
Bath Swingers in Maine

Bath Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Bath, ME, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Bath looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Bath, ME. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Bath, Maine Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Bath, Maine so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Bath Swingers right away!

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - my opinion about Marijuana it's still the same,,lol Alton aka joe dirt lol

Young swingers party - sold out, who still wants to party ? - "Welcome to modern society" Well thank you! Sorry, didn't mean to come off as an old curmudgeon. It's just kind of weird to us to go to swing parties nowadays and see like a third (or more!) of the people tapping/swiping text into their phones while other people are gettin' their sexy on. Don't get me wrong. I'd rather give up beer than live without my smart phone but it seems kind of silly to be so absorbed in it when one is ostensibly at a party to hook up and have sex with other people. Maybe I'm just outdated and virtual (there's an app for that!) phone sex is WAY better than the hot, sweaty, sometimes messy, real kind. [em]Emo_49[/em]

Non-paying Single Female requirement - Just an Idea - OK, I'm sticking with the Golden Unicorn at the end of the rainbow. I agree that single females should have to post a picture... of themselves... But it's to easy these days to go to some other swing site and find a good looking girl and poof, you have pictures so what does it really prove. It's like going to a swingers club and thinking that you are going to find hot single women waiting there for you. It isn't going to happen.

fantasy football league free trying to get only swingers in leag - free autodraft fantasy football league - actually having 20 teams, makes it more interesting because it is harder for anyone to load a team. Keeps things more even, you can still do trades pick up players off waivers all that to better your team. just makes you look at say the number 2 receiver of a team not just the star.

ITS TIME FOR A NEW VIBRRRRRATOR - - tryhttp://www.a2zerotica.com an online adult toy store run by swingers for swingers. Joe n Ann

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - As I've said before.... Regardless of the category one slides crap into it still stinks. Little snide remarks about people..their grammer or use of U for YOU or 4 for the word FOUR and other shortcuts used on the web elseware. Maybe this person, the original posted, may be from some other country and has a limited vocabulary and or limited grammer. We are one of the only countries that speak only one language... Try German or French or Vietnamese, Chinees, or maybe Spanish, if that is not your native language. Most people try to communicate and people understand that there are limitations. I understand that this is an open forum here, but forums on other sites have been shut down for lesser crapola than is used here. One shut down when the Gulf war started. Too much about death and opinions on the administration and the why or why not of being in a war. Then that sparked flaming, name calling and more. On this very site someone got very political and there was a call to have that one ousted. He was.. Maybe you remember him. And he used this very forum to voice his opinions..... So... Why do so many think that they are right and some others are wrong? If we voluntarily make things better... we will have a more friendly site and Forum. It's easy to say "if you don't like it don't read it", then why is this post 8 pages long????????????????? It's just that this site has become very controversal in that we love to piss on each other and on each other's thoughts... I got to page 5 and couldn't go any farther... Piss moan, counter piss and counter moan... Good boy or girl Charlie, you agree with me and we together piss on someone else... Think about it...How many times can this go on with adults who should be old enough and wise enough to know that this is a childish pursuit.... What do you think about that... Maybe this can generate another 8 or 10 pages, HUH???? Understand I may read some of it BUT I will stand on the outside and watch the pissing contests. Too old to play that game and besides my diuretics dictate when I piss... LOL Have a happy day and please give a thought to making this a better place to live.

Christain Swingers? - - HEY... got a great idea... Lets start the Church of the Christian Swingers. Oh come on now.... you all know I was just kidding... and I take it back, (especially since that bolt of lightning split the tree out front). Guess now I need to be concerned about someone burning the male/female symbols in my front yard? On a more serious note, and Dr. Phil could never explain this.... Some of the most Christian like people we have met have been in lifestyles. We wont try to explain why, we really dont know ourselves... but we believe the comments so far in this forum bare it out. We dont feel the hostility here.

Rants and Raves. - Tell us your rant and rave for the week.... - swingers need to vent too, we can't all breathe through our ears....

OUCH - Anyone caught swinging bu family or friends? - Have to say it happens quite frequently with us...comes from knowing so many folks, I guess. I tend to run into friends of my kids..at meet and greet locations..as well as a relative or two of my own...a nephew that frequents 48...A couple of coworkers are on this site... Tif has run into former bosses..co workers...a few have turned out to be swingers! Most recently, one of her son's girlfriends at a swingers birthday party...oops... One we know quite well here, is actually the daughter of a guy I've known since I was a kid...yep..THAT long ago. So far, no ill consquences have come from any of these encounters...but I do suspect my kids my not be quite as naive to all of their dads doings as I'd like to believe..lol

Risque Soriee Erotic Halloween Ball - The Wildest Halloween Party in the West! - As far as swingers parties go... it's pretty tame. There are no play spaces in the room where the party is held. People usually go to their hotel rooms after. They usually host at a hotel ball room so you can't even leave the room to use the rest room unless u cover up. It's fun, safe, tame. The naughtiest stuff you will see at the we ball is boobs.

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