
Lisbon Falls Swingers in Maine

Lisbon Falls Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Lisbon Falls, ME, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Lisbon Falls looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Lisbon Falls, ME. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Lisbon Falls, Maine Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Lisbon Falls, Maine so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Lisbon Falls Swingers right away!

Finding a balance - Swinging and Religion - - This has always been a tough controversy. Religion, swinging. I am agnostic and my GF was LDS. Her family is hardcore LDS still and pushed the faith on their daughter (my GF) and her kids even. They preach that they want their whole family in the religion cuz they need to know "right from wrong". I asked the kids (8 & 6 yrs old) what they learn in church.. seems to me all they learn about is how great their "savior" is, how he loves us, and we can look to him, and family is a "unit".. they dont seem to learn anythign about right and wrong. Yet.. her parents try to preach to me that their religion teaches them right from wrong and that their "right & wrong" is the correct one. They are also very controlling, judgemental, pushy, 2-faced, and negative in every aspect... OMG! is this what u learn in church and how family is supposed to be?? They found out we swing, and told me its adultry and we're cheating and its immoral.. OK, umm.. we;re not married and what we do is 100% consentual... funny, but seems like the more LDS we meet, the more seem to be JACK mormons. so why are LDS swinging or why are swingers in religions that condem it? is it just for the prestige and status of being in the church and to shut the family up?? Ok, #1, I hate ppl who follow a faith and feel theirs is the correct one so much that they push it on everyone and judge other beliefs as the wrong ones rather then understanding tolerance and the fact that there is no such thing as right or wrong... only opinion and difference... what works for you may not work for me. #2, I hate hypocrates. ppl who preach about how much they follow their religion, go to church and lie in front of everyone there about how much they follow the rules and how the church has saved them.. Then, behind closed doors, they go against everything they believe in. Then they preach about how much they follow their churches rules and its "right & wrong" is the ultimate. Those ppl are called liars and 2-facers.. #3, Kids should be taught "Right & Wrong" from their parents, not a group of ppl that i described in examples #1 & #2. WTF do they know?? Kids should also be introduced to church by their own choice and when they are old enuf to understand it. [b]In my opinion, If you wanna swing, then it doesnt seem like u really believe in ur church's beliefs... why are u in it? If u believe ur church's teachings above all.. then why are you swinging?[/b] [b]I have nuthing against either, but I think its best to pick a side. Thats why I dont follow any religion.. I dont believe in any of them... too many hypocrates, liars, 2-facers, judgemental, stuck-ups... people who are willing to bend and cheat their own rules, morals and beliefs behind closed doors and especially when its to their benefit...[/b]

Why do you swing? - Why not? - [quote=DEEPMOAN]I started early in college, wasn’t called swinging but partying, had been with women already but the threesomes and larger parties started then too. Had gotten married after grad school to someone that hadn’t experienced any of it. Started as pillow talk when he asked about my past, I asked him then if he seriously wanted to know, in the back of my mind I knew I shouldn’t bring it up. But things in bed weren’t great and I had tried and was trying to talk about it but he didn’t take suggestions well. So I thought putting it all out there might help. In the beginning it did help, we were trying new stuff just between the two of us but always talking. Then he asked if I still knew anyone, told them pretty much everyone you have met of my friends had been or still are involved. He asked if I what sex with her or her or her, but then reluctantly asked if I had sex with him or him and told him. Those two I had threesomed with, been with her and her and him and him. We would have great sex while I was telling him about the parties or whatever. I asked him if he wanted to go to a party sometime? I made sure I asked while we were not having sex so he could absorb it all or hope he would. At that point personally I don’t think I would need to swing but the thought of starting up again was certainly exciting for me as well. Am sure you can probably understand how this all went. Unfortunately he didn’t have the mind for swinging, talking about it or fantasizing about it he did. Thought the best thing would be for me to invite a couple over. Friends of mine that he had gotten to know, he was quite taken by her. I had always had a great time with them. I spoke to them both to see if they were interested, told them how we got to this point. They said they would be up for, us three agreed we would take it slow and let him try and get a handle on how things progressed. Had asked him if he wanted to be in the same room with things heated up? We would see how it went and make a decision then. My gf thought it might be better if they were separate and he didn’t have to worry about me in the room with him. All went great, dinner and drinks, out by their pool, the 4 of us were talking about all and at one point Tina grabbed him and took him to their bedroom. Was telling him I had no idea how this was going to go, but relaxed and started having some fun myself. Very shortly after I could hear them in the kitchen, she and I had talked that before they came out she would take him somewhere close so I would know they were on their way out and I could stop rather than be in the middle of something. Her husband knew as well. Tina and my husband were telling us how much fun they had but I knew something didn’t go well. Finding out he was asking Tina about my past, all sorts of questions, things he didn’t ask me. Of course Tina’s response to all were I don’t know, we got home and in bed I was asking how it went, he was telling me a bunch of shit, how he got her off, how much she loved it, a lot more of the same, also how much of a stud he was and she did things I never did. He asked what we did, told him not much, mostly talk, had given him oral, why just that, because you were gone less than a half hour, but told him we were talking. So much for the great sex after. Like I said earlier, he just didn’t have the mind for it, nothing I was going to do or say would have changed that I believe. After we went to a couple of house parties, but the pillow talk had stopped and knowing after he saw me had sex at a house party it wasn’t going to continue like our marriage, snide comments about me with other men and other reasons were the end of our marriage. Was meant to be single, truly believe that even when I get a romantic connection now with a partner, man or woman.[/quote] That really sucks. Sorry to hear that. It makes me laugh (cringe?) when I hear so many swingers talking about vanilla hunting and/or converting their friends to swinging. The harsh truth is that MOST people simply cannot handle swinging and are best left to their fantasies about fucking other people recreationally.

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - "I think, therefore I fuck!" I need some hatred, maybe I'll change our screen name to: "WhiteCockParty". Then, Kristy Lynn will hate me. ULUV, don't worry about it bro. They don't hate the "who" you are as much as the "what" you are. Not that it will add comfort. Most couples see single males as vultures looking to get laid at the expense of someone's husband. Some couples however, us included (rarely) invite a single male in the mix for some voyeuristic fantasy of watching your wife get the lights fucked out of her. I think the negative stigma though, is when you go to a party with your wife to meet a couple, and some rude, leechy guy, who can't see a signal if it hit him in the face, won't back off. Just because you are at a party as a swinger, doesn't mean you are walking in the door with a sign on your wife's vagina that says "Please, someone, anyone, stick your dick in here". We look for quality and fun. We are not out for purely sexual reasons. The fun, the connection, the right people, and the enigma of all the newness really create fabulous sex!! A single guy looking to cum on your wife's eyebrows, well, not always hot and romantic. Bottom line. Single guys have a place in the swing scene. But, if I could give you any advice. Post your profile..... and wait for an invite! If someone wants to fuck you, they will let you know. If they aren't contacting you, they aren't salivating for your cock. So, stand by, keep your dick ready, and wait for the green light. You won't be disappointed, and you will have more positive experiences.. We don't hate you, we just don't need you, until we're ready! Mr. X

Friend collectors or swingers - - Well we are here to meet people learn more about the lifestyle make friends ..send a friend request our way or you can chat with us through kik (riskeroner) let's not just sit on the sideline let's play 😉.

Where to go, what to do. - Non club activities - Will definitely do the bowling thing but being December I wonder if meeting at Temple square for the lights would be fun and funny or if it would be too offensive to the Mormon swingers on here.

lost with people - florida wanna be swingers - WE seem to have the same problem. We live in country so we thought that had alot to do with it, not very many people close. But you are in city, He used to live there and knows area well. Our guess would have to be that not many people want to meet in person, just want to stay in cyber world. Well good luck!

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - We would be interested 🙋🏼‍♂️🙋🏻‍♀️. Our problem is that we are only available on weekdays.

Just in case it mysteriously disappears - - OK...IF their filings with the State of Florida are not filed in a timely fashion that does not stop them from doing business, it simply removes the protection a Corp, LLC, or Partnership affords, IF someone where to file a lawsuit DURING the lapse in paperwork, then they would be personally liable for it, BUT the courts have been quite lax is that arena... Perhaps you need a Florida lawyer who knows Florida laws...Every state is different. Also...Do you ACTUALLY believe the AG of Florida gives a rat's ass about a swingers' site based in UT? YES...He does, as there are NO baby rapers, mother stabbers, or scummy "investment" people here in the Sunshine State, hell the AG can work 60 hours per week on simple unlicensed contractors in Florida....

BUSTED! Your Kids Found Out Your Swingers. Now What? - - Tell them that your sex life is none of their business and keep rolling.

Couples erotic massage? - - I've tried to schedule one as well. Lots of flakey "massage people". I like the idea of two couples just swapping partners and giving each others other a massage. Same room could make it even more fun. I'm up for that I even have 2 masssge tables if anyone is interested. Massage with a swingers couple sounds fun.

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