
Halifax Swingers in Massachusetts

Halifax Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Halifax, MA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Halifax looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Halifax, MA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Halifax, Massachusetts Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Halifax, Massachusetts so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Halifax Swingers right away!

Lifestyle Cruise in November - Anyone going? - - So excited!! It's definitely gonna be a party... and for those who aren't booked... I believe there are still a few dozen cabins still available. (Can you imagine, 3,800 swingers all trapped on a cruise-ship for 8 days??)

Sexy swingers closer to our age - 20-30 year old sexy swingers - Nice pictures I wonder why so many people hide their faces

Couples and Single Males party - - It would be great fun, and a chance to get to know more swingers, broaden all our horizons ( maybe I just have broads on my horizon, stupid thinking).

New Swingers Club in Utah - Gauging interest in new club - The Moose is still alive and well! We talked with the new man that is now running the place last Friday night when we were there, and he has some great ideas to make the Moose better than ever! Here's a little info that we learned about the new changes, and we want to share it with everyone.: * Friday's are now Lifestyle night. It use to be "Gay Night" (as it was always referred as), and the Lifestyle just shared the club with them. It is still open to the public; however, they are trying to get the Lifestyle to take over Friday's. * Upstairs will still be reserved for Lifestyle guests, and will still require a wristband for access. There will be a bartender upstairs. * The price to get in is $5.00 for Lifestyle members per person. This includes a free shot ticket and access to the upstairs. YOU MUST SPECIFY THAT YOU ARE WITH THE LIFESTYLE GROUP when paying; otherwise, you'll have to pay the $10.00 per person price that the general public will have to pay to get in. * The dance floor will still be for everyone. * Once a month they will have a live band on Friday nights. This will begin on this Friday night, April 13, 2018. The band this week is CHANGING LANES, and is sure to be a great performance and lots of fun! You can Google them to get an idea of their music. * When the live band is done, there will still be a DJ playing music so the dancing and fun can continue. There will be a live DJ every week. * One of the biggest complaints about the Moose in the past has been that it's too loud to socialize. There will be a sound man that will now control the volume of the music upstairs so that we can all talk and meet new people and actually be able to hear what each other are saying. It will still be loud enough to enjoy and dance to, so don't worry about losing the music vibe that pumps us all up! Please note, when the live band is playing, they control the volume, not the Moose personnel. So good things are coming for the Moose Lounge, and it's up to US to make it a success! Let's get out and have some fun together this Friday night...and Every Friday night! There are not a lot of options for the lifestyle in Utah. We can make this club our own and finally have a decent place to hang out.

Out of bounds..... - - Ok, I tried not to come back and be a bitch but I think this needs said. For those of you who whine and cry about not being able to mention God on a swingers site....... please remember this is the same God who will send you to hell for fucking someone other than your spouse. I honestly think both parties are in the wrong, and thats what I'm sticking with.

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - And to my Bugatti buddies. Type 57s. If your going to dream, dream big.

Fly-fishing Swingers - New Swingular Group - We're headed for the green river for the 4th of july, to play with our flies, and do a bit of boatin' on the lake too. Say hi if you see us... On the lake we are aboard the "Wet Dream" ;)

Difficult in finding Couples or single Males/ Females - - join a local group. you're in utah for crying out loud, thats where all the swingers are. seriously, don't knock it till you try it. one of our most sucessful swinging encounters was with a couple old enough to be my parents.

We're Back!!! - Hi there! - [quote=Canvas][quote=Starlights]Makes me wonder how many viable, sincere hits you two get with such a specific search criteria. You don’t consider yourselves “swingers”, but you’re on a swinger site looking for an exclusive relationship… from my own personal experience and from what I’ve seen with others, this type of relationship with another couple burns short but bright. I always caution couples we know when they come across other couples that change their minds from a sexy fun friendship to trying to back them into a serious “exclusive” relationship… excluding all other friends they’ve made in this LS along the way. It can be a drama filled and painful road. I’m sure of the 6 couples you’ve dated over the years you can attest to that if you’re being 💯 honest to yourselves. This type of relationship should be (imo) found organically and mutually if that’s what it ends up being… Saying you want to be exclusive with a potential swinger couple from the start, while upfront and honest, can sound forced and rigid. Some of the stories of possessiveness between couples just sound absurd to us given the LS they’ve chosen. In any case, good luck with your search.[/quote] 👍 I get that. If I'm understanding Candyrocks criteria, I can empathize with them though. We feel similarly challenged in that we haven't much interest in couples whose focus is bouncing from couple to couple. At the same time, I realize that the relationship we hope to find is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Adding to that challenge is our location, and, more these days, the time. Our search might be narrow enough that we're dooming ourselves of any adult fun with others. But, if we settle for something that doesn't closely fit what we're hoping to find, it would seem we were not being true to ourselves, or the other couple.[/quote] Having good friends with benefits like this sounds like a beautiful dream but we're not going to limit ourselves to the pursuit of just that in the meantime. Exploring and expanding our boundaries has been a lot of fun and we'll continue to do so. If someday we do find this perfectly matched couple that checks all the right boxes and pushes all the right right buttons that lives close by, awesome, we'll make it a thing. Until then? Well...

NO PIC Profile Poll...Do You Open/Search Them? - "YES" or "NO" answers ONLY please.... - I'm a professional I want to be discreet Sensitive reasons. You may be a great looking couple, but I'll never know..... If some one is on this site, more then likely they are swingers too. So who cares if they see your picture. Without a profile pic , you may be missing meeting some great people. Its the pic that catches my attention , then reading the profile to see if there is any match or interest is what I (female) look for.

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