
Albany Swingers in Minnesota

Albany Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Albany, MN, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Albany looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Albany, MN. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Albany, Minnesota Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Albany, Minnesota so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Albany Swingers right away!

BUSTED! Your Kids Found Out Your Swingers. Now What? - - IMO, you wouldn't explain yourself about your monogamous "vanilla" sex life or activities, so why would you about this? The subject of this thread was about your kids finding out. I'm not sure what age group of kids we're talking about and that can make a big difference. If they are adult children, you can simply tell them you are sorry they had to find out about it and regret that it makes them uncomfortable but it is your private life and will leave it there...in private. I think it is wise to reassure them that you will not do anything to embarrass them (start acting differently around them or other family members, etc.) and that nothing between you and them will change. Before they found out you were still the parent they loved and this will continue now. If they are young children, it can be a little more complicated. The questions aren't just about the lifestyle but also about sex since they are probably learning and curious about the topic in general. But, you could keep it very simple (& age appropriate) and explain that sex is something adults enjoy privately and that if they have any questions about sex (emphasis not on swinging) you will be happy to answer. If they pursue asking about swinging, I would just share that this is something better explained when they are a little older and that honesty and communication are valued so you will try to be as honest as you can be. However, you don't need to go into detail IMO. Often, kids are looking more for your reaction and some reassurance and aren't quite as concerned with the actual "words". They want to know their world isn't being disrupted. The rest of your post mentioned family members, etc. Again, you would never feel obligated sit around and discuss the details of a vanilla sex life so it isn't necessary to discuss the details of swinging. You could share that if someone has a private question they would like to ask they can if that's the kind of relationship you have with them. But, you can also add that you will only do so if comfortable. I might stress or emphasize that you and your partner have an open and honest relationship that you enjoy together. There are a number of factors that go into enhancing that relationship making it so special and that they've stumbled onto one area that you've incorporated/explored. You appreciate that it might not be for everyone and you wouldn't expect everyone to understand but that you sincerely hope they would also be as considerate to not judge the two of you. I might add that while you've tried to be candid when answering their questions, you only ask in return that they respect your privacy and not share what they've learned or discussed with anyone else. Include them into the agreement by explaining that you will extend to them the same discretion they extend to you. Who knows...one of them may have been curious about exploring the lifestyle and you might just be that one person they feel comfortable asking about it. At the same time, people can be very judgemental so protect yourselves. However these family members found out...it could happen again if that avenue hasn't been fixed. I'm sorry this got so long-winded and I could write so much more. Whew!!! Good luck with this!

EROTIC ELECTRONIC CIRCUS - Anyone know anything about this? EROTIC ELECTRONIC CIRCUS - Has anyone been to or know anything about "EROTIC ELECTRONIC CIRCUS " in Vegas? Links found on the internet. http://invisionevents.net/events/7226 http://thewonderlandparty.com/sessions/new https://www.kasidie.com/swingers/parties/51473/the-erotic-electronic-circus-las-vegas-nv.html

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - OH man u r fucking so cool how did u get so fucking cool man i hope u have no kids i would feel sorry for them if u did due to u r so fucking brilliant, r u thinking all this by your self or some of your butt buddies helping u, i mean OMG u r not even getting what u r even saying if this is a JUST TALK forum why and the fuck r u so stupid and getting your wife panties and your bubbies panties in such a bunch COme on read what u r saying and same with you other bone heads U all say free speech and we have the right to say what we want read this dam ass " IF U DO NOT LIKE WHAT I SAY ON HEAR DO NOT READ IT , DO WHAT U ALWAYS SAY TO OTHER , DO NOT FUCKING READ OR RESPOND TO" U can not even followw what u even say in other post LOL bring it on

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - BICOU4BIF_FL, Again, your experience is unique to you. It's been our experience that very few single men have been "pushy" or disrespectful. It's different for all of us and doesn't justify anyone trying to foil every single males swinging life by campaigning against them as a whole. Intolerance is never justified. If you choose individually not to play with singles, then that is ok. We all have our preference. However, why try and bad mouth the entire group, in an attempt to demonize them to everyone else or to exclude them from social gatherings. If you invite people that are interested in single males to your parties, it will even things out. I think a lot of it has to do with insecurity. I have yet to see a married woman fuck a single male at a party without the her and husband's consent. Alton wrote: "but thats your opinion ,,you are right & we are wrong then again we are right & you are wrong,, it's funny, its a no win situation,lol" Thanks for validating my analogy for murder, abortion, marijuana or any other subject. If you say it's ok to be racist, because it's your opinion. Then it should be ok to murder, because it's your opinion. Your logic is flawed. ;-) -D-

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - Maybe KUTV can send a techie or two this way to get the site moving a little faster. That would be worth a sexual act in of itself.

Who is going to Younge swingers week HEDO? - anyone going? - [quote=SEXYCPLNWYO]Oh but you look so young and sexy!!! [/quote] Its all about how you feel! Yep, left the apostrophy off because too lazy to put it in!!!!

Adulter or Swinger? - - Well, I struggled in the begininng of our journey into this lifestyle with my values and whether this was right or not. I grew up in such a staunch religious family as most ppl in Utah do (GRIN). I didnt feel as though I was a "cheater" because my husband obviously knows and participates, I also didnt consider myself an "adulter" for the same reasons....we just consider ourselves to be "swingers" hehe straight up, bottom line, we are swingers. Is it right to do so when you are married or single for that matter?? I dont know, I think it is an individual decision and how you feel about it or about yourself. I know ppl outside of this circle of swingers would most likely turn their nose up to how we live or rather how we spend some of our spare time. Especially living here in Utah, and in a very tight nit, religious town where there is a church on every corner, and a bishop on every street it seems. However, this is how Mr. Stitch and I feel about it. We are not cheaters, or adulters (maybe by definition but not in our personal dictionary) we are occasional SWINGERS. Some call it a lifestyle....for some it may be. For us we dont consider it a lifestyle only because it isnt a way of life for us. We dont make it something that we live to do by planning our lives around the LIfestyle Conventions, or other parties, or vacation sites (not saying that any of you do make it your whole life, cuz I know most do not). We dont do it every weekend. This swinging stuff is something we do occassionally. We are more in this type of thing to meet open minded awesome couples that we can hang out with and things of a sexual nature are welcome, but it isnt something that we expect everytime we get together. This is why we dont consider it our lifestyle rather just a recreational hobby that we SOMETIMES do. We dont feel that it is a moral issue/problem because we do it together, we have a great time, it has made our relationship tighter. We have discovered a better appreciation for each other, and our love for one another has grown. We are more confident in our sexual desires (especially me, Mrs Stitch) and it has made us better lovers. We communicate more openly, and as odd as it may seem it just overall has made our relationship improve. Now that may bring up a whole other arguement upon some of you, but I know that we are not the only couple that has experienced this new found love,appreciation, and confidence in your relationships. Back to my point......we feel that unless or until all this recreational swinging that we do ...makes a negative impact on our love/relationship or until it causes problems between the two of us then we will rethink our decision to do such things. Some of the outside ppl may ask...."well, why would you put your relationship out there for there to be problems....doesnt this open up the door for problems" My answer to that is....."Absolutely!, it does open up that door for inviting feelings, problems, desires...etc, but only if you let the door open" You have to communicate every feeling, desire, problems...etc. we make this about EACH OTHER...he doesnt make it just about him, or I dont make it just about me. We always do things together it is decisions we make together with what we do, and how we do it and until it does cause problems that we cant handle then we are going to keep on swingen without remorse or guilt of whether or not we are adulters/cheaters.... How dare the neighbors down the street or the single female friend who sleeps with everyone judge us for having openness in our relationship....it is something we do together, and when we decide to quit we will quit together. Lets be honest, we are all humans with sexual needs/desires and married or not you still have them. At least we can share those desires and needs together and experience those things together....therefore never leading us to cheat, or be an adulter.....not that we ever would anyways, but we may have thought about it ,which in my mind is just as bad!!!!!

KSL swing story - - There is supposed to be a new recruiting poster - slogan - sister swingers want you!

Hollywood Swingers? - - Howard Stern had talked about John Stamos and Rebecca hanging with him and his future wife Beth on occasion. He never tells the whole story, but eludes to the fact that they may have swapped partners. Sirius channel 100 for those who care.

Any swingers advise for Spain? - Swing clubs in Madrid - Advice? Yes. Stay away from anyone using those castanet things when your naughty bits are hanging out. Looks like a painful accident just waiting to happen. [em]Emo_8[/em]

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