
Bigelow Swingers in Minnesota

Bigelow Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Bigelow, MN, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Bigelow looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Bigelow, MN. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Bigelow, Minnesota Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Bigelow, Minnesota so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Bigelow Swingers right away!

Is there a small group of couples - - I would love to join a group of swingers.

We are going to Vegas and want to do something sexy - Please share your ideas on what we can do - Has anyone visited any of the clubs and what has been your experiences. The wife and I are headed to Vegas July 15th - July 22nd We are specifically looking at Green Door, Red Rooster and Swingers Circle. Not sure which we are going to yet.

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - We tend to focus more on an overall package deal, rather than choosing to focus on one parameter specifically, such as age. Personality and intellectual attraction combined with levels of physical attraction sometimes make the issue of age a moot point. Black and white generalizations are something we prefer to avoid when referring to those we encounter in the lifestyle, i.e., younger ones are always too immature or clueless, older ones have no stamina, etc. Diversity within the swinger community is too great to even attempt such broad categorizations. Besides, what potential fun/friends are we missing out on because of that? Honestly, we have found younger couples to far exceed their years in relative wisdom, often surpassing those that are well above their age group. Inversely, my wife and I will outlast most party goers ten years our junior. Alright...'nuff rambling. :) ~J~

Ideas on Swingers Car Rally..... - Ideas on Swingers Car Rally..... - I have been thinking for some time on how to put together a car rally for people to bring out their exotic, vintage, sports cars, or anything they love to drive and show off. We could start somewhere early in the day, make a few stops and hang out, and end up at a swingclub somewhere! Please email any suggestions or ideas. If nothing else, this might promote some spin-off clubs in your local area. Chris & Donna

Hot discussion - Hook up section? - Fascinating topic. I never really noticed until someone said something but now it all makes sense. As the male half of a couple, I created this profile to troll forums, gather info and meet friends... It never occurred to me that posting as a "single guy" would have such an impact. I can see now why. To piggy back on what was already said, I believe the "hook up culture" is in fact very real and has given a lot of single males the false belief that EVERY site is a hook up site, and there is some level of security hooking up with a married woman instead of a lonely single lady (they're not looking for a commitment, just sex). That said, there are a lot of male swingers (like Joe) who understand the lifestyle without having a current female partner.

Looking for Las Vegas fun - Looking for other swingers in Las Vegas - We are headed to Vegas Thursday and looking to meet some fun new friends!😊

Why do most cpls in the age range of 25-40 get so hung up on ag - - we love meeting new friends in the life style . but we dont want to play with everybody we meet . we go to alot of parties and hang out with a lot of different levels and ages of swingers . we dont rule one out more then the other for any reason . do we going looking for bigger people ???? or older people ???? no . but we really dont go looking for anyone . we enjoy our friends and try to make new ones .and we look and see each person for who they are and how they act . i am looking for friends to hang out with . and then i PICK MY PLAYMATES OUT OF THAT GROUP . the ones i click with and feel turned on i will play as much as i want to . do i rush faster to go up and say hi to a younger and in shape couple . hell yes . but i will also pull the oldest person in the club up on the dance floor and have a blast !!! i enjoy hanging out with older swingers . but alot of people that have been in the life style for along time are more in a rush and looking for fun . i love the new bies best . they are new and fresh and so creative and more into teashing and flirting WHICH IS MY BIGGEST TURN ON . but i also love to flirt and just make people happy . last party i asked an older woman to be my parnter in a contest . at a huge club with about 400 people . she was very shy cause all the other girls where DANCER LOOK ALIKES ... ( I DONT LIKE THE BARBIE LOOK ALIKE TYPE ) PERFECT ISNT MY CUP OF TEA . but i was teasing this older woman and i got to her lift her skirt and let me spank her ass . and she was spanking mine . and then she had to do a dance by herself . and i gave her a hug and spanked her ass and told her to go shake that hot ass and make them all scream . she did her best and she had a blast . she told me thanks so much for making her feel so alive and wild . and that made me so turned on and happy . and i love hanging out with people who are creative and fun . i look at peoples pics and see what their style is .i read their profiles and see how much they open up and what they have to say . yes i do look on the outside a bit to be with someone . but i also judge them by them for the real them . and what they like and dont like . and how they treat others and each other . iam so turned on by a few older couple that we know . one couple we did some things that we have never done before cause they wanted it like that we love to get wild , and take pics and make movies . i love body paints . i am turned on by people who are into what we are . young or old .black or white , married or single . alot of people talk about all the popel that dont like them cause they are older or not in perfect shape . but i also dont play with the hard bodies and try to look and act all perfect .that is a huge turn off to me . the ladies that all go to the club and they all look alike . blonde hair , tats int eh same place s , same cute matching outfits ,same size tits . and they think thats all their is about them . i cant stand that shit , people ask me why am i hanging out with the older ones and not chasing the pole dancer . i like to see people for who they are . and see the bad with the good and still like it . and want it . some people turn u on and some dont . if u are at a place where most people dont then u are hanging out with the wrong crowd . always be around fun people that u click with . and sometimes things that are bothering people about themselves can show . or just be in your head that is the reason . there could be other reasons about u that someone isnt turned on by . we hang out with alot of people . but play with only a few good friends . and thats what we are looking for . and we wont play with anyone that is just look ing for a play mates . so the best advise i can think of is ... to find a cool fun group that u can have a blast with and find what u want and need and dont worry about the ones that u dont click with for whatever reason . no biggie . have fun with the ones that do like u . thats what matters . naguhty dreams freaky kitty

WHERE'S THE FUN IN PARADISE - Where are all the fun swingers in Hawaii - I've been back in Honolulu now for almost a month, and hardly see any forum postings about parties or get togethers here in paradise. What gives people? Isn't Hawaii supposed to be paradise? Fun in the tropical sun? If there are any parties or get togethers I sure would like to know. I'm respectable and very respectfull of others. I know the proper etiquet in a party situation. Just hoping that people who are swingers that might travel here know where to go for fun.

BUSTED! Your Kids Found Out Your Swingers. Now What? - - [quote=HANDSHOESNZ]Our daughter figuered it because of the handle. Turns out she and her husband are in the lifestyle. We have been to a party with them. A little odd but funny. The other two kids proably know but don't say anything they just accept the fact we are who we are. [/quote] Hahaha...yes we can attest to the little bit of awkwardness at first with both the parents and the child with their spouse in attendance at our party...but it actually ended up being fun and pretty comical... Now our kids (girl 11 1/2 and 2 boys 13 1/2 and 16 1/2) are pretty smart...they know we chat online, my daughter even caught me with my top off...I told her I was showing someone my piercings...they know we have friends over so they have to go for a sleep over or that we have parties that they CAN NOT be around...my daughter asked me one day what "swingular" was cuz she saw the banner across my open lap top...I told her it was just a chat site we belong to and explained that's where we have met many of our new friends...I know she isn't stupid and will soon put 2 and 2 together but I also know if she has questions she will ask...we have tried to raise our children with a very open and accepting attitude...as far as the boys go...I think they might know but choose to not bring it up...I know they will one day when their ready, and we will answer all their questions honestly...we will give them the same honesty and respect that we expect from them....kisses...Naugh-Ty (and Lucky B)

RV Swingers? - - We full time R.V'd for 2 yrs. Put smiley face on your door, tell's other swingers you are to. We were told that by excapies at quartsite. We also have full hook-up's

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