
Clontarf Swingers in Minnesota

Clontarf Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Clontarf, MN, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Clontarf looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Clontarf, MN. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Clontarf, Minnesota Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Clontarf, Minnesota so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Clontarf Swingers right away!

thoughts on Pictures - - Just our 2 cents on the subject.......Some people have to protect themselves for reason of job, family, community and what have you. Here we have no problem with a genital shot AS LONG as they have facial or g-rated full pics to back up what they show. We have g-rated that we are glad to send to others once we get to know them a bit and b/4 we would meet. We have seen on other sites, people using other peoples pictures and have seen some pictures that were removed from a certain site and openly posted on the internet. We are sure that most people do not want their pastor, mayor or next door neighbor to receive a picture of them shouting to the world that they are swingers! Again, just our 2 cents on the subject.

Worry about getting pregnant? - worry about getting pregnant? - Do you, as swingers worry about getting someone else pregnant? Women, do you worry about getting pregnant while swinging? We know condons and birth control are not 100% safe. I was just wondering what everyone else thought.

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - ULUV, Yeah, ya know, I wouldn't take much to heart when it comes to comments from Utah in regard to anything racial...this is about the Whitest State in the US. I honestly think that a lot of folks feel threatened by Single Males. Perhaps they've forgotten that they've been single? Forgot what that's like, maybe. Or maybe they were never single in this lifestyle. It's a tough crowd for a party of one. I'm lucky enough to have been a single male in this lifestyle a couple of times. It taught me A LOT! I simply filled a niche and had a blast (and wasn't really lacking play...due to the niche). And then there's Don...oye. Man, I'll send Ms. K_T over to drill a hole in the bottom of that bottle Don. We'll get it outta there in no time! -K_T

Another Swingers Show on TV - - [quote=SEXPERIMENTORS] This September, Discovery Fit & Health delves into a mysterious and daring world in its all-new series, SECRET SEX LIVES: SWINGERS, which follows five all-American couples as they juggle marriage, family commitments and careers. But behind closed doors, these husbands and wives share one surprising thing in common: they all lead double lives as swingers. SECRET SEX LIVES: SWINGERS premieres Saturday, September 7 at 10PM (ET/PT) on Discovery Fit & Health. Nice! If there are enough of these maybe eventually our lifestyle will become normalized. Mr. Sexperimentors[/quote] I think you two should come over and we can watch it together!!!!

Swingers unnerve families at hotel - - Hello well we was one of the couples that was in the hotel at the crown plaza and i can honestly say these was teenage girls 11yrs old-13yrsold roaming the halls and playing on the elevator past midnight which they should have been in bed the lifestyle was assinged to the 9th floor and 10th floor so if they happen to see anything im not sure what they saw maybe cpls kissing and ladies wearing short skirts.......well it was not bad as it seem and like always the media gotta exploite everything and make it a bigger story trust me it was a very boring party not that much excitement and was only about 75 coulples not over 200 as they said!! from someone who was there and know\'s the fact!!! us.

Swinging and the Mormon Church - - Well the natural man is an enemy to God... so honestly I agree with the whole double life thing, people are who they are, put on a facade to the majority. With Organized religion there is always a level of hypocrisy. Be discrete and let people be who they want to be. Whether you're Atheist, apart of Scientology , Lds, Catholic or most anything in society other than our awesome little group of swingers, you put on a face with everyone and let go here, so who is to say what is right or wrong? You're all on some kind of level of pervert so really there is no, "he is more of one than I." You are being promiscuous, or sleeping with a married person or being married and sexually not limited to your significant other. Sinners are everywhere, some justify their actions and are more comfortable with "letting go". Everyone's right or wrong varies and for those who decide to give in to their "wrong" all the sudden see the light and it's okay to do now, WOOPI!! I guess what I mean to say is: WHO CARES WHAT OTHERS ARE DOING WITH THEIR LIFE AND THEIR CHOICES!

Swingers clubs or parties - - Try the Trapeze Club. I was there a few months ago with friends. Here is the link: http://www.trapezeclub.com/trapnew/atlanta/home.htm (cut and paste the link in your browser)

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - Mr. Quixote keeps insisting the we don't have a clue. Well Mr. Wizard could ya please clue us in. Let us in on the secret. You seem to know it all. After all, all the support you have seems to suggest that you are the best qualified person to enlighten us all. You haven't even responded to my posts. The best you can come up with is, "You don't have a clue" and you like my dead mother's mouth on your dick. You are a Gas Bag. You are a troll. All you are out to do it offend people so you can bring on the flames. You live a sad existence. You called other's spouses "Hose Beasts". Where the fuck is yours???? Where are your pics? You're looking pretty stupid man. You have no power behind your words. You chastize us for our undying passion for which we stand, yet you fail to tell us where you stand. ANSWER ME! STAND UP LIKE A MAN AND ANSWER! I wonder if you were rejected on here. Maybe some couple on here didn't like that you are a self-proclaimed necrophile. Now, you have made it you personal war to slam everyone one the site because you feel inadequate to the living. You realized maybe that "the living" actually may have a difference in opinion. That maybe Quixote's couch isn't where the world begins and ends. The first clue might be your lack of following here, the second might be the effect your comments have on everyone around you. Would anyone else like to add a third? I am sure you can even you come up with some yourself Mr Q. With all of that being said, maybe you should think hard the next time you decide to challenge the resolove of American Patriotism by thrashing us for giving thanks to those who've sacrificed something you're to feeble minded to understand or appreciate. Damn guys this is like shooting fish in a barrel. It almost makes me feel bad. Almost... Don & Tami

seniors - why is it so difficult to find senior swingers or single ladies? - ThoughtGarden, you are so "right on"! KarKar, loved your comments. Anytime Babe!

Dental dam, opinions, thoughts and the like - - Been doing this north of 25 years now and have NEVER seen a dental dam used. EVER! Met all kinds of people with all levels of comfort as far as STD awareness and prevention is concerned and still no dams. I think most swingers (and the vast majority of vanilla people actually) are very good at denial. Bottom line, if you swing you are engaging in risky behavior and you, on some level, need to be aware of that fact and okay with it. Oh, and Sir Newby, if by highly selective and picky you mean not fucking anyone but your significant other then I agree. If you mean anything else then I'm sorry to say that you too are in denial.

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