
Alexandria Swingers in Louisiana

Alexandria Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Alexandria, LA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Alexandria looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Alexandria, LA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Alexandria, Louisiana Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Alexandria, Louisiana so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Alexandria Swingers right away!

Swingers Vacation Spots - Help us - Hedo is our dream vacaction and we plan on going sometime in 2004. I was wondering if anyone had any bad experiences there or places we should stay away from while we are there.

Swingers unnerve families at hotel - - The 15 year old boy who saw the diamond-studded thong is either lying or the world\'s biggest nerd. He was \"upset\" at seeing that! Sure, right buddy. Uh, I was a 15-yr old boy once - seeing that would have \"upset\" me too - until I found a place to beat off or my girlfriend! While I don\'t condone the kids seeing what they saw, to say they will be scarred for life is a bit of a stretch. Undoubtedly though, in our litiginous society, they will be scarred until the cash settlement from the hotel chain is received by their parents.

BUSTED! Your Kids Found Out Your Swingers. Now What? - - I would have to agree with TR, you arent poking your nose into their private life and they need to stay out of yours. Then again we havent been busted. mtman

A Cuckold Questionnaire (Cuckold Wannabes Please read) What turns - A Cuckold Questionnaire by Experienced Bull [49M] in TEL AVIV - ISRAEL - [quote=RUNNINWILD]Who in the hell put.. DELICIOUSLYWET or DOUBLED03 in charge of what Utah swingers are. morons maybe if your had creditable proof that might say something but you don't for a stupid post like this (Dude, the swinger reality, at least here in Utah, is way different than the porno you must be watching. Polite, charming and respectful guys are the premium around here. This questionnaire comes off really adolescent.)Speak for your self not here in Utah. Maybe there are people who side with him here in Utah, and you have no right to speak for all of Utah...you fucking Dike's[/quote] You missed thevote. We elected them our representatives.

Swingers in a vanilla bar... - - @JSTJIM72 - OK - so if they say 'no' - just how would you explain a swingers type of bar / club to someone who's vanilla? If it was you, and you were approached in a vanilla bar, how would the converastion go?

Hot wives - Who else loves it? - - [quote=HYM4CYN]By experience, not by literature, where have been the best places you have either picked up a hotwife or been picked up? We have always done much better on vacations or outside of Utah. How have you let people know you are available or how can you tell she is available?[/quote] We have discovered that there is a better chance on a lifestyle cruise or a resort such as Hedo and Desire. Pre-covid, Vegas has a lot of hotel take over events where it happened a lot. But there are also some hotels and casinos here that are magnets for swingers. We love going to upscale casino bars and letting my dressed up wife go into alone while I stay close by. It never fails that a man will eventually approach her as she sips her martini at the bar.

Rude comments can stop members from sharing. - - You know. I have heard it said that noone ever made a monument to a critic. If you want to post the pictures, please post them. For those who will never have a monument dedicated to them, may I say, grow up. Everyone sharing this site should be able to reasonably express themselves in words or in pictures as they so desire. Just as you don't want to be judged by others for being a swinger, neither do swingers wish to be judged by ignorant, self-absorbed other swinger critics. Above all, acceptance of others should be our credo here on this site.

sh*t swingers say - to preach to the choir - That was funny as hell :)

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - Don Juan wrote: Utah, I have every right that you have. I earn them, one could argue more than you do, because I think for my damn self, and I challenge ludicrous bullshit that swallow whole. You, on the other hand, take the easy way out. So I dare. Over and over. No matter how furious it makes idiots like you. Those who would give up freedom to gain a little security deserve neither. Recognize that paraphrased sentiment? It applies to you. ______________________________________ TSK TSK, so other than spout "Conspiracy!". What have you done? Besides talk. I don't see you fighting for your beliefs. If the U.S. is so bad, Revolt! I'd love to see you coming the other way. I'd bleed you real slow. You sir are a traitor, an enemy sympathizer, and a coward. Everyone sees you for what you are. Keep it coming. I want everyone to see you for the yellow worm you are.

An out of this world (or state) encounter - swinging parties - [quote=2TOHAVEFUNWITHU]We just moved here from California were we were part of a swingers group and kinda thought it was going to be the same out here. But we have found out there is huge differences out here lol. We are used to going to meet and greets at bars or motels and if you like someone you leave and play with them.the we are used to going to house partys which have been some of the best times of our life's lol. The house partys would have anywhere from 30 through 50 couples and there would be games and music and bring your own bottle share a bottle. They would have stripper poles and it would be a no pressure atmoshphere. The bold would end up naked and the others didn't have to if they choose not to. It was a great time there were private rooms and a couple big sex rooms were people can walk in and watch or they can ask to join. Was kind of looking forward to doing the same out here then found out the partys are nothing like that. We want to attend a meet and greet and meet new people and hang out. We are really good friends with the swinger group in bakersfield ca and they are opening a club and we are looking at getting a bigger house and they,suggested that we use there name for the swinger group and throw some house partys. like we used to go to. But I'm not sure that would work out here to well because people are a lot more private and from what we have heard from the couple couples we talked to people are to afraid to go to a big house party because there afraid of someone else seeing them there which we understand. But if we end up getting the house we qre looking at we will have a big enough place to host and we will have the same kind of setup and games that we had in bakersfield. Would there be anyone interested in going to a big house party only swingers and everyone have a good time in a no pressure environment? And sexy fun couple if you throw a party count us in we would love to go to an actuall party and meet new people and if you like someone you can actually play and have a good time and if you need assistance we can help also. [/quote] If respectful, single men are allowed I would love to attend a house party like you described. I used to belong to a group here in UT that would throw monthly parties at a local hotel that were run a like the house parties you are describing. There would be a large meeting room for everyone to meet and mingle with games and some light munchies. then there was always someone that would host the after party orgy in their room. Good Times were had by everyone who attended.

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