
Brownsville Swingers in Minnesota

Brownsville Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Brownsville, MN, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Brownsville looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Brownsville, MN. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Brownsville, Minnesota Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Brownsville, Minnesota so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Brownsville Swingers right away!

Late Night Television Ad for Swingular - Anyone interested? - [css]background:url('http://www.artofadambetts.com/images/postgraphics/downloads/desktopbgs/LeatherHoles-Apple.png');color:white;[/css][quote=XPLORR94248]Have you explored whether TV will take ads for a swinger site? And would an ad cost about the same nationally as in a local market? Cable and satellite have channels which sell toys and such as well as the W network with the canadian lady sexologist on Sunday nights...National and international coverage at least US and Canada...Just a thought that I'm sure you've probably thought of and explored already... [/quote] The ad would be so discrete, it wouldn't mention anything about swingers so the networks wouldn't have any problem accepting it. We would rather target one market at a time to concentrate the membership in that area which in turn would 'blow up' in itself. Once we achieve that, we would move on to the next area. However, we will be launching a huge Canadian campaign once we finish the new site because it will be ready to support a Canadian membership. [size=200][b][color=#09549f"].~Admin~.[/color][/b][/size]

Young swingers party - sold out, who still wants to party ? - [quote=RECON]It's funny how it says young swingers party for those under 45. Such a percentage of the peeps who RSVP'd are over that, or are lying. [/quote] I went through the RSVP list and found a total of 2 people over the age limit.... And, of course, just because someone clicks the RSVP button doesn't mean they have a ticket. (Those 2 folks had NOT purchased a ticket.. the system wouldn't let them even if they tried).

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - I think there are enough interested couples we should count off to form teams. If not the group will be so big there won’t be any control over safe sex

Other Swinger sites in Utah - Anyone tell us of other sites? - [quote=SUENDAN]Here are the sites we use and our username there. Look us up and we'll show you around (couples only) swinglifestyle.com 2NParadisse. They offer lifetime membership. One of the best sites ever for USA and Canada, eh? aff.com 2NParadisse and DanNSuzy. If you sing up as a couple your membership will turn into a gold membership after about a month. Don't spend your money there on memberships, just wait until your profile turns into a gold profile and you'd have access to everything. We've been there since 1998 lol. Still a very good site, always evolving and we meet new people there often. Met our first couple there. Good globally also a few profiles from Mars. sdc.com FlorDCanela. I think this site is best for the East Coast. We meet people there occasionally. U have to pay. kasidie.com 2NParadisse. not our cup of tea but sometimes good for party info. Some people in SoCal swear by it. reddit.com the swingersr4r and other subreddits FunMachina. We had been super lucky there for over a year meeting couples in their 20's lol. This is a free and unexploited gem. In Spain we used onswingers.com FlorDCanela. very good but limited to Spain and is in Spanish. UK/Europe c4fonline.com - not so good for us when we were in Spain. fling.com some people contacted us from there once. Locanto.com kinda like what CL used to be. Not much going on there. Weirdos. https://www.newbienudes.com/ has some potential. I just have not looked into it yet because we always have something going on when we decide to get out and play. Regular dating apps like tinder, kindle.. you can open a profile of your lady seeking other ladies, just say that you are married and hubby wants to join too. And then... Bingo! You entered the Unicorn Realm! Also non website nor non swinger party contacts: Just take your lady to a strip joint and have her make friends with the girls. This works good in SoCal where girls are less professional. Could work in Vegas but good luck, they are real hustlers there. Also, the wife and I were on a non-swingers date the just 2 of us, went to have a beer and play pool. This other couple was checking us out. We started chatting normally and pleasantly. The girl told me my wife was very cute. So, I told the girl, "my wife just said the same about you, how funny!" Ended up MFMF later at their place. UPDATES: Lifestylelounge.com: use it if is free. otherwise not worth a penny. old profiles, abandoned page. trueswingers.com review coming soon. bisexualplayground.com met a couple there once. Not sure if still up. alt.com seen it looks like whips and chains stuff. Gone but not forgotten: Craigslist Personals. Those were good to meet couples but tons of weirdos. SwingDater.com met a long term couple there. playersxchange.com a buddy's site. gone. swingerads.com We don't do much apps. [/quote]Wow how do you manage being on all those?

C- A - Any swingers clubs around Salt lake? - I know many years ago there were a couple places swingers used to attend are there any bars around Salt Lake City that still accommodate the lifestyle?

People Who Try Too Hard - - Whoever could you mean??? LOL http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/forum http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/conversationalist If there is an ongoing debate in the forum (it's usually called a discussion... The very point of a forum), then wouldn't you agree that the likelihood of someone involved in a conversation, posting more than one time, is pretty damn good? Ask yourselves, how many one sentence or one statement conversations have you had in life? People who enjoy or seek this in forums are called "conversationalists". It's not wrong to get to know others. That is, after all, the reason we are all here. The poster puts their view out and the reader can decide whether they agree, disagree or desire to further discuss or elaborate on their side. It's like a dance of the minds. Some like the waltz, some like salsa, while others like a Mosh Pit. Just because you don't mosh doesn't mean that you should attempt to deny others of enjoying it. Tolerance is what I am getting at. I am a self-proclaimed asshole, but I still have the right to express myself. I have differing views from lots of people here. That's what I find to be beautiful about people. We are all unique in some form or another. It's uncovering those uniquities, I find to be the "buried treasures" among the vast diversity of people that post here. It's a small window into their being. You don't always like what you see, but it's still there no matter how much you complain. It's like those who had DJQ kicked off of here. I hated his views and all for which he stood, but in the end all he was guilty of was written expression of his view. Many wanted his head to roll and had him removed. Why? Because he didn't agree. Hell, he attacked my very service to this country. I hated his views. However, I still think he had the right to speak his heart. Admittedly, The forum became slightly less exciting after he left. The majority who read the forum remember what a prick he was, but they do remember him. He contributed to the conversation, no matter how skewed we felt his leftist position to be. I'll close my post with this... We are swingers... Don't you think people would disagree with our lifestyle choices, our views on marriage and the morale implications (if you are religious)? Furthermore, doesn't it all come down to personal choice. Just like you have the choice not to read this very post. :-) Just my thoughts, nothing more. Respectfully, -Mr TR- P.S. I whole-heartedly invite you to tell me to fuck off for my differing view. :-)

We have heard about it many times........... - Couples that are swingers - TG.. Very well said darlin.... We talk so much and have gotten so much closser .... Open and honest with eachother always...

Xmas carols for swingers. - - I'd check the DNA, and maybe we'll get lucky and it will be Elvis's and we can sell it on ebay. After all that is what we asked Santa for Christmas this year.

We have heard about it many times........... - Couples that are swingers - Yeas, I have found some of the advice to be helpful too and from that experience and now yours I am learning that even the single male has questions he needs to ask and some checking to do before playing. Have a happy new year all.

Opinion -- House Party Or Club - - Well We have to say, house parties since we enjoy getting to know new people and getting acquainted with old friends. clubs are too loud and normally if it's not a swingers club you never know who else (vanilla friends, family, co-workers, clients, ETC) will be there. we have been to some swinger's clubs on the east coast and love it ass well. Since Utah don't have any swinger's clubs we vote for house parties not to mention that last week we went to one at recon's and it rocked

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