
Wisner Swingers in Louisiana

Wisner Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Wisner, LA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Wisner looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Wisner, LA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Wisner, Louisiana Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Wisner, Louisiana so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Wisner Swingers right away!

What are you really looking for? - More than the profile - [quote=SIMPLEPLEASURES]Looks like we end to arrange a party that is tailored for couples to meet and see if they mesh. [/quote] We love these type of events, say ten couples or so in a casual type environment, to big and it seems you get lost in the crowd. Then you only talk to the ones you may already know. Or maybe we should do a speed dating for swingers, ten couples and ten questions to give to each couple. #1 do you like sex #2 do you like sex #3 do you like sex often #4 if we have sex will we still be friends #5 would you like sex now #6 can we have sex again #7-10 When can we ? That may work huh That may work huh

Swingers Rock Club - Live music, Dancing, and Sexy Friends - This weekend baby. See you at the party!

Disappointments! - - Sorry you are having problems, a pic and better stated profile may help you. Many couples will not meet with bi males, that may be a part of it too. Either way there are many great Lifestyle clubs in your area, get out of the house and go meet the thousands of couples that are in them each week. You will not be disappointed for long. Also there are many swingers sites on the web, many are regionalized more than others. Either get more from your area to join here or add another site along with this one. Good Luck!!

How often do you think this happens - -

T4REAL69 & Crew,

It's a preference thing. You're in this to have fun, not do things that you don't like or disagree with. If you are upfront and honest with eachother in the beginning, you should be able to decide what works for you. I see that no one mentioned that some women are not in it for the "another man" experience. We have to remember that not all of us are in this for the same thing. If a guy gets excited about seeing his wife with another female and not another male, there is nothing worng with that. We all know what we like and don't like. However, if he's not going to be cool with MFM, then he should be ok with there not being any FMF, if the woman decides that the fairest route would be MFMF. We have decided that the latter works best for us. I have no particular interest in watching my wife with another guy while I pull my pud. She's not into the DP or having two guys at once, so that leave us with couples. There is no insecurity, because my wife is with another guy with a couple. It's more about equality and fairness. Couples that play together stay together. By that, when you make your decisions on what make you happy, make sure you are both happy with them.

-Don- P.S. BTW, I have a really good topic in the free thinkers forum that I would like the LDS Swingers members of the group to shed some light on. Hell any member for that matter. Just click the link at the bottom of this post. Proud member of "Free Thinkers"

ADMIN: Survey Says - Site Updates for Priority - [quote=ITSNOTUS]We completely agree about the mobile experience. Everything is mobile now. It would be nice if the groups on Swingular were more useful as it is a bit intimidating to try to replicate somewhere like FB. We would like to be able to message, view profiles, get notifications, etc. via a mobile app and not have to log in to the main swingular (not mobile page) to do much at all. Swingular is definitely the best gathering option for swingers in Utah, but I agree that the experience could drive users to other apps. J&H[/quote] They're already doing that. In fact, having to make changes to the basic site so it clicks with the mobile beta is what's causing a lot of the problems. Just one of those things ytou run into when sdidng somehting like developing a mobile app that's tied in many ways to the originl non-mobile app. I sdo wish, htough, that the site's navigating speed would come back. And what was Swingring? We've been here a bit over 2 years, and it seems I missed even seeing that.

Swinger & 🦄 Bait - An experiment to attract swingers and unicorns. - We think we saw you but did not make the connection until later and we laughed and laughed.

Question about Spice Party tonight - - Okay, this probably sounds stupid, but we haven't ever been to a party yet! On the RSVP, do we put our screen name, or our real names on the guest list? TIA from some clueless swingers. Hehehe

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Ali, He's just frustrated with me. LOL! I am a mouthy prick a few people would probably like to punch. LOL! I know this guy is a vet, because he talks like one. LOL! I do not take offense to what he said. I think, in reality, by reading him, he'd probably save a life before he'd take one. Let us boys bask in our bantor. -D- P.S. Thanks Ali, you're such the mother spirit.

Are swingers moral? - Who determines what morals are? - Morals are a set of rules we live by; some can be bent, some can be broken, right? It's that thing that allows people who are religiously devout to swing despite whatever teachings there are about such things; it's that "twist" in thinking that allows people to be bi- or homosexual and all despite what the majority has to say about it. It's all about what works for you within the framework of what society considers to be moral. There's right and wrong... but it's really about what's right and wrong for you, isn't it? And, really, if someone busting your ass about your "immoral" behavior, well, what skeletons do they have hiding in their closet, hmm? To that end, isn't it a matter of he who is without sin casting the first stone? I'm thinking there won't be a lot of people reaching for rocks... Rob

The Black Ring - How to spot a swinger - No its not a new disease :-D it's something seen several times regarding spotting your fellow swingers. Here's something going around on a simple way to identify yourself as a swinger. It's simply a black ring. Not going to give a long explanation that's already been done here. http://swapfu.blogspot.com/p/black-ring-right-hand.html?zx=a792a03cce0fab39 Sounds simple and easy you'll see Mr and Mrs playground wearing one at our next outing.

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