
Wellesley Hills Swingers in Massachusetts

Wellesley Hills Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Wellesley Hills, MA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Wellesley Hills looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Wellesley Hills, MA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Wellesley Hills Swingers right away!

Required info for swingers - - I learned alot...,.thank you!!! lol

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - Well regardless of what some folks say, age is a determining factor, especially when you reach the, "remind me of my dad" attitude, or even "you could be my grandfather"....well let me share that when I was 70, I flew to california and made love with a 32 year old beauty, most of the night, and her two comments were, " you should really start a school teaching young guys how to fuck", and " I have never in my life has this many climaxes in one night !" and I was obviously old enough to be her grandfather...so I guess...you are free to gravitate to whoever turns you on, but honestly, more often than not the older ones are far more appreciative of the situation and will work harder to make certain you are satisfied cause by now have learned to take care of their own needs, in their own time, but always AFTER YOU, as a partner are not only satisfied, but usually exhausted. I have paid membership in FOUR different sites, in an attempt to find a "friend with benefits"since the passing of my wife...she and I had an extremely active sex life prior to her developing cancer which curtailed her abilities to share, but I am still alive, I am still going, I still love sex and I am 74 years old. And after months of being told I am too old, I am still looking because making love is no less important to me than any other teenager...*S*

An Open Letter to Administration - What's the Mission? - I hate to say it but there are more people from the state of missouri on here then in utah... and florida makes up almost as much as missouri... us swingers are everywhere on here... If you don't like what is in the forum why don;t you post up something of your own and let it fly!

The elusive unicorn.... - Any such creatures here? How many couples have caught one? - [quote=MANDIEQT]Married here with a single female profile. When I swing, I always do so as a single. I've run into several women who do something similar to me or as shared above, who swing with known couples and friends their partners have approved. There certainly are truly single female swingers on here but my experience has been they don't stay single or around terribly long. Some advice....I've participated in quite a few FFM swinging experiences and the very first thing I look for is being treated as an individual, not just a walking vagina serving up your fantasies. Unicorn hunting can be pretty toxic for the extra F, which burns most of us out quickly. This isn't meant to sound harsh just a reminder to not lose sight of the real people involved and how much that can enhance the experience. Personally, I don't respond to people who don't read the profile, don't treat me as a person rather than a fantsy fullfiller or who want the quick, easy, goodbye focused hookup. I like to enjoy the human(s) I'm with as it enhances the sex for me. OP.. what does incorporate a unicorn into your lives look like? If it's more polyamorous focused, any advice you get from swinging will probably not serve you super well. I have some resources I can share that are more poly unicorn focused if you'd like. Otherwise, I wish you good fortune in your search.[/quote] Thank you for stating this. This is exactly why I hate the term unicorn, I understand the meaning, but it dehumanizes the female. Respect is always important.

Going out on a limb... - - I'm not sure that what I am about to say has anything to do with this thread, but I am beyond pissed right now and I feel the need to vent... so here goes. Why do single males have a hard time? On another swingers site, a section of our profile states.. "Please be discreet when sending us a Yahoo instant message." There's nothing worse then having a message pop up on the screen that says "YOUR WIFE HAS GREAT TITS ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A HUNG SINGLE MALE?" While showing off your vacation pictures to visiting relatives, friends, etc." So what happens.... a message just like that pops up. I type back and say "Why would you send a message like that?" "Do you have any clue who is looking at this computer screen right now?" I get back... "I'm on [swinger site name] and I like your pics... do you want to meet?" I point out where it states being discreet on the IM and I add "What the hell is wrong with you sending messages like that?" Here's what I get back.... "WELL YOU'RE THE ONE LETTING STRANGE GUYS FUCK YOUR WIFE" Now we've played with many single guys... and I know that many many many are really nice and intelligent and mature.... but this one really set you all back several notches.... It just isn't worth it when I'm clued in to the mind set that exists among a percentage of you.

International Swingers Day - How are you celebrating? - [quote=EVILDOERS]Pretty normal evening then I take it.[/quote]

Single Females - Here's Your Chance - [quote=LOGANLOVERS]I think this is biast, and not the type of thing to be writing on a swingers website, not all men and women are jealous! [/quote] uh, sorry the whole sarcastic humor escaped you. please see comment below yours for further explanation. xox T.

Hot discussion - Hook up section? - Fascinating topic. I never really noticed until someone said something but now it all makes sense. As the male half of a couple, I created this profile to troll forums, gather info and meet friends... It never occurred to me that posting as a "single guy" would have such an impact. I can see now why. To piggy back on what was already said, I believe the "hook up culture" is in fact very real and has given a lot of single males the false belief that EVERY site is a hook up site, and there is some level of security hooking up with a married woman instead of a lonely single lady (they're not looking for a commitment, just sex). That said, there are a lot of male swingers (like Joe) who understand the lifestyle without having a current female partner.

Messages - why don't people want to message back - 1. All the sites are crawling with fake couple profiles that are pic collectors or guys trying to cheat. 2. People here have the idea of dabbling but are not serious about it. 3. People have their ideal encounter in their head and are only looking for that exact situation. 4. People are simply lazy. They wanna push a button (like the FR one) and let you do all the work. 5. People totally content with swinging are already in an established party or meet group and have people come to them now. They are tons of fun, experienced swingers that know how to balance normal life and swinging life. So we always tell newbs there is a huge learning curve to this lifestyle. No, it’s not the sex part, we all already do that, it’s the ability to sort through the mess and find connections. Living where you do makes it even harder. Try some other sites to see if they fit better. AFF usually has a good listing in your area. Try posting up something when you have free time and see what comes your way. Don’t jump at every friend request. Our experience over 4 years is the blind ones with no message lead no where. We use the sites for first contact, then k!k (you can live pic verify there) and chat to see if it’s a match. Remember it’s a frustrating road ahead. Even after getting to full chat and meeting time, we really only meet 5% of the people we talk to, and we are super flexible and drive many miles to meet and play. Just keep at it. We are to the point now we can spot most flakes, cheaters and collectors quickly and we block and move on. When you do finally meet just be open. Network, be friends, that can lead to parties or new friends. Start looking to just meet cool fucking people and learn from there.

Disneyland swingers - - We just got back from Disneyland. too bad.

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