
Jonesport Swingers in Maine

Jonesport Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Jonesport, ME, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Jonesport looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Jonesport, ME. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Jonesport, Maine Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Jonesport, Maine so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Jonesport Swingers right away!

Club CouplesOasis, Red Rooster or The Green Door.. anyone been - Just wondering who has been to a swing club in Vegas.. and how it was?? - We went to the Red Rooster once in Vegas.. wondering who else has been to a swingers club in Vegas, which ones, and how you liked them.... Thinking of going to CouplesOasis in Vegas, or one of the others in the near future and so we want to know your experiences and be able to get a feel for what one to choose next time... Red Rooster was ok... but we went mid-week and not many people were there... thanks M & D

We have heard about it many times........... - Couples that are swingers - Thanks for all the great advice. We still would love to hear more. In this specific situation we had talked about boundries and thought we all understood them. The first time the guy came and then kinda got wierd as my husband was still with his wife. That should have been a huge red flag for us. The next night they still wanted to hang out and confirmed with us they were cool with everything and how he is just shy. So we decided to give it another try. We thought the way he handled it was very rude and immature. Granted when things get started your feelings may change after you have already started but you should never just walk out. We would have understood and if he would have told us how he felt. We will take this as a learning experience and hope it doesn't happen again. Again, still open to more advice.....

YOLO Cruise April 26 2009 - swingers cruise - Yes we agree as well. All winners of the cruise should offer up a little "boozin for our cruizin"! or at least offer up a lap dance or two...or three. D&B

lost with people - florida wanna be swingers - As so many have already mentioned, MANY advertise and MANY state they are wanting to meet other people but when it comes time to walk the talk is when you find out there is a lot of wanna be's and BS out there. We changed our ad to be very blunt but it helps keep away those who are seeking additional photos, or those who just want to email to death and seem to never want to chat on the phone or meet in person. We think this is another reason some people don't post a picture, or post a picture showig them with another couple. We respect privacy, but you can block out eyes, faces or do a few things with the photo that still allows others to get a pretty good idea what you look like without giving away who you are. Then there are the cases where all of a sudden your picture shows up as being the wife on some elses profile! The lifestyle is truly a wonderful way to live. For those of us who live this way of life, finding other real people is always a hunt. But when you do finally meet someone you click with - the magic truly begins. We would think Florida would be better than where we live (Montana), but I think no matter where you live you will run into fakes, liars, wanna be's, cheats and all out BS. Good luck to you in your search and we hope things get better for ya.

Members, we need your help! - Your feedback is needed to get more members in your area. - As we prepare to launch the redesign of Swingular, we are also getting ready to launch an aggressive marketing campaign. As you all know, the success of Swingular not only comes from a great site, with great features that are easy to use but also from having a lot of members to choose from in each city or area. We currently utilize the normal routes to reach out to new customers but mostly rely on search engines for the majority of our referrals. Right now, the number of daily new sign ups is ok but we want to improve on that. Not only will this benefit Swingular but all of our members as it will bring in new members for you to contact. As a member, we feel your feedback can help us reach this goal so we need your help. First, how did you find out about Swingular exactly? How do you look for sites like this in general? As far as search engines go, Swingular is in the top 10 listings of most keywords such as Swingers, Adult Swingers, Swingers Ads, etc... If you found Swingular through a search engine, what keywords did you use? If not, what keywords would you use? What search engine? Do you have some other creative ideas that would help us promote Swingular? Any suggestions? A few years back, we were going to start a local host program. We scratched the idea for the time but now we are thinking of pursuing the program again. It works like this: We assign hosts in cities across the US, kind of like a franchise, for a small start up fee. Those hosts would then be responsible for promoting Swingular in their territories, provide local customer service, coordinate local parties and events as well as sponsor local parties and events. We would provide the tools necessary to help them do that such as flyers, cards, ads, banners, etc... In return, they would make 50% of all sales for their area for everyone whether they referred them or not. This would help build a bigger local presence for Swingular which in turn attracts more members. What do you think? One of our marketing strategies that we will be implementing this summer is local targeting. We have found that if we focus on one city at a time, once it starts to build, it blooms on it's own and we can move on to another city. What would be the best ways to reach you to promote a site like this? Ads in the local alternative paper? Local parties? Anything else? Again, we want to hear your ideas so we can coincide our marketing with the redesign. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Swingular Admin

BUSTED! Your Kids Found Out Your Swingers. Now What? - - DOCFRIES wrote: "Something else....as I DO work in healthcare, particularly focusing on psychological interactions...those who tend to support their comments with cursing, or "I know what I am talking about", tend not to. They just have a pathological need to force their opinion, for that is what it is, on everyone and have it taken for fact. Typically, they tend to be arrogant and have a pretty inflexible belief system. Anyway...MY OPINION.........lol"

Now there is an interesting comment. I would love to discuss this topic in length with you in my private group. Since it's off-topic and could be debated for a bit, perhaps you could join my group. I actually disagree with your analysis of the use of profantity and people being strong in their convictions, views, dogma etc. You actually described Christians almost to Tee; save the profanity (sometimes) of course. I think what you describe is human nature. Anyway, please start a topic in my group. It's called "free thinkers". Please be sure to include the professional references and sources that you use to make your assessment. -D-

Salt Lake City swing clubs - What club whould you recomend - We know a lot of members of this site are from Utah. What swingers clubs would you recomend in Salt Lake City or around? We prefer clubs where they don't let single men in. Also, are there any off premises swingers clubs? Thank you in advance.

Identifying Swingers! - Lots of talk and now some action! :) - we are only about 30 mins from you do you have a store, ect or can i call you to order them then you can send then to me ect .......please let me know Thumper

LDS Swingers Survey - Will any former/active LDS swingers take my survey? - Done

Hanging out this weekend - Habits tonight?? - We are going tonight. we keep hearing about the club Habits and we want to go there and meet new people. When are the nights that swingers go? How will we know if someone there is a swinger? And just any advice for a new couple?

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