
Bentley Swingers in Louisiana

Bentley Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Bentley, LA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Bentley looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Bentley, LA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Bentley, Louisiana Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Bentley, Louisiana so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Bentley Swingers right away!

Friend collectors or swingers - - We have a handful of friends now. We keep them because we would like to meet them, but we haven't reached out to all of them yet. If we reach out and they don't respond we delete them.

Scuba, Nude Beaches, Swingers - Scuba, Nude Beaches, Swingers - We also love to dive and was thinking how much fun it would be to do a livaboard trip with swingers. I dont know of any outfits that would possibly allow it but think it would be fun. We spent 7 days on the Cat Pallue in the Bahamas diving the Exumas what a blast. Anyways if something comes about with a nude cruise let us know.

Staypineapple?!?! - - [quote=Utahldscouple]We are as well. It has pineapple decor everywhere. Wondering if they are marketing to swingers without directly marketing. We have kids with us otherwise we would try 😂![/quote] Your still a bad influence. 😂😈

Equal Treatmeat for all singles - singles - There are a lot of good points that have been made but the reality of it is this, whether you want to believe it or not. Swingers are in this lifestyle for the fun. The majority of swingers are couples and some would even argue that you have to be a couple to be considered a swinger but that's another topic. Swingers are here to connect with others whether for sex or friendship. If it is for sex, it is for the fun of sex to enjoy with other like minded people. Some choose to have this sex with other couples, some choose to have this sex with single males or single females. We all have the right to choose. If we choose not to have sex with single males, it doesn't mean we have some sort of trust or self-confidence issues, it just means it's not what we want to do. Same with couples or single females. Yes, single men are a dime a dozen and that is where the problem lies. There are thousands and thousands of single men who enter this lifestyle and most of them do it because of the sex. They have no understanding of or respect for the lifestyle and so their actions give the ones who do a bad name. So with that said, let's say the percentage of bad single men compared to non is 95%. Now, that doesn't mean there are some bad single women or bad couples. But let's put this into perspective. The number of single women in this lifestyle is a very, very small percentage. Yet, let's say the percent of bad single women compared to non is only 5%. And couples, well, they are already a couple with both a guy and a girl and they are already given a free pass into the lifestyle because, well, they are a couple so we'll leave them out of this equation. So now you have two different seals. The Real Seal and the VIP Seal. They both serve a similar purpose; to show that you have somehow proven that you are a real person or couple. The difference is that the VIP which stands for Validated In Person can only be given out by an admin or local host. And the person holding the VIP is the only person other than an admin or local host that can issue a REAL seal. Make sense? Now, as a single male in that 95%, what do you care most about? Probably getting laid and seeing as many pictures as you can. After trying unsuccessfully to get people to send you pictures or give you access to their private photo albums, you decide to create a fake profile as a single female or couple. What are your chances of creating that profile and getting someone to show you their private collection? Better, but not by much because a lot of couples will not show them to you unless you have a REAL or VIP seal. So it deters them from becoming picture collectors. But wait, if that single male was able to somehow get a VIP seal on his single male profile, he could now validate his own fake profile as REAL and raise his chances of seeing more private albums and faking his way on this site. Now you tell me who is more likely going to fake a profile. A couple? A single female? or a single male? I'll tell you who, it's not going to be a couple or a single female because that is what most people are looking for so why would they need to? It's a sad reality but it's reality. And that is why we have the seals in the first place, otherwise, why would we need them? Now for parties and such, the reason why single females are mostly allowed and single men are not is for similar reasons as mentioned earlier. You have more single guys interested in this lifestyle than single women and it's more likely you would have 100 single men at a party and only a handful of women. As a couple, especially a new couple, that's pretty intimidating and out of those 100 single men, if 95% of them had no respect for the lifestyle, what are the chances that something bad could happen? Even if it was only 20%, the chances of some single male ruining it for the rest is pretty high? Get my point? So that is why you rarely see parties that allow single men. And it really sucks for those singles who are gentlemen. Again, it's a sad reality but it's reality. For all you single men out there who are in this lifestyle for the right reasons, keep doing what you are doing and someone will notice you. There are plenty of people looking for single men but you have to make yourself stand out from the crowd. Be patient and don't try too hard and eventually it will come to you. I hope this sheds a little light on this subject. These percentages may not be exact but it's a close scenario. I've been in this lifestyle for a very long time and some of that was as a single male so I know both sides. It's not being discriminatory, it's what has to be done to protect the main people in this lifestyle and that's the couple. Unfortunately, because of that, the single male gets the short end of the stick. But it has to happen, otherwise you would scare off the majority of couples interested in this lifestyle and without them, you have no one to meet in the first place. You might as well just post an ad on a regular dating site if that was the case.

LDS Survey Results - - [quote=HOTTYZX2]Oh yeah just cuz lds is one of the main religions does not mean it is the most common if you put all Christian religions together and I mean all of them including Mormons catholic etc all combined there is only six hundred million more Christians ( as a whole. ) than the Islam religion making them the most common. So no one is bashing on the most common religion because so far I am the only one to bring up Islamic religion. We are bashing on poser two faced punks..[/quote] The problem with your argument is you didn't comprehend what you read. [quote=LUCKYWONS]We are in Utah, so the most common religion is Mormonism, which makes this poll most applicable to the demographic, [/quote] In other words, Here in Utah the most common religion is Mormonism, which makes this poll most applicable to the demographic (i.e. Utah) A majority of the state's residents are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). As of 2007, 60.7% of Utahans are counted as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, although only 41.6% of them are active members.[ According to a report produced by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life the self-identified religious affiliations of Utahans over the age of 18 as of 2008 are:[7] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 58% (labeled as Mormon on survey) Unaffiliated 16% Catholic 10% Evangelicals 7% Mainline Protestants 6% Black Protestant Churches 1% No Answer 1% Other Faiths 1% Buddhism <.5% Eastern Orthodox <.5% Hinduism <.5% Islam <.5% Jehovah's Witnesses <.5% Judaism <.5% Non denominational <.5% Other World Religions <.5% Margin of error +/- 6% So, If my math is correct, all groups designated as Christian, other than LDS, make up 25% of the states religions. That is already less than half the percentage of the Mormon church, yet just that 25% completely dwarfs Islam's .5% HOTTYZX2, calm down and clear your head before you go making radical declarations about numbers you obviously haven't researched. Granted this information was valid as of 2008, but I did not find anything more recent, and I think it is at least a good benchmark to go on. [quote=HOTTYZX2] And FYI Utah is the swinger Capitol of the nation. Utah has more swingers then organ and Washington has hippies..[/quote] I would love to know where this statistic comes from. I have been searching for it for weeks now and can't find it anywhere. Does anyone know?

Identifying Swingers! - Lots of talk and now some action! :) - ok thank you AS for no t getting mail Ill check it to it ive been getting mail so im not sure whats going on..... and ty

Mon chalet - Swingers motel - where is it?

What is your fantasy for 2008? - Many have made resolutions for 2008, but some of us may have made a resolution to fullfill a fantasy. What's yours? - our fantasy for 2008 is to meet as many swingers as we can and also enjoy them

Jazz Fest 2nd weekend - Anyone going to jazz fest this weekend? - Anyone going to Jazz fest in New Orleans this weekend, 5-1 to 5-3 ? Let us know if you go. A group of swingers from the Houston area will be there and we might want you to join us...[em]Emo_4[/em]

Naughty in West Jordan - - First time we've come across a lifestyler outside of a swingers party!!😈

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