
Ashley Swingers in Michigan

Ashley Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Ashley, MI, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Ashley looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Ashley, MI. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Ashley, Michigan Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Ashley, Michigan so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Ashley Swingers right away!

PSA: Check your public face photos to make sure they’re blurred - - Hey-not having the main face pic blurred out is how I found out my neighbors were swingers.

Is this one of your rules? What is it? is it fear? or something - Does everyone feel this way? -


We (Tami and I) have never ran across anyone that said they didn't want to have sex and only wanted to make friends. We have ran across those that want to be friends (have trust established), first. The latter I can totally understand, as we are two people that require trust in people we play with. We also find attraction in the personality and minds of the individual. Have there been exceptions for us? Yes, however, we have found that "spur of the moment" play was unsatisfying and regrettable. We try not to label people. We just avoid those that are into something we are not. Just as a couple not into anal sex would avoid sexual contact with those seeking anal. We avoid those that want to hook-up on first meetings without inhibition. Why? There are forceful individuals, there are deviants, there are bi-sexual males that think they can touch without permission, there are people who drug others, there are people that smoke pot and others that can't be around it due to their profession. The latter doesn't have to end a friendship as we happen to be in professions that don't allow exposure, we just had to perfect a little dance with our pot smoking friends. Many people view this as a "lifestyle". We certainly view the "free thought and expression" as a "lifestyle" but the "sex with others", is a recreational thing that we can turn on and off like a switch. Sometimes we feel like playin with our swingers buddies and sometimes we just like talking, drink and having other types of fun with them. Swingers or "Libertines", as I like to refer to them, are mostly "free thinker" types so I like to interact with them on other levels as well. Though there are still those types that only swing for the sex and still have closed minds in regard to everything else. Those are the types I find strange. How you can be a conservative swinger is beyond me. However, I respect anyone's desire to fuck. So I do not judge. I just decide who fucks me and my wife. That's all. We all can't be compatible with everyone on all levels, all the time. It's impossible. Whether it's fucking or writing in the forum, there is always gonna be someone that doesn't like you. Trust me, I know this first hand. So, like ole Rick Nelson once said... You can't please everyone, so you got to please yourself. That's a rule to fuckin live by.

is it true about swingular??????????????????? - - An offshoot... Some history and info that was very interesting to me. My Dad, who has been a swinger for over 30 years, said that back in the early 70's (back when all they had to hook up with was a couple of magazines!) the 2 hot spots for swingers were California - Duh! and Utah - What? So our Utah motto is "The church keeps repressing them so we can keep undressing them".

Big girls!!! - - Seems that every place is the place for swingers except southern illinois.

Newbie Advice? - - Unless that's specifically the scene you are looking for and only want to play in you might want to seriously reconsider your screen name. A HUGE misconception among single males looking to play in the lifestyle is that most, or even many, married males are cucks looking for a bull to fuck their wives. While there certainly are some that are into that scene they are a very small minority of swingers. You might want to check out some cuck-specific websites or maybe even some Hotwife sites rather than swinger sites if that's your thing.

How to identify yourself as a Swinger - - Yes, the black ring has been around for decades. Along with white rocks in your yard, flamingos, upside down pineapples, etc. I'm sure these things were helpful and even needed before the age of the internet. Nowadays, there are so many ways to contact and meet people, I can't imagine the need to randomly bump into to other swingers. In fact, the black ring is so well known, that that is the reason I DON'T wear one. I knew about it about 18 years ago, well before I ever considered swinging. So, it's useless for two reasons. 1. Not enough swingers use it to be of much use. 2. Too many non swingers know about it to be very practical. But with the sites and parties and events, there really isn't much need for it anyway. I'm glad I started all this recently with the internet to use. I really would have hated wearing black rings and putting white rocks and flamingos in my yard and upside down pineapples in my window. :p

We have heard about it many times........... - Couples that are swingers - I can't believe anyone would feel uncomforable or walk out on you guys! Your both Super Hot and tons of Fun! We're sorry we missed ya last night! Ohh well it's there loss is all we can say! ;) XOXO

Swing Clubs - - We have never been to a swing club. We usually prefer more intimate settings, but I have wanted to see what it is like. Possibly easier than meeting couples online? What is everyones take on them, and what is the proper ettiquette regarding meeting and approaching people in the swingers clubs. Also which vegas/pheonix clubs are the best? Thanks guys!:p Mrs.T

Sexy swingers closer to our age - 20-30 year old sexy swingers - Hey I'm down I'm 25

Goth Ball - Fantasies of SLC presents the Goth Ball I'm South Jordan - If you like themed swingers events, you should come out to the Goth Ball July 30th. It will be held in a three story 8000sq ft home. Tickets include food, prizes, paid bartender (BYOB), a king a queen will.be crowned with a real crown and tiara. There will be a dance floor and 15 seat theater with gothic movies playing. There will be plenty of space for fun at the after party as well. We are only looking for couples and single females at the moment. Send us a message for details

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