
Fairmont Swingers in Minnesota

Fairmont Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Fairmont, MN, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Fairmont looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Fairmont, MN. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Fairmont, Minnesota Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Fairmont, Minnesota so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Fairmont Swingers right away!

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - I have been swinging since the days it was called wife swapping. I am not interested in those under mid 30's and perfer to stay under age 55 as my preference. I like to be able to converse with those I play with 1 on 1, and the younger crowd leaves me with little to talk about. Also having a son in that age range makes it awkward for me. At parties I am not paying attention to an age range though, I pay attention to what sexy nymph catches my eye....

Swinging as solo Male part of a couple? - - I have one question. If you are playing alone, why post her sexy pics? It seems to me that most swingers (not all) don't look at the profile first. They go straight for the pics. That way they don't waist time reading a profile if they are not attracted to the swingers in question. Am guilty of such a thing and am honest enough to say it. I go straight for the pics... another thing if your wife allows it why not post that you are a married man lacking of attention, it worked before. It wife trust you enough, why not help you on your desires. To me posting her pics, if you are looking for your self, is like OK we are in a relationship but there is no trust you have to post the my pics on there so every one knows your mine..........Hey it's just my opinion...not trying to offend any one or be rude

Curious Devil - Political Science Project - ***Proves what point???? It's free so that makes it hot in Florida or that you are horribly cheap? Craiglist is free too, why not go there then lmao. SDC, SLS and Playful Swingers all started in Florida too, that certainly doesn't make this site special. We aren't comparing apples to oranges, you said that this site was hot in Utah and Florida and that simply isn't true. You can attempt to skew the point and say "no marketing" blah blah blah but that really does mean anything...you said it is hot in Florida and thats false.*** Furthermore, just because you live in Florida, doesn't mean you have statistical data that shows the success of each website in the entire state. 323 members in your area that are a part of swingular is pretty good being that it's FREE after a month and there is no marketing in that area. **Ahhh, don't skew the point yet again...323 compared to 2323....that indicates that the site just isn't that popular here regardless of free fees (you are really really impressed by that huh?) For god sakes its free after a month because it is an attempt by this site to compete with the more popular ones. So lets take this a step further and search validated people in Florida, the entire state on Swingular and within only 100 miles of our home on SDC and compare: 550 in the entire State of Florida on Swingular 2581 on SDC within 100 miles of our home HMMMMMMMMMM......................perhaps I'm right? Don't worry, we wont expect you to actually admit, not your style. Blog princesses never do** TEQUILLAROSE SAYS: How much do you pay monthly for your SDC membership? How much do you pay monthly for you Lifestyle Lounge membership? How much does it cost for AFF account monthly??? I paid $25 dollars for a lifetime membership. **Again, so what? This is off the subject again...but I will agree that AFF does suck, I never mentioned that one, you just threw it in there. We want to actually meet people seeing how we are swingers and all...Swingular doesn't have the community base here like SDC and SLS...thus going back to the point that its not HOT in FL. Side note: Swinging in reallife is actually WAY better than cyber-swinging...I promise** TEQUILAROSE SAYS: The scene is huge everywhere. Florida isn't special. Try moving to California or Oregon where sexual liberation has been around for decades. You're not impressing me by boasting about websites that you pay a monthly fee for just to get invited to a club everyone can join regardless. You can go to lifestyle clubs regardless of your affliation with a website. So if that's a given, what is draw of SDC??? I disagree with you. The truth is, swingular isn't hopping where you live in florida, but in other parts of the state it's doing great. **Haha it must be a "fluke" that Swingular, SLS, SDC and Playful Swingers all started up here in Florida huh...wow. Again, you are wrong, you are REQUIRED to have approval to attend a Skin or Bliss Party, they aren't open to the general public ;) I never said that an affiliation with a website is the draw, I said that you can view upcoming events and attendance lists...which is particularly desirable for people visiting the state and newbies. Also, its a packed house on an SDC night at any of the Meet & Greets..it does sell out but if your RSVP'd on SDC you are guaranteed admittance. LMAO @ isn't hopping where I live...I live in South Florida..45 minutes from Miami this IS where almost everything is happening, I don't remember ever watch CSI Clinton :D Ever heard of Collins Avenue? (don't go googling it to sound smart lil smartyparnts) ** TEQUILLAROSE: I don't hear shit about SDC, LSL or AFF here other than they suck because you don't get what you pay for. I can post links all day regarding parties that people are planning in florida righ hear in the forum. From meet and greets to on-premise parties. Let's not forget that the website membership with SDC, doesn't get you into the club at no extra expense. So what does SDC provide??? Information about the party? Those on-premise clubs are open to anyone willing to pay for a membership to the club it's self. You're not convincing. ;) ;) ::Uh...again wrong, members receive discounts and often the membership fees are waived for new couples...why would anyone, particularly new to the lifestyle, go to some random "alleged" couples party across the state from this site when you can attend a party on another site with 200+ local people. I pay 20/mo. for SDC but save up to $75 buck at the door so I guess it all works itself out (I bet thats impressive since you are all about savings and all) ;):: AND I'M NOT SAYING THAT THIS SITE ISN'T ALL THAT AND A BAG OF CHIPS TO YOU AND THOSE IN YOUR AREA...ALL I'M SAYING IS THAT IT ISN'T HERE IN FLORIDA LIKE YOU ARE CONVINCED.

Help us out.. Take this Survey - For Utah Swingers - Good luck withe survey. We hope to see the results of your work when we cum to town.

Swingers clubs in Amsterdam - - The best club I've been to in that area is called Fun 4 Two. It's huge. The facilities are upscale European, hidden inside a rural setting. The hot tub seats about 20 comfortably & is comparable to genuine Roman baths that I've seen in Italy. The food is pretty good. The play rooms are varied & numerous. The place is well kept. Parking is safe. The neighborhood is good. The overnight accommodations are limited in number, but excellent. The clientele was about 50% Dutch, 20% German, 10% French & 20% other. I was probably the only American there. English was spoken by about 80% of the people there, when needed. I think that the drive was roughly 45 minutes from downtown Amsterdam if you don't get lost. Bring a GPS if you go. They have different themes on different weekends & I think that new applicants are only allowed 3 of the 4 weekends per month. Check their website for details. The first time I was there, the place was an absolute blast. The last time, it had become a little more edgy, but was still very good. The owners/hosts (Laurens & Renika) are good people. Deal with them directly whenever possible. Try to arrive properly dressed. If you need to buy things from their in-house shop to make dress code at the last minute, it can get expensive. I also went to another club in Amsterdam proper that was said to be a swing club. It was actually a brothel inside a bar. I didn't stay to play. There is a club there called Fatima Morgana that sounded promising, but I have not had time to try it yet. Another place called Kasteel Waterloo was recommended to me & sounds very promising, but I have not been there yet either. That place is probably a much longer drive. In Amsterdam, there are at least 3 classifications of sex clubs. The actual swingers clubs are called parren clubs. If you need help finding accommodations, transportation, or any of the other usual types of travel assistance, you can go to the tourist office, marked VVV, but pronounced "fee fee fee". One is located in Schipol airport. Another is located at the train station in Amsterdam. The people there were very helpful & found us very good deals on everything that we needed. Please let me know if you need more information. I travel to Europe often & know my way around fairly well.

geting in LOVE while swinging - - Obviously this guy got burned in his marraige, doesn't understand the concept of swinging... and is just an ass trying to get laid and thinks maybe swingers are the easy way to do it. But hey, what do I know? After all, he's gonna be the next President of the U.S.A. LMFAO! Oh man! It's just to much! THIS is the guy that gives single guys a bad rap with some people...but Ihey I generally really like the singles! ;) Mrs. Hottie

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - TR, NO i am not on here to hear my self bitch i am tired of u fuck nuts getting on everyone forums and fucking it up due to your two cents that isn't worth shit. to bad when u was leaving the site u did not go through with it i would of paid for u to leave i know it would of save a,lot of headache for everyone that r to chicken to stand up to u and the other computer rambos on the site, if u do not like me postsing THEN FUCK NUT WHY DO U KEEP POSTING ON THE FORUM AND U keep bitching about it, i think U r the one u like to hear himself bitch dumb ass have a good day!!!

Newbie "outdoorsy" couple interested in the softer side. - Wish to develop a friendship with another couple in S ID, N UT - [quote=Canvas][quote=LILMISSRIDINGHOOD]There are couples and singles in the lifestyle, who have been in the lifestyle for a while, who also like to take things slow. Some don't want to just jump into bed, but they are aware of the many ins and outs of the lifestyle. I've been in the LS for years, but prefer to make friends, first, then decide if I want to go further if they, too, want to go further. If you want a friendship with no sexual strings attached, I suggest you look for others who feel the same. Narrowing your search down to just newbies, or suggesting that's what you're looking for, limits your options. You might consider meeting people with the precondition that you don't swap, but you may reconsider at a later date. [/quote] Thanks for your input. It is appreciated! Our thinking with looking for newbies was that we could all be nervous together and learn together. However, it's not like we know our way around these waters. All this has actually been very humbling to me (male half). I'm used to diving into things and doing well from the start. Here though.... it all feels so foreign, intimidating. Maybe it's due to my wife and I marrying right out of HS. We dated others in HS but that was so long ago with entirely different maturity levels. At any rate, your point is well taken. We welcome any advice and constructive criticism we can get. Thanks again! [/quote] What, specifically, feels intimidating? Or perhaps a better question would be what do you fear? Are you afraid that one of you will fall in love with a playmate and leave the marriage? Or that one or both of you will like swinging too much and become big ole sluts? LOL Or maybe you're afraid of contracting a horrific sexually transmitted disease and your junk will fall off? *grin* Most of us are TERRIBLY bad at risk assessment and more often than not we fear things that are statistically FAR less likely to happen than things we don't seem to fear all that much. Some people won't fly in planes even though they are FAR less likely to die in a plane crash than driving their car to Walmart. And many swingers are deathly afraid of getting AIDS even though it's really quite hard to contract compared to, say, HSV, which most adults have actually already been exposed to. Identifying why you're intimidated might be a better use of your time than trying to find a needle in a haystack. But in the end, do what you're comfortable doing. If you think finding another newbie couple is the least intimidating way to dip your toes in then, by all means, do that. Those of us who have been around the scene for a while, however, could tell you some of the drawbacks to meeting people who are newbies. Personally, we would seek out a more experienced couple, albeit one who is NOT pushy and is willing to go at your pace and is looking for friendship more than sex. The reason I say that is if things DO turn sexual, a more experienced couple is less likely to freak out or have other issues that they haven't already dealt with. Either way, good luck.

Young swingers party - sold out, who still wants to party ? - [quote=RECON]It's funny how it says young swingers party for those under 45. Such a percentage of the peeps who RSVP'd are over that, or are lying. [/quote] They are wanting to creep up on the attractive 20's and 30's olds.

Help With Wife - Wife has fantasies but is super hesitant to experiment. - Personally I think you might be a little too eager (can't blame you, we all were when we started) and pushing just a little too hard to make her fantasy a reality. Rather than trying to find a way to get around the "Catch 22" of her fantasy maybe just explore it more verbally and see if it evolves into some kind of scenario that she is comfortable with that more easily can happen in the real world. The most successful swingers we know, ourselves included, arrived at where they are by being open and supportive of each other's fantasies and desires without forcing them in any way. In other words, be patient, explore your fantasies verbally and maybe role play, a LOT, with each other before you jump into anything that either of you isn't quite ready for. You might be surprised as you fantasize openly and honestly how your fantasies might evolve and become something that you eventually can and will make a reality. You know your wife better than anyone and maybe she does need a little nudge but most of the swingers we've known over the years who've crashed and burned did so because one partner pushed the limits too fast and didn't wait for the more hesitant partner to catch up. In our case we were quite surprised and what our fantasies morphed into when we really dug deep and talked about the truly deviant (by local standards anyway-lol) aspects of our fantasies. Sorry, I know that's probably not the kind of advice you were hoping for but it's been our observation over a rather lengthy swinging career. Another thought, if you're bound and determined to make your first swinging experience a MFM, is to find a guy who is okay with just watching you two play or maybe getting involved in some soft swinging...i.e. back rubs and or touching but no intercourse. We were soft swap for the first year or two of our swinging life and it was great fun and took the pressure off until we were ready to take the next step. Best of luck! edit- Sorry about what now seems like a long rambling response. In my defense it was pre-coffee. [em]Emo_79[/em]

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