
Southborough Swingers in Massachusetts

Southborough Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Southborough, MA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Southborough looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Southborough, MA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Southborough, Massachusetts Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Southborough, Massachusetts so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Southborough Swingers right away!

Creating an Amazing Swingers Profile - How to market yourself better - Damn it, gotta go delete that pic of me spread wide. Sheesh, just tryin' to please all of the people all of the time and this is what it gets me! ;)

Open relationship - Any couples with a friend (male or female) to play with your partner anytime? - I have to agree with UTCPL 100%. Swingers Lifestyle is not about having sex on your own with another person.

Orgy Party by Swingers Circle in Las Vegas - - [quote=SLCCOUPLEFUN]We attended once, left at the break...comically bad, like something that swinger horror stories are made of. Words can't describe the creep factor vibe that the organizer gives off, we still laugh about it several years later.[/quote] Same here, wouldn't recommend. I'm still having nightmares.

camping - - one thing i wish we had in florida swingers camp grounds because we love camping.

Professionals - - That's just it Chibones: no we are NOT all looking for the same thing out of the lifestyle. People are as diverse as the imagination...and then some. And we have learned that in the lifestyle there are a myriad of things people want and don't want. No two couples are exactly the same and many are polar opposites. Some people do not want to limit the possibilities or their options. But MANY do want to limit them. Some...like yourselves...say almost nothing of substance about yourselves in their profiles. Others write auto-biographies. Some are looking for that one special couple or single. Some are looking to have sex with everything they get within arm's reach of. Some only want dark-haired ladies with large breasts. Others only want men over 50 years old and over 6' tall. Geographical and regional cultural differences play a strong role in how people craft profiles and conduct themselves in the lifestyle. In our town, you could not be a "professional" and be open about being a swinger. You would be harassed and heavily discriminated against in business. Preachers would tell their congregations not to patronize your business from the pulpit on Sunday mornings, and most of your customers would be church-goers who do what their pastors tell them. Your kids would be tormented in school. Interestingly, if you were an entertainer or a construction worker or truck driver, nobody would care. Your life would go on without incident. This isn't Safety Harbor, FL! (we used to live in St. Pete) The big fight right now in town is over the new Hilton hotel and whether or not they should be allowed to offer PPV adult movies in the hotel rooms. Also, we have a very large element of...how show we say...under-achieving whites...in the lifestyle in this region of the country. I would be willing to wager a month's pension check that you would not associate with them. By comparison, when we look at FL swinger profiles and talk to our FL swinger friends about it, we get the distinct impression that swinging is more of a middle class and upper class past-time down there. So, in a desire to both clue the right people in and not offend the rest, around here white collar couples tend to use the code-phrase, "We are a _________ professional couple who like to..." It's sort of a polite way of saying "No illiterate toothless hillbillies strung out on methamphetamines who cannot behave in public, please!" So, if "professional couple" offends your sensibilities, you should try walking in OUR shoes for awhile before judging us based on a phrase. Around here, a lawyer who is outed as a swinger would be in serious jeopardy of losing his bar certification. An elected official would be toast. A political appointee would be fired immediately. A real estate agent would see their business shrivel to nothing in weeks. A doctor would lose 3/4 of his patients within a month. And the funniest/saddest thing about it all is that we have one of the highest concentrations of swingers per capita in the US...3rd highest I believe. This is why PC thinking is so unwise. We judge others based on OUR realities and not usually on THEIRS. In a desire to encourage more "tolerance," we actually become intolerant of anything WE find the least bit offensive. Personally, I celebrate everyone's right to be offensive, wrong, and dumb. That doesn't mean I agree with them or enjoy their company, either. It just means I accept people for who they are and acknowledge their right to be who they want to be. It means I hold the individual's right to self-determination and freedom of expression above almost all other values. It means I am TOLERANT.

Young Couples, Females 18-25? - We see a variation... - when we first started out in this lifestyle We were both 23. 10 years ago Holy CRAP we werent married yet and we were only experimenting well it worked well for us we're still enjoying it 10 years later. When we first started we had a hard time finding couples like us (our age similar builds etc. ) its only been recently (last few years) that lots of new faces and younger couples are Diving in Face first or leggs spread however you want to phrase it.. and now look at us we're NOW (OLD) LOL Not young and hot anymore (Phfooey on that ) well we have learned its good to go outside your normal comfort zone be attracted to whats in the box and not always whats outside if you want lasting friendships and repeat good times. yeah Sometimes there are exceptions but we try to base it on chemistry and our Feelings for the people not always how they look. If your only in it to get the rocks off By all means Enjoy the ones who look for the same there is so many different levels to this lifestyle there is something for everyone.. Best of luck to the two of you There are young couples like you Most couples in your age group and we were guilty of it too are Not mature enough in thier relationships to truly enjoy this lifestyle they often set rules and limits up which set them up for a bad evening because sometimes people like to break rules traditionally swingers are not quite (follow the rules type of people) Keep an open mind. Talk about everything before and after and keep your communication strong. Also BTW in response to your other post.. (tell her No need to worry She is Very Sexy and cute.)

Kik group for UT swingers. - Contact me if your interested in joining a KIK group for Swingers - tell us more about Kik and how it operates and how to join

Vegas next month - - we can only speak for what we like: zumanity and absinthe are fun and SEXY. copperfield: was great, chris angel = HORRIBLE carrot top: we've seen 3 times, and he updates his show regularly. you will be pleasantly surprised. gordy browne: we've seen 3 times funny and a great variety show any cirque' show is worth seeing, dress up and have a fun date night together. laugh factory & brad garrett's comedy clubs are fun, but really not any better than the cheaper ones you can find @ the discount ticket booths. free concerts on the weekend @ Fremont experience, + great place to people watch! you could go to any of the topless pools, but you DO have to pay to get in. best value is buying a lounger because it comes with food and drink. couples oasis: a private swingers club, huge variety of people that go artisan hotel is a fun and sexy boutique hotel, not well known, but a lot better than any of the swingers clubs. do NOT stay there if you want peace and quiet. western sahara: sex & stripper shops for fun & sexy clothing we go to vegas monthly because we live nearby, and we stay somewhere different each time. sometimes down town, sometimes on the strip, and sometimes @ a Hilton, or embassy suites. for us, we don't do the topless pools anymore. kinda a "been there, done that" thing for us. also because of the extra cost to get in. it's been over 4 years since we've been to couples oasis. but the rest of our opinions are very current. we discovered we are getting older, ouch!! we went to Omnia, and HATED the synth dance music. we prefer r&b and 80 & 90's rock and roll. to get in was $50.00, drinks were $17-22 each, water $7.00. go to Tao, the food is great, and when you are ready to dance, you bypass the long line outside by just going upstairs. if you don't get to vegas often, go to the strip, TONZ of things to see have extra time, go down town, go to pawn stars, vamped, capo's, etc..

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - we love it as well....

Disabled Swingers - - I am the male half of a couple. I am also disabled and in a wheelchair. Add to that I am new to the lifestyle. Shelley my other half is a gorgeous BBW (on the smaller side of BBW). She was very active in the lifestyle prior to us getting married. We have had a couple threesomes in the beginning of our relationship. Now after 12 years of marriage I am finally secure enough in our relationship for us to become active again. Yet we are finding it very difficult to actually find folks to play with and or parties that are accessible to my chair. We have had folks online come right out and tell us that if it was not for me being in a wheelchair they would have no problem meeting us. Heck we even had one couple come right out and ask me if Shelley would be willing to play solo cause they did not want to have anything to do with someone in a wheelchair (not from here). So I guess what my question is, is there actually active disabled folks in the lifestyle and are there non disabled couples willing to get together with those of us who might have physical challenges. Or am I just going to be constantly rolling uphill? Jeff

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