
Plainfield Swingers in Massachusetts

Plainfield Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Plainfield, MA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Plainfield looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Plainfield, MA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Plainfield, Massachusetts Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Plainfield, Massachusetts so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Plainfield Swingers right away!

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - yeah..... it's got a hemi.......

Explain why you like being a swinger - - [quote=JANDY275]We don't like being swingers....we are really kleptomaniacs. But what better way to see what kind of cool things other people have. :)[/quote] and you could potentially add "spouses" to the list of things you theive? :p

Moab Utah - Swingers in Moab - Awesome photo! You should put that one on your profile! We’re headed to Moab June 6-10th and bringing our mountain bikes with us. πŸš΄β€β™€οΈπŸœπŸš΄β€β™‚οΈπŸœ

Here's something Ive been curious about - - I think over the years we've pretty much seen and heard it all in regards to this subject and who is and isn't a "real" swinger. It kind of all boils down to semantics, doesn't it? Is it really that important to label it and each other? If swinging is a more of a mindset then yes, singles (male and female) are swingers too. I think, perhaps, that what some of the couples might be trying to get at (inelegantly IMO) is that in many ways perhaps singles don't really have as much invested in the process as couples do. As a swinging couple (remember it used to be called "wife swapping") you are in effect opening your relationship to some very real risk. If you don't think that's the case you either are in denial or haven't been around the scene that long. Singles simply aren't running the same risk although it could be argued they do have some risks, especially single females who at very least have some safety issues going into sometimes unknown situations alone. I guess you could argue single males also have a few risks as well. Also, of course, there is the whole argument of singles "not bringing anything to the table". An oft quoted argument to denote they don't have a partner to "swap". True enough in some regards but not entirely true in that they bring themselves and variety to the table for those couples not looking for a couples swap or who want to fulfill other fantasies or who have difficulty finding a fourway connection or attraction. Ultimately I think it's unnecessary for couples who don't want to play with singles (most often it's just single guys, a double standard perhaps?) to diss singles by saying they aren't swingers. And it's also probably not necessary for a few singles to complain that they aren't given an equal place at the table when they indeed do not come prepared to risk the same that couples must risk. Bottom line. Swing how you want to swing and don't swing how you don't want to swing. There's actually room for everyone even if we aren't all necessarily sitting at the same table.

Best Swingers Club in Houston? - Going there in Sept - Just wondering if anyone can recommend one of the many clubs in Houston. The Mystery Zone gets good google reviews.

A&E New show about swingers... - neighbors with benefits.... - So A&E is going to have a series about swingers... it says there are 15 million swingers in the US.... what is Utah's population these days? lol So who is going to be watching this new show?

Swingers of Color - - Were here and we are a mixed couple. I have seen more than just a few on here......

A Cuckold Questionnaire (Cuckold Wannabes Please read) What turns - A Cuckold Questionnaire by Experienced Bull [49M] in TEL AVIV - ISRAEL - [quote=RUNNINWILD]Who in the hell put.. DELICIOUSLYWET or DOUBLED03 in charge of what Utah swingers are. morons maybe if your had creditable proof that might say something but you don't for a stupid post like this (Dude, the swinger reality, at least here in Utah, is way different than the porno you must be watching. Polite, charming and respectful guys are the premium around here. This questionnaire comes off really adolescent.)Speak for your self not here in Utah. Maybe there are people who side with him here in Utah, and you have no right to speak for all of Utah...you fucking Dike's[/quote] Your reading comprehension skills are about as good as your spelling. Go back and re-read the posts moron. I haven't said a word about the original post, nor do I care.

hosting parties - would love to hear from everyone - [quote=SLCWANDERLUST]I have to echo Sara. People don't know how to RSVP. Put that in your invite. If it is a small house party RSVPing is mandatory. If you plan to fill your house to the rafters with drunken swingers a few couples more or less isn't a problem. One way to force RSVP's is to not give out address until you get an RSVP. There is a book called "Loving More" I don't know if it is available any more. It is a little dated. tells you how to find couples through personal ads! but the info on throwing a party is good. [/quote] Good points....We had planned on using the address thing to help solidify the rsvps...We have room for quite a few...as long as they all play nice..LOL But not sure we want to fill the place to the rafters...LOL Knowing at least approximately how many are coming is pretty vital info..we think. Sorta reminds me of that old song.."Four and Twenty Virgins"...LOL

Game ON....which sign is Hornier...(is that a word?) - zodiac signs of swingers? - At our crazy all niter two weekends ago at JJ Western Swing, we started asking people what their sign was. It amazed me that most of the people there playing were either Taurus or the majority, Gemini. Now I know all you Scorpio's are going to jump in here and claim it's YOU. Everyone agrees you are the most promiscuous... but seriously.... I was surprised. I am wondering if Gemini's maintain this professional, analytical front during the week and on the weekend the evil, naughty, nasty twin busts out. Can anyone enlighten me? I do know that I sure enjoyed playing with that guy, which ever twin was taking over!! The game is on! xoxo Tori - Taurus / Tan - Gemini --------- Thanks again for playing the Zodiac Game and for all your kind personal replies to us! After 3 days of posting and 107 responses and 1895 views, here are the totals as of 4-8-09 12:30pm: We have also included "what each sign says after sex" just for fun. ------------ Scorpio 15 =14% -"Let me untie you!" Gemini 13 =12% -"It was good! Let

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