
Bunkie Swingers in Louisiana

Bunkie Swingers

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Bunkie, Louisiana Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Bunkie, Louisiana so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Bunkie Swingers right away!

This lifestyle - What are we really? - MORDON: Huh?? Wow...no easy task to consolidate concepts as broad and inclusive as swinging and/or polyamory into neat little boxes. I'm still trying to follow how you grouped the two into polar opposites. I'm not sure that the way you're defining either of those would be true for the majority of those in the swinging communities, and especially not Sirensextress or myself. If I have the ability to to love more than one person...then yes, I suppose I am polyamorous, but NOT in the same way that a couple who is truly polyamorous might view it (I do love not just one but all my children/siblings and whatnot). You've painted a rather bleak and harsh picture of us non-polyamorists, by boldly stating that swingers are, "friends with benefits....True swinging is having sex just for the sake of having sex. No talking ...no getting to know each other...not caring one iota about the other person. Basically have sex and if the other person dies on the way home ...who give gives a shit!" That statement is well, to put it bluntly, naive and uninformed. We've never engaged in sex without talking, or getting to know one another. How else would we know if there's any chemistry? We care greatly for most of the people we've encountered through swinging, and would most CERTAINLY care if they died on the way home! In short...we "give a shit"! I think in it's broadest sense, the term "swinging" is large enough to cater to the appetites of a wide spectrum of people, from those that are inclined to polyamory, to those that prefer to fuck 'em and leave 'em, to those that are the swinging wannabe's, to those that are exclusive. We are by no means polyamorous, but yes, we've run into couples that are in the truest sense of the word, poly. In fact, we've met couples that have wanted us to participate in the poly lifestyle. However, they are looking for something quite different that what we are looking for. Neither my wife nor myself are looking to be "married" to another couple, or to become a "secondary" husband/wife to them. Yet, being the "non-polyamorists" that we are, and according to your definition, we should be unable able to maintain very close friendships with any other swingers. Actually...our experiences have been quite the opposite. Most of our closest friends have come out of The Lifestyle. Do we love them? Yep. Have/are we sexually intimate with them? Yep. Are we romanticaly involved, exclusive and IN love with them? No. Do we love them like family? Yep. Are we polyamorous? No. Does this just boil down semantics? Yes..probably. However I felt compelled to speak on behalf of those of us that actually do care about the people that we meet through the lifestyle. Cuz we DO give a shit and we're NOT the cold-hearted people we've been made out to be! :)

Happy hairless people - Opinions please - [quote=FUCKCHASTITY][quote=356KINKY]Shaving is great, but waxing is the way to go. We only wax once a month and wouldn't do it any other way. [/quote] I have thought about waxing but my hair grows too fast. I have to shave everyday so if I waxed I think it would only stay away for a few days, making the price and pain not worth it. So i guess my question is, does your hair grow that fast too and waxing really does help keep it at bay for a month, or are you one of the lucky ones that grows hair slowly so a monthly wax works for you?[/quote] The waxing is much easier and it does stay smooth for about 6 weeks once you do it a couple of times and the more you do the less the pain and it is not realy that painful anyway. Brazillian is the way of the future just make sure if you are a guy you have a pro or you can get hurt. We live on the east coast and among swingers and nudist from TN to Florida I think the % is very high.

What Percentage Swinger Are You? - Maybe this is interesting - We have an awesome sex life and have had one since we met 5 years ago. I was his dream come true his hot red head. He was my hot lustful prince with a naughty naught side but a true gentleman of course!! We did not start out as swingers it was as if life took us in this direction and things seem to lead us to swinging. Sara being so adventurous seemed to find some fun anywhere she went did not matter. Josh likes to watch and it works for us. So our main feeling on swinging is to have a great time together and let the night happen. We do not play to often but we are out a few times of month mingling with our friends and meeting new people too. We usually only play with established friends and we do not always have to play with them as hanging out is always fun as well. We aim to please hehehe WE are thankful for the many friends we have made you make our life grand and hope we have done the same in return for you as well.....Happy Swinger Saturday lovers!!!!

Bikers and Babes Party Plans are final . - Sat Oct 14th Club Tastebuds in Orlando. - Hey guys great question. We will do cars in a pack and Bikes in a Pack all with the same route pre planned the week of . We would like to do it with some cool stops. Like an Adult Toy store and Maybe a Wing House or Hooters and or poss a nice Park. This way if some get separated from others it will not be long be for all are hooked up again. Can Take time to shoot the shit a bit and enjoy the social fun of it. Then head Back to Tastebuds hotel The Heritage Inn Hang by the pool clean up Cars and Bikes for the Hot Car and Bike Contest. As long as we have the #s for the ride and the Contest we will do them.Need to get some partisapation for this type of event. We deff will be doing the indoor Poker run and the Wet T Shirt Contest But we sure could use some of you guys mailing and posting up. As of Now 3 Cars are in and 8 Bikes. We plan to ride reguardless and hang by the pool if its just a small quaint group thats cool. The Fun will realy get Kicked up that night. We have worked hard on this event and enjoy trying to put on and host a party for Tastebuds from time to time. We hope those of you that have come in the past when we were involved with a party will enjoy this one and bring a few new faces with you. We would like to take a second to thank Club Tastebuds for allowing us to do the paries we have and are doing like this one. Please note to all even with the added expence the Club does not raise any prices. We are an average cpl who just want our friends and those we would like to get to know and their friends to just have a great night out. We all work hard and if we can have a blast and others can as well from a little planning and a bit of hard work . Hell we all win. We hope you guys and all you Swingular Swingers will come out for this Party. Please bring a friend and spead the word. Thanks Traci and Pat

Ever Been Roofied At A LS Party?? - - I'm posting this question on a swinger site because it was at a SWINGER party with other SWINGERS. Thankyouverymuch, Rick and Jess. So here's how it went down: We (me and husband) went to dinner with another LS couple we're very good friends with and have known a long time. While waiting at the restaurant, she and I went to the bar and got 1 glsss of wine. We watched the bartender open and pour the wine (although 1 of us had the bottom of 1 bottle before the next was opened to finish both glasses). We finished our wine while all four of us shared the same sushi. The guys didn't get sick. So we do not believe it was the sushi. We ate at 7:30 After dinner, the four of us went back to our hotel to change for the Casino Royale LS party. She and I had different drinks, but we both used the glasses in the hotel room. Our husbands used the plastic cups. She had 1 shot. I had 1 very small glass of champagne as the glass was barely bigger than a shot glass. Possibly contaminated glasses? By 10 we were at the party. I played poker, and had 1 1/2 drinks while I played for 1 1/2 hours. One was brought by my husband, the last drink was brought to me by another good friend who I've known about 2 years. My girlfriend had 1 drink made right in front of her by the bartender and that's it. Within 1/2 hour of arriving, my girlfriend was in the bathroom puking her guts out for about an hour. She almost had to be carried out. Went home and fell asleep on the floor w/o being able to move at all. She had had only 2 drinks the whole night, WITH dinner. She says she wasn't drunk at all when the sickness hit. About 45 minutes after that, I suddenly felt very ill and had to rush to the bathroom, where I evidently puked for quite a while. I recall bits and pieces of that part, but most of my memory from that portion of the night is gone. That part is suspicious to me. I recall about 10 seconds of my husband helping me out to the car, I recall 2 seconds of puking again at the hotel, and that's it. I don't remember him getting me ready for bed or anything else until morning. I awoke at 5am thinking I was having a heart attack and went to the ER. So....yes, lots and lots of puking. NO diarrhea. Some memory loss. We both doubt alcohol poisoning as neither of us were drunk when the puking hit. We both felt woozy and weak for about 2 1/2 days. It was Tuesday before I really ate again (her too.). I can't figure out WHY someone would roofie me or her as we were with our spouses. But the fact that we got so violently ill so fast, and the fact that both of us lost our memory for a couple of hours before falling asleep does make us suspicious. The symptoms are just unclear enough that it could be food poisoning, or it could be a drug. The three drugs I looked up as date rape type drugs have differing symptoms. But I can't imagine anyone giving a woman something that made her violently ill and hoping to benefit from it. That's why I thought I'd see if anyone else in the lifesyle had heard of this or had it happen. Thanks!

why is it ! - - I think it's all or mostly about perspective, physical perspective. We get to see them having sex from a totally different angle. When we are involved we can't see the whole picture (or is that hole picture). We are also, caught up in the in the event as well. So when we see them in the throws of passion (since I'm such an illiterate schmuck, the word fucking would suffice) we have a different view and a different "perspective". If we are also, and at the sme time engaged with the guy's wife we may also get that little feeling of naughtiness added to the voyeuristic sense we experience. If we are truely swingers we have grown beyond the urge to pounce upon the other fellow since we conscienously, both husband and wife conscented and made the decission to have sex with others and placed jealousy in a trunk somewhere. So I really think it is a different perspective than we get when we have sex with them.

Posting Utah Events - A bit of help? - Educate me... How do I go about getting a couples-only event approved and posted to the site? I am interested in inviting Utah Swingers to a Moulin Masquerade Meet-and-Greet Burlesque Show to be held on February 14th in Salt Lake City. Any help spreading the word would be appreciated! Jennifer

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - It seems the bad experiences with a few select single males has lead to such "hatred" in the lifestyle. We don't have an interest in playing with single males but we can say that for the most part they have been very respectful upon our reply. Hopefully as time passes the single male will continue to get a better name and those that are disrespectful will be in the minority. R&S

What really defines a TRUE swinger? - - [quote=T4REAL69][quote][quote=HCOUPLE6988]ok so what would you classify someone who was considered a swinger by some for 10 years but now that im single does that revoke my swingers card because i am no longer married?....just trying to figure out where all of us that fit into this category falls into for all of you that choose to define someone[/quote] Oh man that's easy you are now all that is wrong and evil in the world....I thought you knew....lmao...welcome to the "DARKSIDE" ;)[/quote][/quote] FUCK..... o well I guess I'll try and have as much fun as possible on the darkside now i just need to find a storm trooper outfit so i can fit in :)

Any Swingers out there? Golf swingers that is... - - Im up for 18 holes game and fun lol

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