
De Tour Village Swingers in Michigan

De Tour Village Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in De Tour Village, MI, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over De Tour Village looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of De Tour Village, MI. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

De Tour Village, Michigan Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from De Tour Village, Michigan so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with De Tour Village Swingers right away!

swinger ? or not. - - We became a swingers by accident when we knocked 2 doors shy of some Amway party. This shit's better than LOC

How much risk is too much? - - [quote=ILLUSTRATOR]You're right. I'm just telling it the way I see it from what I know. I just wanted to voice the other side of this because I know women who feel this way and, although I understand how you feel, I see their side of it, too. And the men on here who think that women truly want to be raped need to understand that they may think it's what they want, but what they really want is the unrealistic fantasy that's played out so often in the Romance Novels that are flying off the shelves. There's a reason for their high sales. But it's merely a Fantasy. These men might come across videos like that of Laci Green's and think that means all women want to be raped. They should know that, in reality, women don't want it played out. That's what the OP should know and consider. [/quote] And a certain percentage of men may have just read that and only saw (or acknowledged), "...all women want to be raped." When we already have a very pervasive bias in our culture towards patriarchy and women being subservient to men, especially sexually, then discussions like this, IMHO, cause more harm than good. It doesn't take much looking on the internet to find sites and discussion boards where violence against women is not only overtly depicted through text and image but also actively discussed and even encouraged. Fantasize all you want but openly discussing how to fulfill rape fantasies in a swingers forum can only cause harm I think.

Newbie "outdoorsy" couple interested in the softer side. - Wish to develop a friendship with another couple in S ID, N UT - [quote=Canvas][quote=LILMISSRIDINGHOOD]There are couples and singles in the lifestyle, who have been in the lifestyle for a while, who also like to take things slow. Some don't want to just jump into bed, but they are aware of the many ins and outs of the lifestyle. I've been in the LS for years, but prefer to make friends, first, then decide if I want to go further if they, too, want to go further. If you want a friendship with no sexual strings attached, I suggest you look for others who feel the same. Narrowing your search down to just newbies, or suggesting that's what you're looking for, limits your options. You might consider meeting people with the precondition that you don't swap, but you may reconsider at a later date. [/quote] Thanks for your input. It is appreciated! Our thinking with looking for newbies was that we could all be nervous together and learn together. However, it's not like we know our way around these waters. All this has actually been very humbling to me (male half). I'm used to diving into things and doing well from the start. Here though.... it all feels so foreign, intimidating. Maybe it's due to my wife and I marrying right out of HS. We dated others in HS but that was so long ago with entirely different maturity levels. At any rate, your point is well taken. We welcome any advice and constructive criticism we can get. Thanks again! [/quote] What, specifically, feels intimidating? Or perhaps a better question would be what do you fear? Are you afraid that one of you will fall in love with a playmate and leave the marriage? Or that one or both of you will like swinging too much and become big ole sluts? LOL Or maybe you're afraid of contracting a horrific sexually transmitted disease and your junk will fall off? *grin* Most of us are TERRIBLY bad at risk assessment and more often than not we fear things that are statistically FAR less likely to happen than things we don't seem to fear all that much. Some people won't fly in planes even though they are FAR less likely to die in a plane crash than driving their car to Walmart. And many swingers are deathly afraid of getting AIDS even though it's really quite hard to contract compared to, say, HSV, which most adults have actually already been exposed to. Identifying why you're intimidated might be a better use of your time than trying to find a needle in a haystack. But in the end, do what you're comfortable doing. If you think finding another newbie couple is the least intimidating way to dip your toes in then, by all means, do that. Those of us who have been around the scene for a while, however, could tell you some of the drawbacks to meeting people who are newbies. Personally, we would seek out a more experienced couple, albeit one who is NOT pushy and is willing to go at your pace and is looking for friendship more than sex. The reason I say that is if things DO turn sexual, a more experienced couple is less likely to freak out or have other issues that they haven't already dealt with. Either way, good luck.

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - [quote=JEFFSMITH1972][quote=TorqueNTara]we were kinda getting busy last night when the story aired, and just now watched it on the web. Wanted to add something useful to this thread, but see that it has taken a downward, spiraling turn into some geeky abyss.[/quote] You're right. Let's discuss sports. Did you see that ludicrous display last night? [/quote] I was likewise disappointed in the showing of Local Team; at the end of all the rounds, the numbers for our side were mathematically lower than those of our opponents. Any true fan of sports will tell you this cannot be allowed to stand. PS, Ash vs Evil (Dead, not Doers) on Starz in 24 hours! :)

Here's something Ive been curious about - - [quote=DELICIOUSLYWET][quote=EVILDOERS]You can't be a "real" swinger unless you're official. We answered an ad in the back of a Spiderman comic book, sent in a quiz and a drawing (boobs and a penis) and they told us we would be AWESOME swingers and to send them 19.95 plus P&H. Now we're card carrying swingers. If our certification ever expires we're just gonna be plain old wife swappers.[/quote] Did you also buy the x-ray glasses and the Sea Monkeys? Their advertisements are usually on the next page. I did and what a rip-off.[quote=PEBBLEROCK][quote=NAUGHTYELFS]we have discussed this and we feel it is possible for the ever elusive unicorn to be a swinger. however, for our money a single male cannot be a swinger he is just another horny male who is often single for a reason lol[/quote]That's the dumbest fuckin thing I ever heard!! A single (unicorn) female can be a swinger, but a single male is "just another horny male who is often single for a reason"??? What about a single female that's single for a reason? Whatever that reason might be...it's no different. Just different parts. That was such a huge chauvinistic statement from some fucker that's probably sittin home on his couch covered in potato chip droppings, wackin his fuckin pud as he picture-surfs everyone on here!!! It's people just like you that make it so hard for some of these really decent guys to get a dialogue going with a couple at least, or a friendship at best. There's no damn difference in a single male or a single female being considered a "swinger". The COUPLE is the "swinging" part of the equation, not the single...they're just wanting to get they're "fuck" on, male or female, for whatever reasons they might have. So do me a favor...hurry up and get your nut, wipe the chip grease off your fingers so you don't fuck up your keys too bad when your wife needs to check her email, and go hang yourself!!! I have no patience for fucktards like you that have no idea what this really is!!! Play your own game, but don't ruin it for other's that are trying like hell to play within the rules!!! Wanna borrow a rope???[/quote] Are the two of you, perhaps, being a bit reactionary about this thread? Pebbles I would agree that many if not most everyone involved in someway with the swing scene is mostly trying "to get their fuck on" and I appreciate you honesty, but to offer the guy a rope? Either he or she or both made a reductionist statement about single men. Their opinion really only spoils a single males chances with them and only them. Remember guys with the big sabers don't need to rattle them and the ladies also read these forums and the ladies usually prefer a gentleman. Peace people, peace. [/quote]You're right, I was a bit reactionary and over the top. I guess I get a bit defensive for the truly respectful single males out there. And YES we have them blocked, but only because Pebbles is into girls and very close relationships right now. Thanks for reminding me to tone it down a bit. Peace babies!

Find Nudist Swingers - - Looking for Nudist Swingers in West Michigan,around 50 or older

Naked beach - Stansbury island - As spring gets a little closer come out to the beach and work on your tan. It's a ghost town now but as temps get about 70 it'll get busier. There are all types of people there. Dudes, LGBTQ, couples, nudists (like us), swingers. The further away from the sagebrush you go the less bugs just be careful it can get muddy too. People go all the time we like to go Sunday afternoons. It's not a legal nude area so be careful and respectful. That being said in 10 years we've never had an issue. It's a beautiful place to camp. Playfulness to the north end, vanilla to the south.

Here's something Ive been curious about - - [quote=EVILDOERS]I think over the years we've pretty much seen and heard it all in regards to this subject and who is and isn't a "real" swinger. It kind of all boils down to semantics, doesn't it? Is it really that important to label it and each other? If swinging is a more of a mindset then yes, singles (male and female) are swingers too. I think, perhaps, that what some of the couples might be trying to get at (inelegantly IMO) is that in many ways perhaps singles don't really have as much invested in the process as couples do. As a swinging couple (remember it used to be called "wife swapping") you are in effect opening your relationship to some very real risk. If you don't think that's the case you either are in denial or haven't been around the scene that long. Singles simply aren't running the same risk although it could be argued they do have some risks, especially single females who at very least have some safety issues going into sometimes unknown situations alone. I guess you could argue single males also have a few risks as well. Also, of course, there is the whole argument of singles "not bringing anything to the table". An oft quoted argument to denote they don't have a partner to "swap". True enough in some regards but not entirely true in that they bring themselves and variety to the table for those couples not looking for a couples swap or who want to fulfill other fantasies or who have difficulty finding a fourway connection or attraction. Ultimately I think it's unnecessary for couples who don't want to play with singles (most often it's just single guys, a double standard perhaps?) to diss singles by saying they aren't swingers. And it's also probably not necessary for a few singles to complain that they aren't given an equal place at the table when they indeed do not come prepared to risk the same that couples must risk. Bottom line. Swing how you want to swing and don't swing how you don't want to swing. There's actually room for everyone even if we aren't all necessarily sitting at the same table.[/quote]Absolutely agree. Well said Mr Evil! BTW...Do you know if those X-Ray glasses really worked?? I always wondered...still do. I have particulair attraction to "landing strips"....They could be real handy sorting out potential play partners!

Friend collectors or swingers - - It also depends on the mood that people are in. My wife is not always in the mood for this type of sexual activity. However, when people send us friend requests and they sound nice, respectful, and there is a potential for attraction, we accept the friend requests.

Young Swingers Myspace Swinger Party@Club Hedonism - - Heyyyyy guys wait up ,We manage the club so we wont be involved in the fun :!

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