
Laurel Swingers in Maryland

Laurel Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Laurel, MD, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Laurel looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Laurel, MD. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Laurel, Maryland Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Laurel, Maryland so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Laurel Swingers right away!

Single male in this lifestyle.. - I have questions for couples and single females. - [quote=BMSHELL][quote]why is it that girls and couples look for girls more than guys?[/quote] So you're asking why do swingers prefer MFF instead of MMF? Because most women in the life-style are bi-sexual to varying degrees, and most men are not. Not even a little bit. Thus, MFF becomes the "third wheel" combination that most swinger couples can enjoy together. (Versus MMF, which is really more just about pleasing the female). Why is is to hard for a single-male to find a couple to play with? Well, see above.. most couples don't want MMF... and those that DO want MMF have about 10,000 of you to choose from. Supply and demand. This isn't that complex. [/quote] Yup. Tons more bi gals than bi guys. Probably 'cause, for just bunches of reasons, it's a lot more "acceptable" for a gal to like playing with gals than it is for guys to like playing with guys. And, as much as some of us see ourselves as rejecting society's "norms" and doing what we ourselves think is right, or acceptable, we still grew up in that society, had its standards pounded into us for years, and just can't truly get completely away from all of them. So more gals are likely to try it out and find out they like it. ~ Terry

Swinger & 🦄 Bait - An experiment to attract swingers and unicorns. - Met three unicorns at a party last weekend. Didn’t think they existed until then. I hear seeing one is rare, but an orgy (more than one) of unicorn makes us think it was a dream or someone spiked the brownies.

Vegas next weekend - Clubs - Our favorite is Whispers. We've had a lot of fun at Swingers Party Club too! It's just around the corner from Whispers.

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - Tami... Don't waste your time...THe problem is he is immature...look at the typing, what is this myspace and we are all about 12 or 13? Waaaaa....You would pay for it? why not pay to get some cleaned up teeth and stuff...Maybe a shirt that does not scream 80's? Wonder how popular you are in Indiana or wherever the hell your trailer is located? Anyway...Let the crying begin with waaaa leading the way crying all the way...

Craigslist Personals closed now what... - Craigslist Personals closed now what... - [quote=DELICIOUSLYWET][quote=EVILDOERS]It's a PLOT! Big Swinging has lobbied our lawmakers to take down CL personals so they can charge whatever they want just so poor swingers can get laid. They can HAVE my swinging when they pry my cold dead cock...er...uh...nevermind. [em]Emo_9[/em] [/quote] Damned dick control lobby. If you try and take free booty calls away from single men, then only single men will post free booty calls. Wait, does that make sense? [/quote] Dick control means TWO hands on my cock when it fires!

Whats your favorite drug during sex? - - Wow. Apparently I stirred up a shit storm. I DO REALLY enjoy all the harsh judgement comments coming from a swingers site... I find it quite FUN. Well not really having any experience with anything else...lets just say 5 hours and a couple dozen orgasms later... having tried some really good E during sex was quite the experience... kind of like how others on this site might say doing DP with another couple is different and fun... not something you do all the time or as something to replace regular sex.

Swingers article on CANOE network (Canandian) - Article link. - Cool! Why can't we all just get a-thong?

Disabled Swingers - - We have actually encountered a somewhat local couple who we really like, and she is in a wheelchair. I'm ashamed to say that we have not become very close, other than being friendly at parties as we're unsure of what is expected and what her "disability" is. Personally, I think it would be much easier to "approach" an obviously "disabled" person/couple if there was some sort of specified background on the disability and its limitations and requirements for that person- sexually speaking.... (Perhaps a basic run-thru in your profile?) I know that several people suffer from different "ailments" that can sometimes be frustrating to potential sex partners. I myself (female half) have rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and severe colitis - none of which have responded well (if at all) to treatment. These seemingly small (compared to being in a wheelchair) ailments can have a big impact on my sex life! I cannot always be trusted to show up at a party, and when I CAN, I'm often hurting so bad that "playing" is out of the question. When I DO play, I tire more quickly than I'd like, and certain positions are out of the question. Often, meeting for dinner is uncomfortable with the digestive "issues" that follow eating... etc. etc. So when we become friendly enough with people we might be interested in playing with, I have to be up-front and let them know what they're dealing with... even tho my problems may sound trivial, they're not to me, and they can and DO end up affecting my sexual performance and my social life, or lack thereof! I don't like to say much, because to me it sounds like "whining" and the last thing I want to be is a whiner! However, we all need to realize that everyone has their own problems, obstacles, issues, etc and when we know what we're looking at, we can decide if it's going to be worth the effort to try and establish a sexual relationship. If people are aware of what you CAN do, they may be more willing to become involved. And if they're not willing to work with you and understand that you've got some limitations, but that you've still got alot going for you.. then you're probably better off without them. I hope that helps... And the very best of luck to you both! Hugz!

What is up with Utah?! - Swingers in Utah and nowhere else? - I stumbled on this place somewhat by accident, but it has turned out to be a pretty cool place. Now if only we could find some folks in Phoenix...

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - AKLIM, It's just as "rude" for you not to click "ignore single males". If you expect them all to read your profile, you take the time to read your settings thoroughly enough to see that you can block them LOL! raw statistics can be flawed. You show me stats that say today in LA, 1000 pitbulls attacked children and only 400 were committed by other various breeds. What does that tell you/me??? It says nothing of the circumstance. Were the animals mistreated and trained to attack??? How many pits are trained to fight???? Show me your stats. Stats can be skewed to fit the bias. Show me some. In reality, the CDC lists 10 that are prone to bite: Pit bulls Rottweilers German Shepherds Huskies Alaskan Malamutes Doberman Pinschers Chow Chows Great Danes St. Bernards Akitas Wow, all large breeds that are usually trained to fight, guard or attack. -D- -D-

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