
Hendrum Swingers in Minnesota

Hendrum Swingers

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Here's something Ive been curious about - - [quote=EVILDOERS]I think over the years we've pretty much seen and heard it all in regards to this subject and who is and isn't a "real" swinger. It kind of all boils down to semantics, doesn't it? Is it really that important to label it and each other? If swinging is a more of a mindset then yes, singles (male and female) are swingers too. I think, perhaps, that what some of the couples might be trying to get at (inelegantly IMO) is that in many ways perhaps singles don't really have as much invested in the process as couples do. As a swinging couple (remember it used to be called "wife swapping") you are in effect opening your relationship to some very real risk. If you don't think that's the case you either are in denial or haven't been around the scene that long. Singles simply aren't running the same risk although it could be argued they do have some risks, especially single females who at very least have some safety issues going into sometimes unknown situations alone. I guess you could argue single males also have a few risks as well. Also, of course, there is the whole argument of singles "not bringing anything to the table". An oft quoted argument to denote they don't have a partner to "swap". True enough in some regards but not entirely true in that they bring themselves and variety to the table for those couples not looking for a couples swap or who want to fulfill other fantasies or who have difficulty finding a fourway connection or attraction. Ultimately I think it's unnecessary for couples who don't want to play with singles (most often it's just single guys, a double standard perhaps?) to diss singles by saying they aren't swingers. And it's also probably not necessary for a few singles to complain that they aren't given an equal place at the table when they indeed do not come prepared to risk the same that couples must risk. Bottom line. Swing how you want to swing and don't swing how you don't want to swing. There's actually room for everyone even if we aren't all necessarily sitting at the same table.[/quote]Absolutely agree. Well said Mr Evil! BTW...Do you know if those X-Ray glasses really worked?? I always wondered...still do. I have particulair attraction to "landing strips"....They could be real handy sorting out potential play partners!

Rules to hooking up - - [quote=FUCKCHASTITY]Maybe we all ended up swingers because we don't play games. Sounds like everyone was as surprised by these revelations as we were. We are all here for the same thing, no need to dance around it.[/quote] I for one, am grateful.... I'm too lazy to try translating code... It takes up time that would be better spent actually tasting new friends.

Ocho Rios Jamaica - Trip Jan 15-22 - [quote=PANACA7453]We have been there a couple of times, (before we were "swingers"). We loved the canopy tour and Dunns river falls. Let us know if you find any fun swinger clubs. [/quote]We will thanks for the tip.

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - [quote=UTHOTCPLEXTREME]We are a professional, naughty, highly sexual couple that wants to find another couple(s), and a single male or female that we know are safe that we can play with worry-free. Or a trusted group of couples and singles. I know most people are or say they are, but we’d like to establish a level of comfort where fluids won’t hinder us. We like to go ALL in and if we can establish some regulars that we can trust, think of the no holds barred fun we could all have. We could turn our home into a weekend pleasure palace. A place where you could arrive at, become friends with everyone, and have your way with anyone at the house knowing they’re all safe, and all want to make you feel good. Food, drinks, hot people, hot sex, and LOADS of fun and memories. We’re working on a hot tub now. So expect that too. Let us know what you think and if you want to be considered. Single males, we’ll invite you as well as select you. It will be on a case by case and requested basis.[/quote] we agree totally, we get check 4 times a year and so far always good and have paper work to show, so yes we would love to be part of this group or the one u are getting together, Mike&Haley

Is Exhibitionism wrong? - Just after everyones thoughts... - I enjoy BOTH. There's nothing better than watching a sexy couple have sex. I've set up some "accidental viewings" over the last few years. Many couples enjoy showing off in front of a stranger. Some get a real rush from the nautiness of getting caught or watched by someone. I wish there were more couples in Jersey that would take part in this activity. I've also discovered that I truly enjoy showing off for couples or in groups. After attending two swingers clubs with some couples that I met, I realized it was a BIG turn on to perform in front of people. I think I like performing with or for a couple more. It's a rush to be told by a couple to take out your cock and start jerking off or for a husband to ask you if he can take pictures while his wife sucks your cock. WOW!!!!!!! One of those pictures is in my profile. How does everyone else feel about exhibitionism or voyeurism? [email protected] Ray

Single Males ~VS~ Single Females - Whats the difference? - OK... How many times do we have to beat the proverbial dead horse? NOTHING in this thread is new, aside from one guy getting letters from Honduras or some other odd shit. The reality of it is this: Single Men tend to be pushy, arrogant, looking to "fuck your wife like you wish you could," and other various piggish things, HOWEVER, there are those, T4REAL is among them, that are swingers...The problem is that there are MANY of the former, and FEW of the later. Between the insecurity, the preferences, and the assholes, it makes for an uphill climb for a single male. The best advice I can give single males is this: DO NOT FEED THE STEREOTYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If the profile says, NO SINGLE MALES...don't write...you are NOT special...If they respond negatively, do NOT write back and ask why or make a snide remark....Just let it go... IF you are reading a profile and it says, "WE WILL CONTACT YOU" let them contact you...Come on...The profile says that for a reason... Now...On to the clubs...Someone stated that they paid $70 to get into a club, but got laid with dinner and all for less...Sorry, but that sounds like prostitution...NOTwhat the lifestyle is about...Why do they charge more for single men? because the single man will pay it...They do not run a club as a "Lets get single men layed charity" it is a business...the sole purpose of a business is to make money...That whole discussion is the EXACT reason so many couples say NO SINGLE MEN...What a prick...If I were you, I would delete that piece...You will NEVER get laid with that type of shit floating around here... Another reason single men are so frowned upon, how many times have you seen a profile with nothing but a dick picture? OK>.....You ARE a male, we must assume you have one...Why not put something else on? If you read profiles, MOST say, "WE DO NOT NEED A COCK SHOT" only a few want to make sure the goods are good...so why would you post nothign but a cock shot? Then there is the angry inch guys...They have a turtle head and wanna advertise it...What the fuck is that? If you have a small dick, you can make up for it with personality and skill, HOWEVER, if you advertise it...No one will give you the chance... OK...I think I am done with my rant...At least for now...

Friend collectors or swingers - - We agree. #1 we dont accept blind friend requests #2 if we take time to message you and you ONLY send back a friend request, dont wast our time. #3 if you are on our friends list, we do kinda expect to keep in touch even if its periodically. If we send you a couple messages and your on our friends list and we never hear back from you, we delete you. Not hard to figure out but people can NOT get it.

KSL swing story - - For those of you guys out of town. This is the transcript from the KSL website. "Everyone has shared their partners with everyone else in the room." "You're in happy valley and you think nothing like that could happen." An Eyewitness News Investigation takes us inside a delicate subject few people like to talk about -- infidelity, couples cheating, in secret, in the open, and joining a movement that appears to be gaining momentum. We heard persistent rumors that spouse-swapping and adultery is commonplace in certain suburban neighborhoods. We discovered those rumors were based on at least some truth. People told us they were being recruited -- marriage counselors say they are seeing more if it. There aren't statistics or easy answers, but it's clear the effects can be devastating. Love, commitment, holy matrimony. In Utah, where marriage vows and family values run deep. Woman: "They said it was more exciting when their spouse was involved." This story will open eyes to something many would like to keep secret. "It was taboo within their religious background." "I thought, this can't be happening here. This is Utah." Sometimes it's kept very quiet, among neighbors and friends. Other times, it's out in the open. Studies show infidelity is to blame for more than half of divorces in Utah. What we found surprised even experts. We knocked on doors, attended a party. We heard stories by phone, by email, but nothing could match what we heard in a pocket of Draper. "Something was wrong with every other neighbor in that neighborhood." Her husband's indiscretions shattered their marriage. "Intensely, intensely painful. It's the hardest thing I've ever been through in my life." The divorce final, he remarried one of their neighbors within a week. It seems adultery ran rampant. Up the block it was consensual with other married neighbors cheating together. People told us they moved to get away from it and stayed inside to avoid it. Across town one woman told us she just wanted to run from it: "Everyone in the room had shared their partners with everyone else in the room. These people had been married five, 10, 20 years." She and her husband were invited to a barbeque with couples from Draper, Provo, Sandy and Salt Lake. A doctor made a move. "He's hitting on me, like he's single, and his wife's sitting right there. I think, there's another motive to this party and it's not just to hang out and meet new people." They got out of there. While there's no data, experts say it's proof of a trend. Vicky Burgess/Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist: "I think, because sexual relations and sex itself is more open, I think we're seeing more of it." We found there are several parties where couples can meet. Randy Chatelain, Ph.D./ Marriage and Family Therapist: "I believe this kind of behavior is going to catch up with a couple, because where does it stop? What more do you have to involve to create the high?" Hundreds of couples pack a popular Sandy nightclub. "A lot of people nowadays have fantasies and they want to fulfill them with their significant other. This is the best way to do that." This man, who asked not to be identified, built a business, helping couples meet at parties. His website suggests spouses can be in love and still enjoy sex with others. "They figure, 'I would much rather do it with the person I love than have them do it behind my back.'" From the looks of it, he's pretty successful. He has 4,000 members living in Utah. How fast is it growing? Four years ago there were 150 members. How common is it? Posing as a married woman, we signed up on a website aimed at so-called "swingers." In six days, 70 married men, most from Utah, ask to start a fling.

"Can't Say No" Party - Who'd be interested in coming? - we would be in, but as far as attraction goes there has to be some, most swingers are great people but we wouldn't fuck all the swingers out there, chemistry is great but there has to be attraction, get it rolling and let us know, we would love to see who'd go.

Extramarital Affairs and the Lifestyle - Where do you stand? - ok Diver here goes, well at least you admit your a married cheater and not a true single although i believe your profile was a couple (my fault) so that is a plus in your behalf. but please consider this; You start talking with a couple, they agree to meet , you all get together and things seem to go very well you all end up having a great time. You get dressed and proceed to leave the room, home whatever. As you leave your wife her brother and half your neighborhood is waiting at your car for you to label you a cheater. No problem you say ok then the couple that was willing to share their time and sex with you ends up being supeaned into court for \"allienation of affection\" their kids wonder why no one talks to mommy and daddy any more,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, see its not only you that you are putting in jeapordy but all of us that dont know what is really behind the profile, and please understand we arent bashing you at all to each their own but can you see where it falls on more than just your shoulders? Now that scenario which is about as far out as it can get seems like neverland to you but what about the real swingers your putting in that position. We ourselves have played seperate at very certain times with very selected people we know and know very well and will not be put in that sort of circumstances because as we all know the wrath of a lover scorned is second to none. ok off the soapbox

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