
Madison Swingers in Maine

Madison Swingers

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Madison, Maine Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Madison, Maine so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Madison Swingers right away!

Swingle males. What's in it for you? - - Interesting. Thanks for the feedback. So are a lot of the chicks in the hookup scene cray cray? "Copping a pregnancy on the sly" is pretty low. Is it that common? Also, the "stranger danger and blind sexual incompatibility" seems like it would be more or less equally as prevalent in the lifestyle. Not to mention STD's stalkers and cheats. What makes you think swingers are inherently more trustworthy in any given situation?

Swingers unnerve families at hotel - - I\'m sure somewhere between what the news reported, what the parents reported and what those in attendance reported,..... is what really happened. You know how it goes.... the media likes to sensationalize.....

geting in LOVE while swinging - - Someone mentioned Polyamory. Poly people, at least in most communities, feel that swinging and poly are not compatible.. Fact is, why not? If you are open and honest about your poly leanings and totally honest with your mate and any relationships you may have... then why not poly as well. I know that several people in here and on other sites, swingers feel threatened if you are overtly open abut your feelings. If one truely loves and trusts their partner/SO/wives; husbands/girlfriends; bopyfriends and whatever other relationships that I may have missed, they should not be threatened. If you fall in love with someone that you have sex with.... you have 2 choices..... Tell that person and their spouse and your spouce and see where it goes or simply walk away with the thoughts and get on with your life. The 3rd option is not an option.... If one is poly...thier primary relationship/s take precedence. It is my belief that poly and swinging are not only compatable but that it love happens when one least expects it and has to be handled. Even the vanilla schmuck sees or talks to others and sometimes form closer relationships but don't wish that to affect their perfect marriage. How is that handled? Sometimes it simply cools down or sometimes it ends in a short or long term relationship with or without sex. So as they used to say on the TV sitcom Carter Country....."Han.dl it Han..dl it" Remember the old sage who said "shit happens"

How can a single male stand out? - We single males have a (understandable) bad rep. - In light of one of the above responses I felt compelled to add that, first of all, not everyone wants a "stud". Most, in fact, want a polite, respectful, handsome and fit guy to enhance their lifestyle experience. If you are one of the all too frequent single males who mistakenly think that all or even most married guys here are basically cucks, to quote Thumper on South Park, "...you're gonna have a bad time." And yes, many women like confident men but there is a very fine line between confidence and cockiness. I guarantee that if you fall onto the cockiness side of the equation you're probably only going to hit it off with the very small minority of swingers who ARE into the cuck lifestyle. Also, don't talk or act like playing in the lifestyle is your own personal porno. The above advice goes for married guys too, by the way, but this thread is about SM's.

Kik group for UT swingers. - Contact me if your interested in joining a KIK group for Swingers - The hubby and I are interested. Sanpetesinners and sanpetesinners2

Young swingers party - sold out, who still wants to party ? - "Welcome to modern society" Well thank you! Sorry, didn't mean to come off as an old curmudgeon. It's just kind of weird to us to go to swing parties nowadays and see like a third (or more!) of the people tapping/swiping text into their phones while other people are gettin' their sexy on. Don't get me wrong. I'd rather give up beer than live without my smart phone but it seems kind of silly to be so absorbed in it when one is ostensibly at a party to hook up and have sex with other people. Maybe I'm just outdated and virtual (there's an app for that!) phone sex is WAY better than the hot, sweaty, sometimes messy, real kind. [em]Emo_49[/em]

hall passes - who all does it - Never could understand the "Hall Pass" thing for swingers or the "No separate Room thing". If you're confident in your relationship (which alot of you say you are) why do you need either? If u guy's want to do these things...be careful what u ask for. Your woman is going to have alot more opportunities then you.

Pineapple Stickers - pineapple sticker = swingers? - [quote=DIRTYCPLUT]I read a recent post on whisper that a pineapple sticker on your car means you're a swinger. Any truth to this?[/quote]The pineapple is one along with pink flamingos etc. Secretly have wanted to order a bunch and place the on cars in the church parking lot 😀!

Alternate Semi Swinging Site? - FInding the right connections - Do any of you know of alternative sites for partial swingers. We have struggled to find couples who like to enjoy their own partner while allowing the ladies to play. It seems, here, that it offends when I, the lady, don’t share my guy. It works for us, but oddly is offsetting to many others. For me, if a woman doesn’t want to share her man but wants to play girl on girl…I’m perfectly happy with that. It’s her man, her limits. I’ve been told that means not everyone gets to play? I don’t understand that since everyone is playing. It’s a partial swap. Please let me know if you know of somewhere to find that.

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - I am new to the swinging party, however a fantasy not yet fullfilled and not finding many people that seem intrested in it, I was just wanting to know how many of the swinging ladies are actually intrested in double penetration by two guys at the same time.

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