
Jeddo Swingers in Michigan

Jeddo Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Jeddo, MI, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Jeddo looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Jeddo, MI. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Jeddo, Michigan Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Jeddo, Michigan so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Jeddo Swingers right away!

Tooele swingers party 2 - Doing our second party - We'd be interested!

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - [quote=XTRAINERBLK]DP & Airtight...yes. DVP..hell no. Just dont want to touch another guy's dick.[/quote] I'm 100% straight but.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi7gwX7rjOw

Swingers at work... - - Thanks STRAIGHTUPNOW, but honestly I thought I handled it VERY DISCRETLY, it was a simple small card nothing more, between himself and I. As for the rest I was half way across the country as I stated in the post. So I didn't feel I was in the wrong by approaching him. I feel that alot of people freak out when someone does find out about their little secret, and most don't know how to handle it when they are the ones approached instead of them doing the approaching. And I'm sure also it was 90 % being I was there alone without my sexy lady. But anyway I appreciate your comments, all I can say is you live, you learn. That last trip was about 5 years ago, and recently I have discovered we are returning to do business with them again. I'm really curious what kind of reaction I'll get this time when I walk through those doors and (if) that gentleman is still there. I DO NOT plan on saying or doing anything. I just wonder if he'll take some more vacation again. LOL

Keeping safe - Single females staying safe - [quote=EVILDOERS][quote=CHEFFETTE][quote=EVILDOERS]Hell, we've had guys write us and ask to meet them and their wives (without disclosing that we're swingers) and suggest that we get the wife really drunk and then have sex with them.[/quote]That is just plain awful. What a nightmarish scenario for everyone involved but the guy getting his rocks off watching his wife raped.[/quote] Didn't you hear? According to a legislator from Pleasant Grove it might not be rape if she's unconscious. [em]Emo_62[/em] [url=http://www.sltrib.com/news/2136918-155/utah-lawmaker-questions-whether-sex-with]Stupid Utah Lawmaker[/url][/quote] I didn't hear about that, probably b/c I was out buying a ticket to fly off this planet where I don't care to live w/ people like that pandering toolbag who's clearly never known someone close to him who's been sexually assaulted. There's no slippery slope here - if consent isn't enthusiastically given (context considered), there's no consent. ETA - [url=http://www.sltrib.com/news/2140556-155/utah-lawmaker-apologizes-after-comments-on]looks like he's been rapped on the knuckles well by others already.[/url] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/clubpenguinpookie/images/3/32/Grumpy_Cat_Good.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140306235947[/img]

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - i would love to thank all who support thier military members! as a sailor in the united states navy and have been for 18 years i wouldn't trade anything for the things i have done during my naval career! not only does the military protect our country wew also do other things that people don't see or hear. we have gone to all parts of the world and we help the people of that country. i hvae been to very poor countries and we go there with supplies and we help re build thier cities. i have been on many humanitarian operations. i would also like to say a prayer for all our military members who are ofer seas and for all of those military members who have fallen for our country. and i'm glad to hear that they are sending up a bill to stop protesters at military funerals. i really can't believe that there are people out there who are happy about fallen soldiers. just remember everyone in our military are people who have joined by their own choice to defend our great country not like other countries where it is mandatory to serve in the military. i work at navy basic training (bootcamp) and i see these 18 year old's who have decided to join and do something for thier country. i know alot of you do not support the war but i'm not asking you to support the war but to support the men and women of our military!! well i guess that is all. i hope you all have a great memorial day weekend!!

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - Thanks for the responses, I understand why it would take that extra comfort. Hopefully I can find that lucky lady one day soon!

International Swingers Day - How are you celebrating? - I would gladly help others celebrate! Let's do it! Team work makes the dream work! ;)

Okay shitheads. What about relationships??? - - [quote=HELLO_KITTY12984]Its all about personal preference. Not a required "line" we are all required to have. We respect people's varying preferences and the way they like to play. Doesn't mean anybody has more or less respect due to that particular factor.[/quote]I totally agree Kitty. You've always been a wise and good yummy friend! Is it horrible that we don't wanna play if we don't have some kind of "emotional" or "common" bond with the people we meet? It's not just a "physical" game for us...it's a trust and commonality, and even a compatibility issue. We aren't very good at this whole "swinging" thing if you wanna "fuck me and forget me". We've only played 3 times in almost 4 years. Are we swingers, experimental, or just frigid??? We play with girls a lot, but it's a whole new world when we wanna jump into a 2X2.

Mormon Swingers - - We are exmo's! I've only come across 1 person here that is an active mormon church goer.

How much risk is too much? - - [quote=ILLUSTRATOR]You're right. I'm just telling it the way I see it from what I know. I just wanted to voice the other side of this because I know women who feel this way and, although I understand how you feel, I see their side of it, too. And the men on here who think that women truly want to be raped need to understand that they may think it's what they want, but what they really want is the unrealistic fantasy that's played out so often in the Romance Novels that are flying off the shelves. There's a reason for their high sales. But it's merely a Fantasy. These men might come across videos like that of Laci Green's and think that means all women want to be raped. They should know that, in reality, women don't want it played out. That's what the OP should know and consider. [/quote] And a certain percentage of men may have just read that and only saw (or acknowledged), "...all women want to be raped." When we already have a very pervasive bias in our culture towards patriarchy and women being subservient to men, especially sexually, then discussions like this, IMHO, cause more harm than good. It doesn't take much looking on the internet to find sites and discussion boards where violence against women is not only overtly depicted through text and image but also actively discussed and even encouraged. Fantasize all you want but openly discussing how to fulfill rape fantasies in a swingers forum can only cause harm I think.

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