
Burnside Swingers in Louisiana

Burnside Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Burnside, LA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Burnside looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Burnside, LA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Burnside, Louisiana Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Burnside, Louisiana so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Burnside Swingers right away!

PICTURE SURFERS HANG A 180 LOL - - I think what they mean by "friends and MAYBE more" is that they are looking for friends first and if everyone establishes a friendship and clicks sexually more will follow. I guess everyone is different when it comes to the lifestyle and some take it more slowly than others. Some require a strong friendship before playing, some don't. Some feel that they may establish a friendship but one of the people just doesn't click sexually with one or more of the others and that feeling needs to be respected by all. When we first started we were in the mindset that we had to find "best friends" with benefits and quickly discovered that we don't necessairly need to be best of friends, we do need to like the other people though and feel that attitude and personality are very important to us. We've been fortunate enough to maintain a friendship with everyone we've played with and some that we haven't because one of the group just couldn't make it to that level but we still maintain contact with each other. I guess what I hate the most is when you run across someone that thinks that just because you are in the lifestyle and on a swingers site you automatically have to lay down and spread for anyone that asks. Doesn't happen often but seems like we get more than our share of it.

Ways to point out Swingers in public - - Just randomly point and announce..."hey look, theyre swingers" and see what kind of reaction you get from others around you. We have the black rings, but as not3d above that theyve become so common now by everyone that weve never had anyone react to them.

Game ON....which sign is Hornier...(is that a word?) - zodiac signs of swingers? - Another Leo here - MR (Always horny) And Scorpio - MRS

The lifestyle: A single mans perspective - - Well said, brother...This lifestyle is what you make of it, and some make more than others. While we are all grownups on this site (obviously, you have to be 18 or over to sign on), you'd think there would be less of a high-school mentatlity than in, say....high school? yet, we get some of the DORKIEST , misspelled emails I've ever seen. Couple that with the responses we've gotten to some posts (like the one critisizing us for getting our vip status), and we wonder how some have remembered to breathe long enough to pass high school. So, here are some very basic tips on enjoying this lifestyle: (not that I'm an expert, but obviously some need etiquette lessons) 1) The first email / chat with someone, DON"T ask idiotic questions. And don't get TOO personal. Remember, this is like dating. If a woman at a bar showed some interest, would the next thing out of your mouth be 'What size is your bra?', or 'Do you like it in the ass?'. it's no wonder some of you are in this lifestyle, you'd never get laid otherwise. 2) Keep SOCIAL meetings SOCIAL. No one cares how long you've been a proctologist, or how much money your kids have stole from you. That's YOUR business. Polite conversation is one thing, but there's nothing worse than hearing a 3 hour lecture on YOUR life experiences, followed by 'So, would you guys like to play with us?' Yeah, as if 3) There ARE other things besides sex to chat about. In person or on the computer. That's right, SWINGERS HAVE BRAINS. and we're very able to carry on converstaion (well, some of us anyway) We were at a party once, and my other half said 'I've heard sex mentioned until I'm not turned on at the thought anymore' ...it happens, just a tip 4) Unless you're planning a very long trip, or own your own private jet, don't add someone to your friend's list here OR on yahoo that lives 3,000 miles away. Let's face it, we'll never meet. Hell, we'll probably never even talk. so what's the point? Air sex? gimme a break. 5) And probably the most important. From the first meeting, to every visit you have (if someone's lucky enough to invite you back, RESPECT OTHER PEOPLE!. Just because we have a wild orgy at the pool of a local motel with wild monkeys and lots of cool whip, it DOES NOT MEAN TO GROPE US EVERYTIME YOU SEE US. We're in couples for a reason, to be in a couple. And just because we're turned on by you, or have sex, doesn't mean you own our bodies afterward. That's what your spouse/gf/bf is for. And most of us aren't here for love. NEWSFLASH...WE'RE HERE FOR SEX! These are just off the top of my head, after recieving some horrible emails, and experiencing some terrible meetings. Oh, yeah, and in response to the post, most single guys DO get a hard time in the lifestyle. But good, they should. This is about the couples, single guys are VERY easy to come by. And those who have treated us with RESPECT have been treated EXCEPTIONALLY WELL. Bravo on a great post, and good luck to you sir! Him p.s. anything I missed? list it below!

Ways to point out Swingers in public - - We agree. SOMEWHENTIME , where did you get yours? What type of ring would you all prefer? Do you like the idea of the silicone rings. Hell we could even print on it your preference. MW4MW OR MMF MFF whatever it may be.

Looking for Advice - Recently coming back into the LS - [quote=Kinkycouple123]Hello! So I just have a question. We were in the LS about two years ago.. and since getting back into it, it seems like what we want is not as accepting ( or that we aren't actual swingers). We aren't a full swap couple and I feel like that hinders us from meeting new people and just getting out there. While I enjoy watching my husband with other women, I have no desire to be with anyone other than my husband. Is this weird? We have talked to a few couples who just question why were are in the LS at all. They have said that what we are looking for is a "tall order" or that "we aren't actual swingers" which I can understand to a point.. but isn't this site for people also looking to explore their sexuality in a safe place with no judgements? I would love some feedback or advice if anyone else in a similar situation because at this point I don't feel welcome. Thank You![/quote] I think what you are "looking for" is not a surprise... you want a Unicorn... now, asking a couple to "loan" you their female half ( with nothing in return to the other male ) ... yeah, long shot on that for sure. Good Luck in your search.

Swinger & 🦄 Bait - An experiment to attract swingers and unicorns. - No unicorn bait to be seen at Vasa in AF, Utah... Guess we should bring some.

40i-ish couples - - [quote=SHENANIGANIZER][quote=EVILDOERS]In our 50's, Mormon (well, technically I guess, haven't been ex'd...that we know of) and looking for our next sisterwife. Hit us up![/quote] Keeping your options opened incase jesus comes?[/quote] Whaddya mean "in case"? Oh, He's a comin'. Just wait 'n see. And then all you nasty wom...er, I mean swingers 'er gonna be sorry. Any idea what the penalty for swinging is in the Bible? I don't either but it's prolly pretty bad. Right up there with wearin' cloth woven of two different types of fabric and eatin' a cheeseburger (mixing meat and dairy). Don't say you haven't been warned! [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/97/c4/55/97c455cff387e2555f625a48d6049c28.jpg[/img]

Black Ring - Who has theirs and how have they caught on? - A black ring worn on the middle finger of their right hand is a common symbol of the asexual community. The material and exact design of the ring are not important as long as it is primarily black. The black ring is often associated with people who identify as swingers. However parts of the swinger community have taken care to inform people to not wear the black ring on the right hand, middle finger out of respect of the Asexual community. Plain black rings also coincide with the symbol ? which symbolized asexuality and genderless. This symbol is also often written in black, simple because it's a common ink color. Your right middle means "currently single", the right ring means "currently taken" and since the left ring means "taken/married" in a permanent sense, then the next logical conclusion would be that left middle means "permanently single". Now if you want to be really confuesd try and find a definition for Asexual LOL

Mardi Gras 2007!!!!! - Its never too early to plan - A group of people from Las Vegas have worked with a hotel in New Orleans and set up the entire hotel for a huge swingers gathering at Mardi Gras for 2007. The event is open to anyone and we hope will help with getting New Orleans back on its feet. We know this past Mardi Gras was a success for the city but next year should be a huge blow out. Already half the rooms of the hotel are booked. So they are going quickly. The package is for just the room and transportation to the airport upon the completion of Mardi Gras. It also includes access to theme rooms throughout the hotel and access to specific rooms for balcony access to Bourbon street and a walk down the parade route. For more information please check out http://www.mardigrasswingers.com/ when you sign up remember to let them know that Alini refered you. An entire hotel dedicated to swinging couples at Mardi Gras. Its as close to heaven as it gets......well you know what we mean.

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