
Framingham Swingers in Massachusetts

Framingham Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Framingham, MA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Framingham looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Framingham, MA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Framingham, Massachusetts Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Framingham, Massachusetts so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Framingham Swingers right away!

Honesty? Really? - Posers/Liars - Oh my...SUCH paranoia! Does not everyone wish to advertise themselves in the best and most attractive way possible (at least MOST)? Is it truly THAT hard to give the benefit of the doubt? Personally, my experience has been that NOT everyone is out to lie, or even malicisouly mislead others who may peruse their profiles. Seriously people, it's not some grand conspiracy against those who may consider themselves "above par" from the common swinger-folk. Even those that might come across as being the most critical of others, and who consider themselves the "creme de la creme" of the Swinging community, are not immune to even the smallest of imperfections. It is unfortunate that many that are the quickest to point out "flaws" in others...would seemingly have plenty of "flaws" themselves, in the eyes of onlookers of course (beauty/non-beauty will always remain in the eye of the beholder). NOBODY is without these so-called "flaws". Here are just a few examples of what I have personally witnessed being balked at AND often possessed by those that balk, during the course of my journey in swinging.... -Stretchmarks (gained perhaps through puberty, pregnancy, breast-feeding, working out, weight gain, etc.) -Moles -Asymmetrical bodies (so-called perfect symmetry does NOT occur naturally, not even surgically is it possible) -Skin blemishes -Errant hairs growing unknown on unseen parts of the body -Birthmarks -Skin discolorations -Premature aging of the hands and neck areas -Unsightly cuticles and/or nailbeds -Man-hands (on women) -Feminine hands (on men) -Hobbitesque feet -Cankles -Crooked smiles -Yellow teeth -Green teeth -Unattractive gums (gingivitis) -Crooked teeth -Unsightly gaps in the teeth -Psoriasis -Eczema -Dimples (yes...in perhaps all four cheeks) -Cottage cheese (yes...virtually everyone manifests this when sitting, squatting etc. to some extent, perhaps unknown the them. Sorry, it's just the nature of fat; even the leanest of people have a thin layer of fat that can pucker in the right position) -Inverted nipples -Crow's feet -Spider veins -Varicosities -Breasts that have lost the battle with gravity -Poor breast augmentation -Beer bellies -Love handles -Double chins -Halitosis -Funky body chemistry manifesting as an unpleasant odor -Smegma -Dandruff -Obesity -Over weight -Under weight -Too many bony prominences Ok...I think that's fairly comprehensive and you get my point. Obviously, Swingular is not going to put a categorized "yes/no" checklist as comprehensive as this...even though the most discriminate of Swingers may expect it. There are many different ways to be unique AND "attractive" (and of course "unattractive" as well). Basic Psychology might suggest that the way that we view others, whether we find beauty or ugliness, is simply a reflection of how we feel and what we view ourselves to be, and of course, speaks clearly to our relationship with ourselves. Honesty is a completely subjective phenomenon, and those that share honestly about themselves may be viewed as being dishonest by those who are expecting or fearing to be mislead. Please don't think for a moment that I am pointing out what I either like or dislike; many of these I actually adore and find quite charming. Personally, I think it's the uniqueness of everyone's body and body habituses that add to the overall attraction and uniqueness of every individual. Finally, please don't consider this a personal attack on the originators of this thread, or any of those who have shared their personal tastes in partners thus far. All are entitled to their opinions. Peace.... ~J

Another Swingers Show on TV - - Channel 222 on Comcast?Xfinity 8pm this Sat.

Know any Mormon swingers in SoCal? - Single girl in SoCal wants to know! - Weirdest thread ever.

Kik group for UT swingers. - Contact me if your interested in joining a KIK group for Swingers - Count us in please! KIK notacrowd

Gangbang group in Tampa? - - richandchris - the ones in the area we've heard about have been questionable from other swingers. this would be a swingers group, not a porn group or pay to play group.

Swinging/Polyamory - I just wanted to hear other people thoughs on this....... - Much of what has been said I agree with, but I do know poly couples in the lifestyle. Their swinging is a bit more complicated as far as the decision process because I would imagine that such a decision would need to be agreed upon by all partners involved. The biggest difference I think between regular swingers and those who are involved in poly relationships is while most people who swing would shun the development of emotional ties to other swingers thinking it would be the doom of their spousal (primary) relationship, those who are also involved in or those who are open to the possibility of poly relationships would welcome the development of additional relationships for what they are knowing there is neither a need to replace their spouse or run off with the person they have formed this new relationship with. It does add further complication to their life, but it can also enrich it tremendously. My .02 from an observers standpoint. -SG

LS vacation - looking for suggestions - We posted this the other day in another forum but thought it might help you out... If you ever get a chance to do the Young Swingers Week at Hedo (especially in March) do it! In March they take over the entire resort and limit the guests in age and only couples...no single dudes. One member of the couple has to be 45 or under. The people that go are amazing! We made friends all over the US and Canada and have places to stay if we are travelling. Just spent Halloween in Denver with a couple we met at YSW at Hedo. They have theme nights every night, play rooms, top shelf alcohol, good (not great) food, day time activities (including free daily scuba trips if you are certified), four or five on resort restaurants (as well as the buffet), no tipping allowed and a lot more. We like spending our days layng on the beach or partying in the nude pool where you have hundreds of fully naked people around you all the time. The resort has a mandatory nude side and a clothing optional side. The resort is designed for swingers instead of just being lifestyle friendly especially when YSW takes over. It is truly an amazing experience that we highly recommend trying at least once...and once you have been, you will go back. We can not recommend it outside of YSW weeks because we have heard there can be lurking single men.

Younger couples - How hard is it for younger couples - [quote=BR3RD]Who wouldn’t be attracted to younger couples? It’s usually the younger couples who are not attracted to the older ones.[/quote] True that! If a young couple feels some frustration now, just wait until they reach our age. It will be even more frustrating. But hang in there young swingers. Your best days are still ahead of you.

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - Actually we were never in "a rut" but after being force fed the church all of our lives as a young married couple we started wondering what we might have missed out on by being good little Mormons. Almost 30 years later we're still here and still kickin' it. FUCK YOU, Channel Two! [em]Emo_25[/em]

Swinger and/or Polyamorous FB Groups? - - I have heard there is a Utah swingers group but it’s a secret group so I’ve yet to find it. Essentially need to know someone in it in order to get in. Hopefully someone on here is in it!

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