If we click, we are open to playing on the first meet. Look forward to your reply. Ed and Gill [quote=Bicouplemarried]I started out strong messaging then I stopped not allot of results. I found more by posting on here saying hey this is us and what where looking for. And going to moose Lounge. Or I message people I see active in the forum. With that said Sammie hit is up if your interested. Or I'm guessing you go to New rec centre I'm there every morning. Good luck.[/quote]

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